anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed May 08, 2019 7:05 pm

Phew.... busy day around here.

My trip to Dallas was wonderful once I got there. Weather sent me to Houston first followed by several hours of delays. My two hour flight took 12 hours with all the delays.

Had a grand time with my granddaughter... she’s a bit fussy due to gas, but her parents finally started using malacon (sp) after my very gentle suggestions. Fun to watch my son who has turned into the baby whisperer. Vera has certainly turned into a daddy’s girl.

Yesterday I had a migraine so today is catch up day with laundry, a trip to the post office and grocery shopping. Fortunately I emptied my suitcase and put everything away when I got home on Monday.

Tomorrow my friend Twig will be here for an overnight stay. She is leaving for a destination wedding my in Costa Rica and flies out of Phoenix early Friday morning. She is leaving her car here with me.

Saturday I’m joining some friends for a Mother’s Day afternoon tea. No big plans for Sunday but Sweetie is taking me out for MD dinner on Monday... it will be less crowed and I’ll be home during Sunday for all the phone calls.

Tonight’s dinner is leftovers from last night. Tomorrow I’ll cook enough sweet and sour chicken for the next day and Saturday I’ll do the same with a roast. That way I don’t have to cook for Mothers day and can relax and enjoy myself.

Waving to y’all !!!
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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Harriet » Wed May 08, 2019 7:13 pm

blessed was early, wearing a cheerleading outfit and bouncing around the village. My first reaction was... .. stop that. But after I yawned and stretched and came to life (smile) I saw wisdom in it.

My procrastinated thing was responding to an email that took some info-gathering on my part. It was dreaded, in that getting it done will bring more emails back, and more headaches. Had to be done. I tried not to give so much info that it brought up ideas for more work.

In true DMV fashion, we wasted time there today. Tomorrow should be better. I've never been so prepared in my life for the DMV - even had a folder, lol. And there was still one little thing that sent us home unfinished. Dd said if she didn't know better, she'd have thought they fix it so people will have a hard time. No comment.

Dstepdil was going to come over to get HRH to help her send in her video project, which was being rejected by the software at college every time she tried to send. Happily, with her last try before driving over, it went through. So she just came over to return what she'd borrowed and chat a while. She's finished until her next course starts up late in the month.

Lent both a top and slacks to dd for today, so she could look prepared for the formal gallery reception this evening. She has really come down to the wire in ready clothing by the end of this semester, with the final two exams one after the other. She needs to tackle Mount Washmore, and in fact go on an expedition to find some lost clothing. :roll: She hadn't intended to wear such nice clothes to the afternoon meeting about the shooter situation since everyone else would be casual, but would have no time to change between the two events.

HRH felt well enough to mow today.

Hope it turns out to cause no more worries, Dee.

Sunny and Harmony got to hang out together - yay.

Elizabeth, I hope you feel better soon and can figure this out.

Nancy, I love the look of marigolds and petunias together.

What a wonderful trip, Ramblin'! You must have been smiling so much.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 08, 2019 7:16 pm

i am so happy you had a wonderful time with your sweet grand daughter!!! wonderful d rose!
sorry you had a migraine yesterday! hope you feel better
you are a busy woman!!!

lol - d harriet - did you noticed I ran and ducked! 8-) :D
I pray the emails back won't cause too many headaches.
so happy the video went through for your dd
what a blessing - so lovely to hear that he had energy to mow... wonderful

hello all
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 08, 2019 7:35 pm

DS10 has a new Tourette's tic. This one is vocal which makes him embarrassed to be in a classroom environment. He asked to not attend church tonight because he didn't want to be making the sounds where everyone would hear it. He spent some time this afternoon trying to restrict/suppress the tic to see if he could keep it quiet but wasn't successful. His stress level goes up which causes the tic frequency & volume to intensify. I reminded him that the tics come and go. He wanted to try CBD oil again so we are doing that.

I made a pot of soup tonight. It is the only thing that sounded good to me.
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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Nancy » Wed May 08, 2019 7:48 pm

Waited to put in the plants we had thundering and rain.
There is a plant sale I want to go to and can put new things in with what I already
have if I find some. H. Is home I have cut some roast off for dinner.
Got biscuits in the oven now.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 08, 2019 8:52 pm

I'm glad ds asked for the CBD oil. It means he's taking charge of his treatment. Since he has to manage this until he outgrows it, he needs to know himself well enough to learn what works, what doesn't. You can provide suggestions and guidance and second opinion, but he'll have to learn his own body.

Dinner was very good. I had peppers, broccoli, tomato, carrots and spinach, cooked in assorted ways, for my veggies.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Lynlee » Wed May 08, 2019 10:21 pm

3 loads of washing is on the line.
rah rah rah
duck quacks and runs.
Though not very often.

A bird flew into my front window lost a heap of feathers then sat while I lectured it on the wisdom
of avoiding flying into windows.
The front blind is lowered, avoiding the sunny day seen clear through the house
The bird flew away, lucky to avoid the deadly consequences of window smack.

Yesterday it was a case of lower the blind to trap a fantail for release outside.

Hoping to get some more mowing done today. The damp rises early so I can't leave it too late.
Just begin.
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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby Harriet » Wed May 08, 2019 11:20 pm

Lynlee, it's all fun and games until someone flies into a window. You were certainly within your rights to express your concern, and I hope the advice was taken.

Dd and I are going to try the DMV again in the morning, so I guess I will make it Errand Day. Before we head out to that town, I hope to go by PO here to mail a package and by the bank to make the first of the week's church deposits.

The afternoon will hold HRH's doctor's appt.

lucylee, traveling blessings wished for you and family - 10 hrs, yipes! You will be tired travelers.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby lucylee » Thu May 09, 2019 2:30 am

Turned out to be only (only) 8 hrs!
But I drove approx 6 of those 8... unusual for me, for sure. :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday. rah rah rah _ ducking and running

Postby blessedw2 » Thu May 09, 2019 8:46 am

praying this tic doesn't stay long for your sweet ds d lady!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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