Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:06 pm

this came up on patreon a better life with Kat: "sometimes you have to plan for not succeeding to way you want to succeed". I took it as it is okay but I still need to have a plan for the week and adapt my new situation to my planner.
It is a season - "what is feasible for us and what can I do to feel good about that".

I am going to try to do a basic weekly plan this week and to include the holidays
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:53 am

My week ahead plan (remembering that life needs me to be flexible if things come up).

What I want to do:
finish washing the fence
trim plants outside for winter
gutter/rain repair

week: 15 minutes to 1/2 hour a day (not weekends or errand day) dd older bedroom this week and next - washing things down

Sunday: planning day - menu - paperwork: check charge cards - cook veggies for week
Monday: Home blessing (do the best I can and no more) - my mom is going out to dinner tonight. Sister in law birthday.
15/30 minutes in dd older bedroom
Tuesday: my dr. appointment - mini jobs -15/30 minutes in dd older's bedroom - drop off donations - look for donations
Wednesday: paperwork bills ahead of November (pay day Nov 2) Anti procrastination day , 15/30 minutes dd bedrooms, sweet nephews birthday
Thursday: Halloween - hope to work outside
Friday: 15/30 minutes dd older bedroom/pull halloween and put away/bring out thanksgiving - just a few things. get rid of candy
Saturday: send out bills/bills on computer
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:17 pm

so far - home blessing hasn't been finished.
donations have been done
cooking on the weekend has been done and frozen - next weekend make lots of meatballs: regulaR AND swedish
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:46 pm

finished washing down dd older room/guest room.
I can't work any more outside as we have 5 inches of snow
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:33 pm

hello. basic weekly plan (hope) for November 3 to November 10, 2019

declutter day
desk day
zone day
cooking day
holiday day
garden work
animal care
personal care

kitchen zone
start washing down dd youngers old bedroom
figure out how to fix her closet

Sunday november 3 cooking/bills/paperwork/ put the halloween stuff in basement in crawl space
Animal care: nails, brush, dog stuff outside (daily),

make the meatballs for the freezer for the holiday season. :D
make the spaghetti squash for week :D
make roasted tomatoes and onions with herbs de Provence :D
make banana bread :arrow:
make the barley/acorn squash and bacon the weekend of the 9th/10th along with wedding soup.

I think for thanksgiving - make donal skehan's roasted squash with chipotle dressing
Plan menus.

Monday 11/4
home blessing
first floor scrub
went to tar jay :D

Tuesday 11/5
declutter day - drive to donation place
work on dd youngers closet
mini zone work

Wednesday: 11/6 work on dd younger closet
bills/phone calls etc.
mini zone work
menu plan

Thursday: 11/7 errands
mini zone work

Friday: 11/8 prep for dd younger coming home - wash sheets- figure out weekend. pick her up at night.
Saturday: 11/9 work outside or holiday work
Sunday: 11/10
Monday: 11/11 dd lunch with dd younger
Tuesday: 11/12 mom and dd younger fly south
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:34 pm

feeling like a failure when looking at all the repairs I need to do - especially outside. (very costly repairs). I also thought I would get tons of stuff done for the summer. I was busy but didn't get enough done.

I will hire a cleaning service weekly next summer. dh says no as he doesn't like people in the house but I say yes (not to be mean but I do all the work). He does help with dishes now and he does recycling. he also takes the trash can's out. so I can't complain but I need to feel good at the end of next summer.

I figure I have to work harder. but I don't know how other women do it.

today: took mom with - got her eye dr. paid off, went to walgreens for her meds as she doesn't know how to use the phone service (honestly it is a pain), we also at out - I didn't want to, we went to tar jay for me, got coffee for me (drive through)

I need to go to my drive through for my meds.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:01 am

Boy, IKWYM, blessed! How DO other women do it??? I was just posting this on the Ckeaning Focus thread.
Supposed to be finished with round 4???
Ha! I haven’t got through round 1 on some areas.
I get so frustrated and disappointed with myself.
Between family stuff — dh, dgrands, ds/ddil, dmom... and working around dh’s weird “schedule”... and my own low energy most of the time...
sometimes it just seems impossible.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 09, 2019 11:39 am

I just saw that you posted d lucy - waving at you!!!

