April Declutter and Organization, 2019

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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:20 pm

Swingset has left the property yippie!

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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:45 am

Yippie is right- good for you d nancy!

d harriet
Was able to toss some clothes -Yay!
totally understand about the blazers. I used to wear them but I like comfort now.
I think sometimes we keep things that make such good sense to our former selves!
very wise!

d twins you are a really busy woman!!! how about 1 thing (even a pen) a day a week. (weekends off) - stay focused in one area - that would equal 25 things in a month. each time it gets easier and easier.
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:46 pm

bw2, I was on a roll in January but lost momentum. I was doing one thing the first day of Jan, two the second, three the third, and so on...

I do have a box in the garage, so I'll plan on putting one thing a day into it for now. Should be able to contribute on weekends also if I go upstairs. :lol:

Thanks for the reminder.
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:46 pm

cheering you on d twins!!! rah rah rah
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:33 pm

blessed, I think it's great you are going through that course again, especially since it doesn't cost anything for you the second time. You're getting a lot of value - good job. I've read some of his most recent book and find that he's really able to explain a lot about minimalist theory. I don't have a desire to be a minimalist, but its interesting how he came to that decision for himself. I pretty much want to stay in my same house without downsizing, just getting closer to the ideal of a place for everything and everything in its place.

Reading his book got me to check in again on the Kon Mari methods as well. When I'd first learned about that, I didn't find much from her that helped me, but going over it again, I can see more benefit, I think. By the way, dd20 has the manga (comic book style) Kon Mari book. The pages are visually complicated, like most mangas, but it's an interesting story about one person's troubles and path through them.

Last week the trash bins were brim-full and I aspire to that again this week. Not easy, since I believe I'm going to have to get up early-early, but I can manage it. Last week was recycling and I got a lot of that done, too. This week no recycling is picked up, so I'm saving up for next week, I guess, lol.

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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:32 am

I love discussions! and sorry that I really go into it 8-) :D ( me: give this woman a nickel and she talks for a dollars worth.)

D harriet, I first looked at the Kondo method and found the idea of pulling everything out exhausting (for me),physically and intellectually. After watching her on netflix i got a better feel about keeping the things you love. That made sense to me.

My goal is not to be a minimalist because I couldn't live in such empty spaces as he and other minimalist live. My goal is to have more life that I love to do and less cleaning.

we still, after 5 years of decluttering every spring, had too much stuff . The over abundance of stuff in closets and in the basement drained me personally. At first I blamed dd youngers want to keep everything as the reason for so much stuff in the house. Her bedroom went beyond her space into 1/2 of the basement. I found, as I started the process, that I, dh and even dd older added to the large amount of stuff we couldn't use in a lifetime. dh can't part with things either.

I just got tired of moving the stuff around and struggling with the general cleaning.

Joshua Becker and Minimalist Mom (she is so sweet on her videos) are true minimalists. I couldn't live like that. I wanted what we needed to fit into the closets we have and few or No plastic boxes waiting for some day.

We still had way too much stuff. but now my stuff is (getting) controllable. 8-)

dh is getting better but still can't let things go. He has a dream vision of what he wants his stuff. dh is a keeper. dd younger is a keeper (way to much) and dd older is more of a "I am too busy" to go through things left behind at home. I can honestly say the stuff that is left is dh's and dd youngers. Mostly dh's!

Joining the facebook group, of this program, helped me realize that I wasn't the only one who struggles going through the stuff. ;).

The best thing I took from Joshua Beckers course was how we keep stuff that represents whom we were in our past - from sports to everything. We still want to envision or show our past.

He also says that many people keep things to show a wish version of themselves.
He said a friend loved the idea of woodworking and bought all the stuff to have out and look at but never did the woodworking. He realized that the idea was more enjoyable and appealing than the want to do it..

So you can see I still have way to much stuff. My basement is looking better and better and my goal is that it stays minimal; especially after the mice situation.

My other goal is that we keep our stuff limited to our closets. dd younger's stuff is in the 3 season room for now while I have things fixed and painted in her bedroom. I am not sure how this will go but I want her stuff to be in her closet and under her bed. Goal: New stuff in means choosing stuff going out.

Our garage is filled with dh (but it is better since I took most of my stuff out).. Dh's cars have always been in the garage.
(we are making progress).

I just got tired of our house being a storage unit. (so you see we did have so much stuff in different areas.). It was too hard to keep up.

I don't want to be a minimalist, my goodness no, but want my home to be easy to work with and if anything happened to dh or I that our d kids wouldn't have to deal with our stuff (dd younger would keep everything bc she would see the stuff as a reminder of us instead of just stuff). One family member still has 2 storage units of her past self and her mothers stuff (lots) - lots of money for stuff.

I love a good discussion!!! What works for you d Harriet and all? I am sure no one was as cluttered as I was. :D
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:24 am

I went to the donation centre on Monday and I had to laugh when I saw the amount of black garbage bags the donation place was throwing out. That stuff must be pretty bad for the donation place to toss it. I wish they had a recycling program for the materials instead of black bags.

dd older got rid of more things and emptied out her car - my born organized daughter had 2 -1/2 years of stuff from a past organizing client. oh my gosh...She never goes back there and out of sight really does means out of mind! I feel there is hope for my disorganized brain.

I haven't had a chance to have a decluttering hour this week so I will take hers as a ta da for me... lol :D I am bad. 8-)
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:48 am

I have been organized using my planner even help family on track with plans.

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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:12 pm

how wonderful is that d Nancy!!! BIG WAY TO GO!!!
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Re: April Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:17 pm

* I went through some of dd younger's things. I took out almost all the size small things - 2 large black bags full and donated them. she has a multiple of so so many cloths. I have always asked before I donated, but I am getting drained knowing that she doesn't like to get rid of things. I do and do not feel guilty. For trust - I feel bad. For decision making - I feel like i am helping her. These things have been in boxes in the basement for over 2 years. It is time to limit her to her closet alone.

After the mouse situation, I can no longer store unused cloths in the basement.
keeping so much is super draining for me.

2nd run:
I got rid of 3 more bags and one box. I am just waiting for dh to bring my car so I can go to the donation place again.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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