Monday Monday

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Monday Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:50 am

Almost 10 a.m. and no one has started the week? Or are we all so busy we haven't had time to come here?

I need to get off my bottom and talking to you guys always helps me work that out!
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:02 am

I am CUOP while on our first 15 minute break in homeschool. Before we started this morning DS10 and I discussed the challenges of getting back into the learning groove. We have high hopes and low expectations. The first 45 minute learning session has been excellent. We are both thrilled.

I have a yearly eye appointment at noon today. We will have to leave an hour before homeschool is finished in order to make the drive. I'll take some portable assignments for DS10 to do while sitting in the waiting room.

I am so very pleased with the progress DS10 is making on self-management of getting up and doing his morning activities. I laughed when he told me how he tried combining eating breakfast while taking a shower. We discussed the logistics of that multitasking decision and I think he has decided that he won't be doing that again. Progress....not perfection.

Break is over. *POOF*
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:34 am

I spent a while reading the discussion from yesterday. It sounds like LadyM and her dh still feel "connected" despite doing different things, while Harmony and Kathryn and I feel more disconnected. Harmony saying her dh comes to her with "What shall we do today?" resounds with me. He sits in front of the TV and complains of being bored but doesn't make suggestions.

Last night picking him up at the airport was stressful. It's a small airport but still was crowded with cars and shuttle buses intent on getting their riders and getting out. I misread his "thumbs up" on the phone that he had his bag and was ready for pick up, then he wasn't there. So I circled and by that time he was ready but instead of standing on the sidewalk under a light he was standing between parked car and I couldn't find him. Meanwhile a shuttle bus and cars were trying to get through and when he was in the car I couldn't get into the stream of traffic. So we both were in a lousy mood - he because he'd been trying to get home all day and me over picking him up so late. So we barely talked last night and he was huffy about everything, even when I wasn't.

I need to make some plans for the day and the week. :shock: I don't know dh's schedule for the week. I know he's out tonight but I don't know otherwise. (This is one of the things that drives me crazy. I use Google calendar but he can't seem to learn it or won't use it or something.) We have a busy weekend (two events on Saturday plus going to visit out of town friends on Sunday) so I'm hoping for a quiet week, certainly a quiet Friday night...

I like keeping expectations low LadyM, then you can be pleased when things go well!
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:49 am

We have high hopes and low expectations.
That made me laugh, LadyM! A good start to my morning -though I've been busy for about 2 hours. Slept about 3 hours more last night. Think I actually got more rest than that as I was just not as active all night as the night before. Woke up last time at 8:35. :o I had suggested waffles & brown 'n serve sausage for breakfast. Of course everyone else had eaten by the time I let my T-med settle. DS-R, ddil, dgs14 & DD headed off to Indian Rocks (told them to wave to you, Sunny) a little after 9. They wanted to head to the beach after the heaviest of traffic & plan to be back before rush hour this afternoon. DD has all her packing to do for her trip to Seattle tomorrow. DDIL will be gathering their things. They figure they need to leave by 10:30 tomorrow to head to Orlando airport. Dh plans to leave about 4:30am tomorrow -so he can beat Orlando traffic. Then by the time he gets to Jacksonville it should be past rush hour. How I hate to see him go!!!! But he's more than ready to get busy -albeit he's quite out of shape. Sure he's going to have a rough time reacclimating.

I just finished refilling the better part of week's meds for him. Have his for the trip already in the overnight bag. Though I do need to get his meds out for tomorrow morning. At least he was able to take his metalozone this morning & won't need to take it again until Thursday. Works out well for his trip I think. He has to make a side trip to New Windsor, MD on his way to deliver rolled bandages for our women's group at church. He only has 4 boxes (fairly large) this year but they all figured it was better to take fewer each year than leave them for next year.

