Monday 5 x 5

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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:58 pm

how do you wash and sanitize your potting soil?

Oops! I should have clarified that I am washing and sanitizing the container and internal parts (not the potting mix). I have a big tote that I put the earthboxes into with soap, water & bleach. Some people replace their potting mix every 3 years. I just dump it all into a big container and combine the old & new potting mix. Then I refill the containers with potting mix along with dolomite & fertilizer and then they are ready to plant.

More progress made on DS10 bedroom. We worked together for over an hour sorting, decluttering and organizing the last 3 of the cubes. They contained a gazillion small pieces of misc stuff and a few small toys. DS10 is very sentimental and wants to keep EVERYTHING.
Me: Are you ready to give the Hot Wheel track and cars away? I haven't seen you play with them for several years.
DS10: No! I want to keep them.
Me: We are only keeping things that are not broke and that you use.
DS10: I will play with them!
Me: Okay. Set up the track and play with them now.
DS10: Plays with them for about 1 minute then says. Yeah, I don't want to play with them anymore. Put them in the giveaway away stack.
Repeat similar conversation dozens of times as we sort through the other items.
After we finished DS10 said, "It feels good to have all this done!"

I'm glad we made a good start today. However, the worst is still to come. We haven't started the toy chest yet. I'm not looking forward to that.
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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:14 pm

Twins - I'm glad you are getting some relief! Everyone I've talked to that uses CBD oil says the relief is almost instant. Almost everyone in my extended family has tried CBD oil for one reason or another. It has worked for some but had no effect on others. I have given it to DS10 when his tics become really bad. It did seem to help. We don't use it regularly but we keep the CBD oil in our medicine chest because it does have its uses. It is legal to use here.

Our state changed its opioid laws that took effect the first of this year. The new law made it extremely hard to get prescription pain meds. And when the doctor does prescribe them you can only get a one week supply. The prescription cannot be refilled without another hands-on visit with the doctor. So people who take pain meds have to go to the doctor every week. According to some news reports, this is causing people to either commit suicide or to start using street drugs for pain relief.
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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:01 pm

LadyM, I'm glad your family has gotten at least some relief from the CBD oil. I have a friend who uses it, I think for arthritis, and she said she thought it took about a week for her to get relief. For pain relief, the owner suggested that I use at least a small dosage everyday when I'm in "remission" because he said it had anti-inflammatory properties. I think the big key is right now was taking some meds after 8 hours, so I don't get to the point I'm hurting, but time will tell. I will experiment once I feel a little more stable. I am just so thankful that today has been better.

On the potting soil, I haven't sterilized my pots, just plant and dump some more potting soil in the top. It would be a good idea to do so, tho.

We have several days of rain beginning tomorrow. Possibility of 7-9 inches before next Sunday. And the ground is already soaked and the dam above us is spilling as much as it can to lower levels upstream.

I was pleasantly surprised that a lot of my stamp pads still had some juice.
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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:17 pm

Twins: I'm pleased you are looking at your stamp pads. It makes me happy to think of you stamping.

I got the bedroom tidied, dusted and vacuumed.

Dh and I scrounged two small 1'x1'x3'h shelves from the other building's garbage area. I brought them upstairs and cleaned off some glue that was on the top of the lower unit (they must have been stacked, judging from the posts in the 'lower' unit) and put them in the spare bedroom for now. My plan is to buy bins for them and put them in my closet. If I fold my knits and pants instead of hanging them, I'll have room for these. We'll see but for now they are stored out of the way and it gives me a cheap way to try this. I was looking at a $100 unit from IKEA this week, but I wanted to test out this idea before spending 'real' money.

I still have to wash up the dishes from the day. I might just load the dishwasher, although there are so few dishes, it is about the same amount of time to just wash them.

I think we'll take a week off of cooking. We've just had bought food for the last 3 nights, why not celebrate the mid-point of winter by taking off the next 4 nights? If we had gone south, we'd be eating out so just because we're home doesn't mean we can't.

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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:25 pm

Here we go again. Weather people say we will get up to .25" of ice tomorrow afternoon. All schools in this area have already announced they will be closed tomorrow. That's a tough call to make. The weather could change and they missed a day of school for nothing. They are going with "better safe than sorry".

After returning to my WOE I can feel my energy level rising. This is a good reminder for me.
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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:24 pm

Went to post a picture from today and hit the same wall that Harriet hit earlier.

Decluttering the SHE village will be a project coming up sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, if you go to old posts of mine and find the photos are gone, that's because I'm deleting all my travel photos. I tried to leave up my photos of other SHEs and my arts & crafts posts just because I have so few of those to share with you artsy folks! But the travel photos are coming down.

I'll be putting up a post telling you how to more easily cull your photos in the next week or so.

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Re: Monday 5 x 5

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:53 am

I would have loved to have participated in Monday 5x5, especially with all the options, and am pouting. :(

My day was totally taken up and finally here I am - it is 11:40 p.m. here, by the way.

I dove in to more cleaning this a.m. after having a marginal night's sleep.

I awakened to see the results of another high-energy night for HRH. :shock: These are just nuts when they happen - usually on the heels of some very low-energy days, as was the case today. He had done so much declutter of his own things through dining/living. He declutterd the front bathroom. I don't see how he manages not to wake me on these nights. He hung out with me a while as I got to work on morning kitchen things and surface cleaning, then he went to his office to work on appts, then to shower.

While he was showering his friend arrived. The visit was very pleasant and HRH took the reins in the kitchen. I would not eat with them but allowed them their time together. Everything was fine. After that, we just chatted and hung out until 3, when his friend left.

Dstepson visited briefly.

Not long afterward, HRH and I just had to get to work on taxes, as the appt is tomorrow morning. We had some gaps that we filled by searching online. All we are lacking is dd's part to get to us, and I'm sure that will be easy for her.

HRH got this all totally organized for us. It's almost frustrating to go from a day he can hardly stop sleeping to a day he's so alert and busy. It makes my head spin.

He and dd20 worked separately/together at the dining table, as she inked a huge sketch this evening. She's almost to a stopping point, and won't have to "pull an all-nighter" this week, for once.

Elizabeth - Happy to hear good news for foundling cats. Makes me think of Art Carney and his long experience with sewers.

Dee, sorry to hear about the sickness for him, and during his school break, too.

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