Health and Fitness, August 2019

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Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:15 pm


This is a thread about gaining and maintaining strength for our wonderful calling, Homemaking. As we care for our own health, we grow more capable and competent to care for our families, our neighbors and our communities. As we become more effective, our hopes for ourselves and those we care about get the best chance!

Several of us said we felt stronger in July! :D I remembered that collection of strength quotes we gathered here several years ago - the kinds of strength we need and how we gain strength. Also the frustration of roadblocks that make us detour to maintain it!

Which thought speaks to you? (I added one from Williams)

"Always remember, there is more strength in you than you ever realized or even imagined. Certainly nothing can keep you down if you are determined to get on top of things and stay there."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

"Somehow I kept my head above water. I relied on the discipline, character, and strength that I had started to develop as that little girl in her first swimming pool."
-- Esther Williams

" It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do."
-- Elbert Hubbard

"Our real problem, then, is not our strength today;
it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow. "
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Each of us should do something every day
That we do not want to do
But we know we should do,
To strengthen our backbone
And put iron in our soul."
-- Henry Hitt Crane

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 02, 2019 9:25 am

I walked yesterday and today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:35 am

I'm on track for 50K steps this week. This a.m. was 1000 shy of where I need to be for four days, so I'm on track for the first time in weeks and weeks.

I lost 1.6 lbs in the month of July - that is 1 July to 1 Aug, using the 10 day average weight. And 12.8 since 2 January, using the averages again.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby RunKitty » Fri Aug 02, 2019 12:39 pm

Thanks for the strong start, Harriet. I also want to thank you for mentioning Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen. After looking that up I began watching you tube videos about the Daily Dozen and eventually went to the Nutrition Facts website which has such a wealth of information. Our latest addition to our morning smoothies is amla (Indian gooseberry powder).

Congratulations on the weight loss, Twins'. Glad you are back on track with your steps too. I know having your dh on board with your eating plan helps a lot.
My dh actually bought a magazine called, Forks Not Knives, which is promoting a vegan recipe book. He thought the recipes looked really good and he bought ingredients for an Indian recipe and cooked it himself. It was really good. He makes our smoothies in the mornings now, so I have mine ready for me when I get back from my run. I am getting spoiled!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Aug 02, 2019 2:08 pm

I applaud the healthy changes being made and shared here! I feel like so many of you are light years ahead of me in having healthy habits. But hey! Someone has to be last in line and bringing up the rear of the Healthy Habit Train! I have a purpose. :D I tell myself as long as I don't give up then I will eventually make progress.

Okay....lessons learned from last month. I am not ready to give up sugar and flour totally. Those ingredients are not my "go to" food but I am raising little ones so sugar & flour is in my hands frequently. I have been told to pick your battles and this is not a battle that I feel I can win at this time in my life. When I have the bandwidth available I do not serve meals that contain sugar/flour. But somedays I drop down into survival mode and it happens. I'm not going to consider myself a failure and beat myself up if I do serve/eat something containing sugar or flour.

I am going to focus on my eating window each day. My goal is to have a 6-8 hour eating window.
I am going to focus on clean fasting. My goal is to have 16-18 hours of nothing but water, tea, coffee each day. These drinks do not have any real or artificial flavors or sweeteners.

I have successfully managed my desire to binge eat late at night using this strategy. I want to try doing it for a month and see what happens.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 02, 2019 9:45 pm

LadyM, if you can become triumphant over the last 3-4 hours of the day, you are doing SO well. I am applauding. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

Congratulations, Twins' Mom, on great success and record-keeping! Wonderful to have a quantifiable difference.

RunKitty, I meant to respond to what you said last month about "giving yourself permission" to cut back on the full number of servings recommended by the Daily Dozen. I do think that, even if only because of the difference in appropriate intake for men and women, the number and size of "servings" has to be considered personally. Yes, I'm grateful for the evidence-based info there.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby RunKitty » Sat Aug 03, 2019 2:09 pm

I have downloaded the Intermmitent Fasting webinar. I've listened to part of it. There's a lot to absorb for sure.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Nancy » Sat Aug 03, 2019 2:11 pm

I changed it up a bit today did some gardening 30 min. In the yard before I walked the dog just a short walk around the block.
Then it was a rest break before I went back out for a bit more in the garden one more tree the last one was de-suckered.
Also helped H. Unload french doors for the she-shed!

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:22 pm

RunKitty, you are so together! That's great you already have the webinar in hand (ear?). I am certain I will purchase the new book. And if they do something special with it like the cookbook (they offered bookplates for the inside cover of those), I will participate again in that. But I had way too many things clouding the calendar to have participated in the webinar, and even getting to listen on my own time is iffy!

i think I neglected to say before that I had 2 perfect check-off days in July. I don't even know how I managed that, as crazy as the month was. Needless to say, that was not during the hospital stay!

I have definitely decided that I will stay with the "new" doctor and will not be going to the "very new" doctor as HRH thought he would. We were disappointed yesterday in HRH's follow-up with the "very new" one, in which dr didn't remember several pertinent issues before starting to prescribe, and also discounted HRH's historic knowledge of his own care. So, I'm actually more confident with choices now and poor HRH is confused again. He was discouraged saying, "the day is past when there was a doctor who cared." ( :( Awwwww! ) We were so spoiled for many years, I guess, with our previous cheerful, interested doctor. Maybe he was a dinosaur.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Aug 11, 2019 3:45 pm

Well I'm back in the saddle again.

I start my personal training with Jason, my trainer this week and will be working with him twice a week. He is designing a program for me to do both when I am with him and also for my "off days". I want to focus on strength, balance, and overall body condition. To keep me accountable I told him I wanted to be weighed and measured once a week. He had phenomenal success with his clients while working on the show Extreme Weight loss that aired several years ago. I know how he works since I've been with him for over two years and I have immense trust in him which is really the key to this training.

In the past, he's been able to push me past my own set limitations, which is something I love about him. He also knows about some of my real physical problems, like the steel plate in my left big toe, and keeps that in mind when working me. I want to be pushed and I want him to make me accountable with no whining on my side.

I am also starting back on my eating program which he will monitor. Jason believes in carbs, but knows I am intolerable to them so I'm eating low carbs, high good fats with correct proportions. And of course lots and lots of water. That will be the toughy for me.

I'm also trying to restart my fitbit...haven't used it in over a years so we'll see what happens. I usually use the pedometer on my phone since I carry it in my back pocket. My phone, my pedometer app and my fitbit never read anything close to each other. Even my gazelle tracker records differently.

I've also signed up for another diet bet to help keep me motivated and on track. Might as well make some money on this journey. :D
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