August - Food and/or Exercise Log

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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:17 pm

Emptynester, stuff you already know... ... you can't have actually wiped out all your exercising from July 2 until now. Exercise benefits are cumulative, and the muscle benefits whether you eat too much at a later date or not. So next time you exercise, you have stronger muscles to do it no matter what the scale says. What kind of off-food-plan eating? If it was the white flour kind or the sodium kind, then you have a reprieve coming quickly anyway, because a few days ON plan and a lot of that weight will prove to you it was temporary. Now that I've told you a bunch of things you already know, but perhaps needed to hear ;) my work is done :lol: Good job getting right back out on a walk.
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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Emptynester » Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:42 pm

Oh, that 'twould be white flour. Twas - gasp - peanut M & Ms - a whole bag!! :oops: AND :oops: :oops: Scoops and salsa.

It could be that last night's dinner that was very salty didn't help any either.

But I was back on the right track today. Until I got to the dining hall. :cry: Lasagna - white noodle, stringy cheese, real sausage, lasagna. With white cheese bread. I have to admit I took a small portion and filled up at the salad bar. I'll be glad when we leave here.
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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:22 am

Thanks Harriet!

I've had plenty of exercise lost #2 gained it back.
I'm rethinking the peanut butter consumption.

Blood sugars are up at least once a day
have been fighting a cold or allergies
and exercising helps me to feel better and get a better
handle on my b.s #'s.

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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby LurkyLou » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:02 pm

Today was the day I got measured at the gym. I'm down 2% body fat and 6.25" overall in 4-1/2 weeks. I'm tracking my weight on my scale at home and I'm down at least 10 pounds...I didn't note exactly what I weighed when I started, but I know it's at least that much. So I'm feeling encouraged...and I feel so much better, except for those sore quads on my weight-training days! :lol:

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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Emptynester » Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:57 am

WTG!! Lurky!!

My old weight watchers instructor always said that no food tastes as good as being thin feels. You are on your way.

Also good vibes and attagirls to Nancy, Harriet and Dee. And any lurkers out there. Come on in and get healthy with us.
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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Nancy » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:20 pm

Walked with gdg today and their cat came
and was huffing and puffing to keep up
when we were going up the hill on the way back.
Walking in the mornings to beat the heat and changed
story time to the p.m.

Did you see the Oprah show yesterday with Dr. Oz. on
it and some kids trying to fight obesity
they had a pretty interesting quiz about
healthy food on it.

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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Nancy » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:56 pm

I've been getting better bs readings this week.
Yesterday I mowed that always helps
had to plan it after I ate.

Taking less inslulin again and
cereal or cereal bar before my walk.
Wish the scales would stop climbing.

Cut back on peanut butter and
went to 2% milk now.
Trying to get more water intake
and more fresh veggies.

I'm walking more this is frustrating!
But feel great!
So that is the good news
and yard looks great as it's my exercise of choice
a lot these days.

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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Emptynester » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:12 pm

WTG Nancy.

I've gone to fat free milk and found it has helped. I also eat more whole grain and brown rice and it has helped keep my bs counts more even.

My biggest problem is being hungry in the evening. My goal is no food after dinner (around 6). But sometimes have to grab some almond to tide me over.

I keep my peanut butter to breakfast toast - sometimes with a banana and I can last more thru the day.
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Re: August - Food and/or Exercise Log

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:11 pm

Had a too low b.s. reading #66 the other day had 1 tea. peanut butter
instead of one Tbs. like I usually do. And a small piece of chocolate,
one small nilla vanilla wafer, got it up fine h. aka the food police
said and and and what else did you have! LOL!

BS was up a bit last night and this a.m. so will take
one more unit of my p.m. insulin.

Today walked in a different place down town
where there were older houses by the high school
while h. was doing some business it was very pleasant
but did not get my heart rate up as much as I like.
B.S. was up again 154 [4 points above my target range]
before lunch so I had to take and extra unit of insulin,
that was after my walk sigh ~
I did another walk on the hill after lunch when I got home.
it was down 127 at five for my next reading
quite a roller coaster this past couple of days.

H is going to B.B.Q. fish for dinner;
we will have veg. in a pouch too.
And a salad.
I don't even by rice any more
h. hates it. I did some label reading at the store on cereal boxes,
wheat chex is too much c. for my amount for a meal as is
shreadded wheat, but rice & corn chex were okay and
found fruit loops were in my limit.
Sill learning with this.

My is next will NOT be having cake w/ frosting
and ice cream have decided on a pie instead.
Only had two frosted cupcake all year!

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