Wednesday, Already?!? What?

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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:48 pm

Next week it will be in the sixties for a high temp. Trying to gently persuade h. We need furnace pilot lite on he tolerates the cold better than I do
The bread took all morning, even proofing in the oven, loaf is small, will be great for dinner but not for sandwiches.
I am thinking how to make it bigger next time maybe more yeast.

Got the kitchen & dining room mopped.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:44 pm

So, Lady M, could you give us suggestions on how you cook 'big pot of beans'? Wondering what kind of beans primarily. I do love all kinds of beans EXCEPT LIMA -nope, can't eat those. Think it probably stems back to my childhood when a daunt forced me to eat them. Just don't like the consistency I guess. All others I really like. Often have garbanzo beans in different ways. Usually always add them to a salad. A cup a day, huh?
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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:58 pm

I did have a good nap, bw2! Thank you for the napping good wishes! I slept longer than I wanted to - the keynote speaker for dh's meeting spoke about longevity and avoiding Alzheimers - one of his tip was to get enough sleep. Although, he also said that a nap longer than 30 minutes was not optimal either.

I need to at least finish a.m. routine. Between being out of the house at 10 a.m. for the meeting and the CPAP appointment, I have done a lot today, it just doesn't feel like it. And I am an official member of the DAR now.
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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:14 pm

Just came back from my final walk for the day but it's pretty dark out there now. I've managed to walk about 50 minutes or so today, but only have 6,800 steps.

We're supposed to get pretty severe t-storms in an hour or so. Know there's flash flood watches up all over our part of the state. I'm staying up long enough to finish watching AGT with dh, then I'll head for bed. Have cardiac rehab in the morning.

Cardiologist's office ended up calling ME later this afternoon. Had to change my appointment with Dr which was October 18th. Won't be there. Got changed to October 11th. See my Primary on the 9th. Think I'll end up having to change my one rehab appointment to later in the day.
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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby Harmony » Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:31 pm

My week is speeding by.

Another big day in the shop. Half of it by myself, as DH just gave up. He was out there for a while with me and I had moved things around and emptied a couple shelves...and later he got really upset that it was all spread out... was concerned he wouldn't be able to get the big truck back in..but I worked very hard and put the truck in myself. I think he's done with this kind of work for maybe forever.

As I saw the kinds of stuff he had stashed in the back shelves, I was kinda shook up. It really has come to me that this business and work really got beyond him to keep up with it all. He'd get a job done but was unable to do much of anything else. Stuff got dragged in and just plopped anywhere there was a space. Some of it was very very old.

I'm exhausted. Tomorrow is my dentist appointment. Have to tell Lucylee, I have both my front teeth filled but a little chunk between the 2 front ones at the very bottom has come out a few weeks ago. I'm not sure anyone would notice it..but like you I'm not happy with this. I hate when the dentist works on my front teeth, they seem to hurt more than the others. I'm getting them cleaned tomorrow and then I'll have him look at them.

Going to hobble into the bath. Boy my feet are sore. And my hands. I'm too old for this work.

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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:57 pm

could you give us suggestions on how you cook 'big pot of beans'?

My absolute favorite legume to cook is Lentils (all colors) but no one will eat them except me. Everyone loves Pinto Beans so that is what I cooked today. I sort through the beans to make sure a pebble or something isn't in them. Then I wash and rinse them 5 times. I soaked them overnight in isn't absolutely necessary but just something prefer to do. The water used to soak the beans is important. It has to be soft water (I use reverse osmosis water). If I use our tap water the beans don't cook right and remain hard. Sometimes I add things to the beans to flavor them. Today I added some ham and a can of rotel. I cook them in the Instant Pot on the bean/chili setting and it cooks for 30 minutes.

I spent some time at DMom home with her this afternoon. She is doing amazingly well. She had many physical challenges but she doesn't pay them much mind. I shake my head at her stubbornness, but it also makes me smile to see her try and succeed. DMom balances her weedeater on the top of her walker and pushes the walker around the yard so she can weedeater it herself. DMom home is on a corner lot. I think it is 5 or 6 lots in size so fairly large. DMom's home is the only house on that block. ANYway, there is a lot of lawn to maintain but DMom doesn't need to do this. DMom's yard is pristinely maintained by a lifelong neighbor. He mows at least once a week and it isn't unusual to do it twice a week. DMom does the weed-eating while using a walker because she wants the challenge.

If you have a minute and want to see a cute video. Check out the I bought the lipstick at Home Depot
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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby Harriet » Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:25 pm

Sadly, I'm getting into an unwanted routine of only being able to post very early or very late. My to-dos are multiplying.

Yesterday was an impossible day because of teaching. The day before, impossible because of getting everything ready. Still getting appreciation for it all today, so I'm happy and content. The map helped.

TaDas today
Recycling and trash
Cat potty chores
some vacuuming
wrote notes from Sunday's sermon
wrote summary of my lesson for facilitator
retrieve old car mats from collision place
lunch with friends - dispersed notes
returned rental with dstepdil
attended prayer meeting

LadyM, I am sure it was you who encouraged us about adding beans to our diets for their benefits in reducing cholesterol. We have beans every day, somehow. HRH is a pinto and Great Northern kind of guy. I am too, but I also enjoy black beans, and lentils in recipes. Tofu in lots of ways. HRH likes only well-cooked tofu in small bite-size pieces in recipes but does not like any with obvious jiggly white center. A fav Thai restaurant serves it as thin strips, nicely browned, and that's his ideal. I actually just watched a video on making Italian marinated tofu cubes and he says he'd like to try that in some recipes.

Dee, thank you for adding the 9 11 remembrance this morning.

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Re: Wednesday, Already?!? What?

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:00 am

Hello to everyone!
This day has been pretty much a lost cause around here. After about 3.5 hours sleep, I had that early dentist appt. I saw your post Harmony — hope you get some good results when you see your dentist. Mine reassured me that there is no damage or decay and he polished it down s little... and yes it does feel better, but not perfect. I didn’t want to let him keep “sanding” on it though, because I was afraid he would get too far into the enamel.

Then I got my allergy shot and came home, and I was soooo sleepy by then.
Slept most of the day...

Supper... cleaned up the kitchen...

Went to church... disagreed with preacher, left concerned about the teaching dgrands will receive... sigh...

Watching 9/11 coverage now.
Tomorrow is another day.

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