Have to make a l&&t of just what I need to do today to prepare for dh's trek. I heard the buzzer a few minutes ago, signaling that the LOL is dry & ready to be folded. So will do that first. Have to ask dh if he really needs anything that's in the colored side of the hamper. There's 2 things he "might" want. If so, I'll just do a very small LOL. So afraid I'll miss packing something. Yet, I've been at it (sort of) for weeks. He's hoping to be able to take some of dd's things too. We'll see. All I can say is, it's a good thing I'm flying.

Been thinking about Cathy all weekend. So sorry your trip was thwarted! Perhaps there'll be a reason that will show itself down the road -at least I can hope there's a good reason for this happening.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:07 am

Good morning ladies.
I need to get the groc. List made up and woeprk on the dailies, zone, and weekly stuff. That should cover it,
Waving to every one.

We had frost last night. I will wait a coup,e of weeks before I put plants outside. We are having cooler temps here this week.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:25 am


I have been to the travel agent and she made numerous phone calls and the insurance claim has been started. By started, that means emails are being sent and printed. I still need to go back with copies of all kinds of things.

Dee I had been procrastinating with meeting you ever since I moved here and now if it was to happen, it would involve you (and your dh) coming north instead of us coming south unless I was to come alone.

Dd should be here shortly. She is coming to work on her remaining 10 or 11 Rubbermaid bins.

No idea what we are having for supper. I would like to go for a Chinese buffet. It's up to dd.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:26 pm

Good morning! I made good progress on the list I posted yesterday. I did not get to the second kitchen table, but will work on that tonight. As soon as it is done, I can put a sewing machine there! LOLs were not needed, but I will do at least one tonight. I thought I put away all the groceries, but missed two small bags. All perishables did get put away, these are spices and canned goods. I must have gotten distracted.

I finished the back of a sweater this morning in carpool. I started one of the sleeves.

I have to clear out my work email, the mailbox is too full. It is also password change day, which is a pain. I need to finish the easy stuff I started Friday and move onto more significant changes. Getting the easy stuff done will simplify debugging more complex changes.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:35 pm

Good morning and afternoon. I am late! enthusiastic waving to all of you!
We have sunshine (cold but sunshine) Miracles on a Monday.

Hi d Cathy praying they get your money back to you! Yay on your dd stopping by today!

hi d nancy! cheering you on through your work of dailies, zone, weeklies
such a lovely thought of having plants go outside

hi d dee!
I will pray for your sweet dh to have a wonderful trip.
and that your dd has a wonderful trip to seattle

hi d lady. what a nice way to think about it. high hopes but low expectations - then it is always a nice surprise - built up expectations are a struggle when they can't be met. I like this! No over goal-ing and pressure. so happy you had a lovely 45 min session.
*poof there she goes - I am waving to her as d lady heads out to her day!

d twins - can you tell me to get off my bottom too?!!!
have a great day and thank you for starting us.

yay d elizabeth on your progress! cheering you on through your day as well!

have a great day all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:37 pm

so far - reset my planner for the week
did some of my morning routine,

today: home blessing
zones go to Friday
big one. dd older and I went through all of her keepsakes - but they are still on the counter and on the dining room table. I think we had so much fun that we reminisced and worked on it until she had to go home to the city. Now I am just putting the items in a box for her room.

time to get my bahooky in gear. much love to you all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:02 pm

Hello all. I have been puttering around, putting things away. I cleared the dining room table. I requested something and DH helped me put a hook in a wall in my closet so I could hang up my acrylic ruler. Walked out to the mailbox with the letter I answered.

Got a call from the eye center and they wanted me to make an appointment with the surgeon. He wants to look at my eyes. I asked what this was about and the lady said post-op, he wants to see if there is something he can do to help me see better. Eeeeeegads! What is he thinking about? Change a lens? Yikes! More laser surgery of some sort? I didn't want any of that reconstructive laser surgery in the first place. So I am nervous, trying to stay calm and not project on what I don't know. All I know is the O.D. was disappointed I could barely see the big E on Friday.

I go up for the appointment tomorrow around noon.

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