Satisfying Sunday

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Re: Satisfying Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:35 pm

Kathryn that was a very nice thing that you did for them.

Supper is cooking. It's late because I had a very long nap thanks to the T3s I had with brunch. Pork chops in mushroom soup gravy in a frying pan. Boiled cabbage, because it's been sitting on the counter for a few days and I'm sick of looking at it. Boiled potatoes because we can mash them up with our forks and put butter or gravy on top.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Satisfying Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:39 am

Well, apparently I can't write faster with the meds.

Off to bed now after finally getting the newsletter written and sent. I still have to print the copies for people without email tomorrow. And deliver them.

Also spent time trying to find flights for our winter vacation. Affordable flights don't seem to be an option so I'm tossing it over to the travel agent (honestly, you have say when you want to fly and which airlines and which flights and then they will book it, so my only hope is that by booking through the cruiseline, they can get cheaper flights than what I'm seeing.)

So, stuff off my to-do list but it is really late. And I still have to unpack. Ooops.

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Re: Satisfying Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 18, 2019 1:08 am

My feeling is sometimes you let God take the lead, no matter what the Sadducees and Pharisees say.

That is a good thought, Kathryn. You did the right thing. If someone is asking for your presence and comfort, and you know that you can do something to make that person feel better... I just don't see how that can be wrong.

Well... oh my goodness... these ballgame trips seem to take more and more out of us every week. DH and I have both been so exhausted all day!
I think I am only going to one more game. If dniece is not able to go to the last game of the season, I may take her ticket, but I know she is hoping to go. In that case, I am very much looking forward to a weekend at home alone, to put up my tree and maybe sign some Christmas cards, and I might even make myself some kind of high sodium snack that dh isn't supposed to eat! :P
(Now that I've typed that, it will probably jinx me and dniece will not be going to the game, LOL!)

Cathy, your pork chops sound sooo good... but I fear mushroom soup would be another high sodium thing that would make eating at home just as bad for dh as eating out! It is sooo hard to watch one's diet. I really feel for all of y'all who are having to watch various counts -- carbs, gluten, whatever. It's just a full-time job, isn't it?

Twins, I sure hope you feel better before your trip! Probably better to be safe than sorry, and go ahead and call the doctor if you're in doubt tomorrow.

Nancy -- WTG with the painting! You are getting sooo much done!

So glad things seem to be going well with the new pastor, Harmony!

If anyone deserved a lazy Sunday afternoon, it's you, LadyM! WOW -- that IS a lot of people to feed! Your church just amazes me! We eat a lot at our church too -- dh was just talking about that last night (I had to take ddil's breakfast food for her today because she stayed home with dgd) but our attendance is usually around 100-120.

Those earrings do sound fascinating, Rose! Good that you were able to get them fixed.

Dee -- an electric fireplace sounds nice, too! Hmmm... that would be so nice to have in our bedroom. (There's no place for it; I'm just daydreaming.) It would be "so cozy," as dgd loves to say. (I think "cozy" is her favorite word!)

Blessed, I must follow you to the sink and get some dishes washed!

I have probably left out the Most Important Person! ;) This is as far as I can see in Topic Review. I have to go finish my Sunday Chores card -- mainly dishes, allergy shots, med dispensers, water plants. Then I need to exercise some while I catch up on Blue Bloods. Hope y'all have a great week!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Satisfying Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:20 am

I never got to Blue Bloods or my exercise, but I did get a lot done!
* kitchen s/s
* took allergy shots
* filled med dispensers
* restocked children's C laritin in my purse and put a "pencil with an eraser" in dgs' travel bag (his request)
* put away all the clothes that were hanging to dry in my closet door
* laid out clothes for tomorrow
* refilled humidifier
* washed face, flossed teeth
* got a lamp out of study and put it where I'll remember to pass it on to ds -- hoping it works as a nightlight for dgs
* bagged up a bunch of Wmart bags to carry back for recycling
* organized, printed, prepared teacher group notes for Tuesday & church council notes for next meeting (not yet scheduled)
* signed up/activated teacher retirement group card for discounts -- they offer some great discounts, but it is hard to remember to use them!

I think I'm just going to call it a night.
Tomorrow is another day.

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