Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

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Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:03 am

Hoping this day holds smiles for each of us, remembering or making new memories! Enjoy the menfolk, young and old, who are part of your life today, and share some stories so that they won't be lost.

Point out some photos. Take some. Notice who looks like a previous generation. Notice who "carries" an admirable trait and tell them so! Does each one know the surprising reason for your uncle's unusual middle name? What was that great kindness, again, that a dear father-figure did for you that time? Would others love to know that story?

Bow-tying and wrapping - valuable! Some secure stitching of family threads - priceless!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:40 am

I'm packing up here. I decided to bring binoculars so deliberately brought the pair my father bought for me when I was living in England. He felt I should have a pair there so I could see the birds I was hearing on the grounds of our flat!

I wished dh Happy Father's Day.

I've made a treat for dsil for dessert tonight to honour his Father's Day.

I'm up and moving. I've set a timer to 30's so I can get things done. The packing is basically done but I have the mass email to write and send and posters to deliver to the other building. That, alone, will take 30 minutes. I have to s2s as well as have breakfast.

Estimated departure time is 11:30. Dsil has set the time lines and he's very precise, seldom missing his scheduled times and he drives the process so dd will not be like me, where, if I'm off within 30 minutes of my goal time that is a huge success!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:57 am

lovely beginning d harriet!

hello sweet harriet, sweet kathryn and all!

I am thinking and praying for everyone who is working through elder care. sending love!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:59 am

Actually thought of two ddads of our boards this a.m. - Elizabeth's dad, thinking she's probably going to be calling him and making the distance seem shorter, and Ken not in Canada for the reason that he's remarkably not home for the holiday, lol. But he's teaching, so that's dad-like.

We had a not-so-great morning from about 5 to 7, with HRH feeling lousy. This had to do with feeling too well yesterday afternoon/evening when he mowed the grass. Sigh. Did too much, maybe. At one point he asked me to stay awake just to make sure he didn't need me (which is a strange enough request to get my attention). Anyhow, I sent an email at about 5:50 to all with whom dd or I would have rehearsed this a.m., to let everyone know our morning was too off-kilter to make the rehearsal and service. Time to just hang that up.

He mowed because of grands and others coming and wanting to have a welcoming lawn, since the grands stay outside when they visit him. The hens love to follow him when he mows, and I sat outside reading. Quite right to think about the lawn, in a way, since dgs7 and dgd3 came with their folks and caught lightning bugs all evening. Also a toad that sent me squealing since I figured it was just more lightning bugs in ds7's hands and he surprised me, and the toad jumped straight out as he opened his hands in my lap.

Dgd was so exited to tell HRH that she was giving him "light" in her box, and her parents were so intent on shushing her, that I don't think there was much surprise when HRH pulled his new flashlight/lantern out of the box, lol. Especially since he's been hinting for it for a while now.

Today dstepson and dstepdil have invited us out to lunch but we realize now we'll just be bringing something back for HRH. That suits him fine, though, and he considers it a great treat. We're all so glad dstepdil feels like doing things again - she struggled emotionally after the death of their little dog was so heart-wrenching. Also her college courses have been intense. So we've hardly gotten to see her in a month.

blessed, so true thinking of our dear friends making WISE decisions with eldercare now. Twins and LadyM especially on my mind.

I've been away from the boards. I know. Not intended. Not a lot of time in the first place and dealing with some transition stuff at church that is clogging all our brains. I'll just use the word "transition". That's a nice word.

Looks like I'm on track to get to take my course in early fall. Have to write short essays in advance now to be sure of meeting requirements- not a problem just feeling perfectionistic, lol.

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:05 am

we had an absolutely lovely time at the party yesterday!
i finally accepted that I am not a sister and it is so much more peaceful for me. The sisters see each other weekly with their families and you know they seem very happy. I think since I didn't have a family like this that I was trying to hold on to it for me as a sister. It's amazing how much one learns from struggles and how one can be okay. lots of peace for me to the point i could just find joy in the moment. dd younger has moved on and she too said that it hurt like crazy as they were her family but she is happy to have moved on and still have a good time.
We really had a lovely time and it was wonderful to see everyone. I just love seeing the kids; no matter how old they get they are still my little nieces and nephews :D

wishing everyone a joyous day.

I will invite d mom over but I am not sure she will come.
I know she wanted to go to church but dd's asked if we all stayed with dh as if I go out with d mom it is many hours away.
So no church today. I will take her to a mass at 8:00 am (during the week) in the chapel if she is willing to be up, out of the house, early.

Happy day to you!

transition is a great word d Harriet.
Oh my gosh your sweet grandchild made me smile.. Light in the box for a flashlight. how sweet.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:22 am

Kathryn reads charming story about Harriet's dgd.

Kathryn packs a flashlight.

Not sure that was the lesson I was to learn from that story!

I got the email off. My computer hung up in the middle of the work (completely non responsive from the keyboard except the mouse still works and half the things I click on sort-of respond.) I slowly managed to shut down everything except the open email and the list of email addresses and as there were fewer open programs, it settled down and worked properly.

I've s2s and am having breakfast now.

Two hours until my departure time. If I keep at things slowly but steadily, I should be ready to go early.

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Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:54 am

I have been out in the garden watering, and did some weeding also, the window was open and the birds woke me.
Still feeling a bit on the puny side.
Lunch with dd is set up.
I have had breakfast.
Mowing will wait.
Wishing every one a great day!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:06 am

We have a 11:30 reservation for father's day brunch with dkids. I'm not sure what the day holds after that.

I'm going to text or call hospice social worker this afternoon to give her a heads up about moving mom to skilled nursing. Although I'm wavering this morning I do think it's time. I can't understand 98% of what she is saying. Hospice nurse said to let what she wants drive the process but I can't really ask if she wants to be fed at this point. She seems to mostly enjoy - she will open her mouth when she understands that I'm feeding her but I can't understand the response if I ask if she wants soup.

I am not feeling great myself. Cough/cold?/allergy has returned and I'm feeling it in one ear. And I had decreased carbamazepine for Trigeminal Neuralgia (hence TN) again and last night my mouth was twinging up.

I need to s2s and walk the dog soon.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:20 am

have a lovely time d twins! it does sound like its time d twins. my hugs for you!
hope you start feeling better!

hello d nancy - have a great day yourself!

have lovely travels d kathryn!

breakfast is ready - biscuits are in the oven
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:45 am


Warning, very skippable rant ahead.

Absolutely no reason to celebrate anything in this house today. Both of our fathers were very physically abusive. My dad didn't tell me he loved me until the day my step mother died and never said it after that. Dh and his dad had fist fights at least once a week for many years. This is not a day that even gets mentioned in our house. We both have said that if there is a Hell, that is where we hope they are. If you look up the meaning of sociopath, my dad's picture should be underneath the description. In true sociopath ways, none of my relatives agree with my sister, my half brother or myself. We lived it, we knew it only too well. "Your father was a lovely man..." See the scar on my cheek? That was from a belt buckle.

In other news... dishes are done. Dishwasher just finished. Dryer also just finished for the first load of the day which was actually from Friday night.

Supper tonight will be hamburgers by request.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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