Health and Fitness, March, 2019

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:51 am

Harmony, now that the pain is under control, I'm wondering about decreasing the dosage, but I'm now taking the "ER" version that can't be broken or divided. I started taking it last spring, and once the pain was in "remission" I was able to decrease the dose significantly. When I had to increase it this winter, I wasn't taking the ER version and it left me nauseated all the time.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:23 pm

cats, thank you for mentioning that blood sugar meds can cause weight gain. It dawns on me this was yet another thing that was never discussed with HRH regarding these 6 months in which he's to take a lot of meds for treatment of an auto-immune condition. He has to take the steroid prednisone, which he was warned would cause both weight gain and the side effect of high blood sugar, so also had to start bs meds along with it. He's been very discouraged by weight gain, water-weight surprises, etc. since then. The prednisone even caused the surprise of a jump in his usually ideal cholesterol.

The omissions of information have been very pronounced at this doctor's office. There are just more and more things that HRH has to learn on his own, being surprised by side-effects and asking what caused them. If I hear that nurse say one more time, "Well, of course we knew this was going to happen", I'll scream. Lousy communication, or, worse, a "for your own good" mentality of withholding info may send us looking for another doctor/opinion after this series of meds is over.

hula-hooping has been a fun exercise outlet for me lately. Better than peering out the window at the rain! I'm thinking of getting out my old book on it, although I don't think I've forgotten much I learned, and all the musical playlist info would be out of date, since methods of music accessibility are changing all the time. We already have the weighted hoop that was recommended, which seems to be so durable we may still have it years from now.

Seasonally it's an excellent time for walking here, but saturated, puddled ground gets in the way, as do the continuing threats of even more precip. That was the topic of conversation with some neighbors I ran into this a.m. They've been wanting to walk their new-ish puppy more consistently, but have gotten few chances, so he's still balking at the leash when they'd hoping to have him used to it by now.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:19 pm

Harriet, that's why i consult "Dr Google" so much! I know that doctors don't like to hear that but when doctor's time with us is limited by the profit model, getting info from other sources is essential. For me, finding an online support group has been a revelation also.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby RunKitty » Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:00 pm

Sorry to hear about all the drug side effects for Twins', Harmony, and HRH. So unfair and frustrating!

I'm free to run again!! We were finally able to create a path through the packed snow and ice to the part of the driveway that is now perfectly clear. I ran three miles this morning and most of my trail was also free of snow and ice. It was so warm this morning that I didn't need a jacket. Saw two coyotes being chased by a very brave beagle. All the flights of stairs I have been running while confined to the house have really done me a lot of good. I was able to get up the very steep and long hill (which credits me with 10 flights of stairs) much faster than before. So my new daily requirements will be 10 flights of stairs for every mile I run, plus the 10 flights during the day that I have always tried to get. It was so good to be outside again. :)

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:14 pm

I did 30 min. On stat bike and raked snow plus walked the dog.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:45 pm

Today I tried an experiment. Instead of taking my very expensive stomach meds, I tried one of my less expensive ones. Stomach stayed happy all day. Fingers cross I can continue to use this one. If not I’ll try alternating them. One prescription is $155 a month and the other is $11.

My weight has stalled. Still no sugar but I am going to cut out the fruit I’ve been eating. Think I will be alternating days with that as well.

My beloved trainer will be back in the gym starting April 1. Can’t wait to start working with him again. Not sure when my first day will be cause I’m on baby watch at the moment. However Jason’s classes are 5:15 in the mornings M,W,F. Think he will be doing a weight training class as will which I will
Participate in provided it’s at a doable time for me.

Jason is as excited as I am abt me returning to the gym. I am a happy camper!
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Mar 19, 2019 2:53 pm

Yesterday was a success with meds, and it seems to be working today as well.

Stayed on my eating plan. My morning muffin requires two packs of artificial sugar. Tried it without any but it was gross so made it today with one.i was able to eat it. Figure one pack of artificial sugar every onther day is ok, otherwise I’m still not using any in any coffee or tea.

Am eating out with girlfriends on Thursday night. It’s a Mexican place. Already looking Omer at the menu and plan to order a chicken sandwich with no bun or fries and will ask for extra lettuce and tomatoes.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:22 pm

Another good day with my meds.. I am liking that.

Already have 6220 steps today and its only 10am. Stayed on my eating plan, but need to start journaling again. I usually do that right before bed.

Also trying to eat between 11am-5:30pm window. Its working so far. Instead of fussing over lunch I've been eating my breakfast foods then. Dinner tonight is chicken, salad and left over green beans a broccoli.

The weather is changing from sunny to overcast with the possibility of rain. I can tell because I am getting a slight weather headache. Need to take some meds before it spoils my plans for today.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:37 pm

I did yard work and stat bike for exercise today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:35 pm

Today is day #4 of walking 30 minutes non-stop. I am going at a slower pace because walking faster causes deeper breathing which I can't do yet. I can take some deeper breathes better than I could a week ago but I'm not able to take repeatedly deep breathes enough to walk fast pace.

I have started tracking my food on MFP again. I am curious if I am eating something that is contributing to the bloating and pain. Knowledge of exactly what ingredients I am eating is the first step in tracking down anything that isn't agreeing with my digestive system.
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