I feel the same way d lucy - many many times!!! it's a bad habit I have to fall into it.

It seems to be in waves when I can't keep up with things. I know it's not habits necessarily - except I stink at doing evening routines. (that may make things easier if I did).. I am exhausted by nighttime as well. I just don't know how other women do it. It seems effortless which I know it isn't. I am thinking really good habits must be part of it. I do try as well.

considering I am a pretty positive and happy person; when it comes to homemaking, garden etc. I tend to say what a failure I am that I can't keep up (not always) but when I can't keep up with things then I am really hard on myself. It probably comes with the shame when I was younger. It's a family thing where you have perfectionists who expect perfection out of others. I also see that they notice everything but expect perfection out of others - because they consider themselves amazing and hard working. (I also found they forgive themselves - as it is just part of their process).

I always had a hard time learning and staying focused - I love to learn, mind you! - I was always messy and all over the place with great ideas that I didn't know how to simplify. I have individuals in my family who notice anything and everything that they think should have been done even though I work my tushy off. I finally realized I can't change them and have to see it as they mean nothing by it and I can joke back and say - Oh one more thing??? But that silly internal voice of "you didn't do it" or "look what you missed" etc. comes in at times.

I just don't know how people keep up with everything. I still have to declutter some things. I also am awful at put away - I plan on doing stuff and I will leave it out. right now I have bananas and bowls ready to make banana bread (2 days now), I have all my paperwork on the kitchen table (5 days)., the animals - oh my!

I find, that anytime I have to leave the house it tends to be for hours, that I can't do my dailies, weeklies, etc. all the way through. Any care taking takes me out of my work. I know other people can and their homes look effortless and homey all the time. I don't know how they do it.
I really try hard.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:26 pm

alrighty: BWP time.

Sunday: cooking day and freezer day - did happen
have d girls (I can use their help: move chairs, bring christmas bins into 3 season room, move rug into front room). didn't happen

Monday: home blessing = did not happen!!!! as dd younger will have my car - it snowed (dd older has to drive in from downtown as she has a dr. appointment on Tuesday morning did happen. last night with dd younger and d mom for a while. made shepherds a - 1 sauce pie with hamburger, carrots, onion, celery - mashed potatoes on top. very good for dh.

Tuesday: take d mom and dd younger to the airport. had to make chicken stock as I had two roasters needing cooking. done and frozen
I was supposed to do decluttering - never happened.

Wednesday: hair dye appointment - It will be weird not having d mom here for 6 months (lol and 1 day). trying a casserole.
bills - call dr. and see if he got d mom's information from all the drs. Make chimichurri for Friday.

Thursday: Errands - d kitty has her booster shots, brother surgery,

Friday: zone work bathroom - make acorn squash dish. buy hamburger for shepherds pie for freezer. make and freeze - don't do mashed potatoes until making it.

Saturday: craft show and Christmas work

Sunday: make tomato soup for week and one batch of cookies. make wedding soup and freeze?

I am sad to see dd younger go again but it makes her happy. praying d mom is really good.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:05 am

I am trying to keep track of my negative thinking of Why can't i keep up or how can other women do it.
I woke up again with the same as d old dog was up at 3 and then peed on floor early this morning.

Thursday: definitely behind and not starting -
keeping track of time today again.
Yes I am struggling so I am staying off the main board. my special needs dog (now) is aging me ;) plus my other 2 cats are not transitioning to new special needs kitten - one is doing better than the other.
I just can't seem to keep up with my housework.

cleaned family room well (this is where special needs kitten is still in - I had hoped she would move forward to not hiding as much - I will say she has been playing more and comes near me to get loved - problem is unsteady (toddler running) dog gets jealous and runs to where I am and scares kitten. She wants to be loved at the exact same time - anxiety is part of the old dog now... not a mean bone towards the kitten but super needy.

I have to let old dog out again so she doesn't have an accident.

12:37 time for lunch and then calling d mom's doctor.
called dr. but had to leave a message
changed all kitty litters.
leaving soon for kitty dr. appointment
took old dog out again
dishes washing themselves in dw.
time to flip flop laundry
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