Liberty in July

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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Liberty in July

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:37 pm

We are at the

What a wonderful time to start something anew, to make a plan, to dream a little dream of what could be by 2009! Join us for at least 15 minutes a day set aside as a decluttering appointment with your lovely home!

And share with us "where you are" with your own decluttering in relation to the end of 2007.

Each declutter appointment Frees and Liberates our Space!

Your posts encourage us all! Be careful out there!

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Re: Liberty in July

Postby Harriet » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:18 am

From Nancy

We've gotten some new to us clothing;
and have some of the others that no longer fit
in the back seat to be delivered as donations.


Re: Liberty in July

Postby lavenderbliss » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:07 am

Updates on friend's daughter that has the organizing business has still been coming once a week to help us and it amazes me how much we get done in 3 hrs. The room(junk/sewing/computer/everything room) that I thought would never be clean is now very clean and organized....I'm actually able to finish it up myself and have been working on cleaning out the file drawers of the 4 drawer file cabinet....couldn't reach the cabinet before for all the stuff on the floor. If you stepped on the stuff you could only barely manage to get the top 2 drawers open. Just got rid of a garbage bag full of outdated papers from 1 drawer yesterday.

Living room was decluttered and been able to maintain....constant battle not trying to let paper take over. Kitchen is mostly decluttered...still need to work on the pantry. Now we're on dd's room...I'm trying to be patient and keep quiet as she helps dd with her room. Began this all the way from her door to the end of the desk can open her door all the way and walk into her room. We have another appt. this coming Monday to work on it some more. Trying to get dd to work on her room on her own some before then too. I would love to start this new school year off right and feel calmer with mostly organized rooms.


Re: Liberty in July

Postby lavenderbliss » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:08 am

Wanted to add that dd did manage to get rid of a bag of trash and a big bag of toys/clothes to donate.

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Re: Liberty in July

Postby Harriet » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:23 pm

lavenderbliss, you have sort of kept a "diary" of your recent decluttering effort as you posted to the Declutterd Home threads. During the time that the old board is up, you might consider going there and copying those posts and putting them into a Word document or even just printing them out to save. It might be a nice record of what you were able to accomplish, remind you of the dates, what your opinions were of some decisions, etc.

Nancy, getting some clothing out whenever other clothing comes in - that's the part that's hard for me.
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Re: Liberty in July

Postby Sunny » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:36 am

In the decluttering area I have been going through lots of paperwork, old bills & receipts. I have lots of duplicate office supplies, so
will go through that box too. What I have double, one will probably be tossed or recycled to thrift store. I also have to go through
my clothes and give some of that away too. Slowly, but surely I'm gaining more room.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi


Re: Liberty in July

Postby Jules » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:15 pm

Hi everyone ... I'm new here and starting off small. In the spare bedroom I have a cupboard which is 35" from back to front and 28" wide. The height is about 4' and I am wondering how to shelve it to it's best advantage? I think I am going to go with full width shelves 24" deep as it will be individual storage boxes which I need to keep in there. Anyway, I had a massive clear out today and only essential items, in numbered boxes, are going in once the cupboard is ready. I use an A-Z index book to record what is stored and in which box. I have thoroughly enjoyed my day and am raring to get going again tomorrow! Good luck to you all with your own decluttering ... I hope to get to know you better as the site grows and a huge thank you for setting it up! Jules.

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Re: Liberty in July

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:26 pm

Jules, it's good to have you around! Full-width shelves put in permanently will be fastest to accomplish and probably easiest. If there is any way to make any shelf adjustable, of course, that can always be helpful! You can also buy lightweight movable "shelves" to change heights around temporarily, that are actually like little tables that stand on thin legs on the shelf below (or storage cubes would do the same thing). That would give you some choices. I use one of the little table-types in half of an over-large kitchen cupboard - mine is expandable, real convenient.

Another thing that occurs to me, thinking about that 35" measurement back to front, is that you could do it in two layers, the back for seldom-used storage in boxes, with more frequently needed items in front of that in any kind of helpful little stacked storage drawers or even stand-up magazine holders on top of shoeboxes, whatever's helpful. As long as you are keeping an indexed record of what's where anyway, it shouldn't be hard to pull out the front "layer" and get to the other things.

Sunny, good job on the paper-clutter. I went through some recently but wasn't as productive as I'd hoped. Have to keep plugging away.
If you don't believe in miracles, you're not being realistic.


Re: Liberty in July

Postby Jules » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:32 am

Harriet, thank you so much for the welcome and the ideas too! We went with full width shelves in the end and I have taken your advice regarding the storage of seldom used items. They are now squirrelled away behind the front layer and this front layer does indeed make use of various types of storage according to contents. I have also hung small baskets on the inside of the door to hold small items such as birthday cards, ribbons, gift wrap etc. Once you get started on a project like this, theres no limit to what you can come up with if you try and think outside the box. I have been absolutely ruthless with regards to flinging stuff and taking it straight to the charity shop and local skip! I feel liberated ... and that's after only one room!

Bye for now ... I'm off to read the other posts! Jules.

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Re: Liberty in July

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:17 pm

Hi, I am new to posting, although I am a long time lurker on the SHE boards. I posted my intro in Across the Café Table. I have been decluttering intently since January, but recently added a further commitment to the process. I read a Flylady blog about 365 days of decluttering, meaning every day at least one thing needed to leave your home/property. I started on July 1, entitling my project 183 days of decluttering. I have a list in Word that says what left my house/garage/property today, so that I can keep myself accountable. I also have been working with a professional organizer about 1 or 2 times a week throughout the summer to help the process along. We make a great team, and power through so much stuff every time. Thanks for listening, and I’ll be posting more about my process.

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