Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:10 pm

this morning I plan on deciding what I want for the next decade and what I don't want. (also how to move forward).

today: get back on my basic weekly plan and fitness.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:18 pm

Tuesday: declutter day and put away
Wednesday: home blessing and mail taxes
thursday: bill and take care of things
friday: dr. for aunt - brother goes with. floors
saturday: text friend for her birthday
sunday: plan day

Next week start: dd youngers room for repairs
make that my office eventually

double check d aunts after care at rehab centre.
make dentist appointment

Monday: home blessing
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:12 am

I can't get on BWP fully until I stay in one room at a time and catch up on home blessing - animals - sigh - old dog and floors plus new kitten and other cats - I could keep up with the kitty and the cats but the holidays and other things just took everything over. So my floors - oh my gosh they need washing.

I have decided to start in the kitchen and stay there until floors, cabinet fronts are cleaned
bathrooms (dh's is awful) and the others need a wipe down. I haven't done the bathrooms in 2 weeks. disgusting.

what will make my day easier? I have to think about that.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:14 pm

questions for myself for 2020

"what is your biggest stumbling block to being organized and clutter free? The why behind it" peter walsh

"Enough is plenty" fly lady - my grandfather used to say "enough is too much"

"I don't have time for this stuff; I have bigger and better things to do than to manage all this stuff" Minimal mom

P.O.P progress over perfection" She's in her apron"

On my fridge from last year - that was my mantra and still is : Do you want to deal with this again next year? I looked back and I can see that I am still not putting me in there. I adore the outdoors but get caught up with not adding it to my life. I am not putting myself first. well God goes first.

My goal is also to say no to things that stress me out that belong to other people. I can't take it on. There is the usual stuff - d mom/d aunt - but I have to learn to let my dd's continue their own journey - dd younger has to change things but I can't take it over for her.. I can guide and listen but not rescue. dd older - I can pray she finds a life outside of work and not have to worry so much about being without money in her future. I pray that they find good people to be partners with and good friends. (all who care for them). I can't make my mom happy and take her everyday outside of the house. I will take care of my aunt before and after her surgery but still have a life for me and dh.

fitness for me.
balance for me.

I also have to figure out next holiday season so that I don't get into financial problems
tell dd younger she will have to pay for most flights unless it is an emergency.

work on yard and outside this year and hire a cleaning company every 2 weeks during the summer.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:46 pm

I am still far behind - on home repair
- taking care of me (huge one that I continue to put aside).
- bills and paperwork

Thursday: put away and dailies as well as donation finds
Friday: car and purse day - go with d brother for aunts appointment
pick up water filter for d aunt, drop off donations, pick up dd younger's contacts and mail them out to her.
Sunday: planning day - free to craft day
Monday: pick up dd older from airport?
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:21 pm

Oh, (((Blessed))) — yes! Harriet is exactly right about those mythical creatures you’ve been worrying about!
You might notice, I’m posting all the time in PWYC, and I pretty much NEVER look like I’m “keeping up” with anyone or anything.
I’m not even really thinking about any of this till Monday. Just enjoying my Christmas tree lights and doing nothing today.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:17 pm

I am so happy you are enjoying those beautiful lights!!!! Yes I have been frustrated by a couple things.

I am trying hard to get back on track - I know, logically, that my BWP and my routines will help me get back on track. I also have to get outside more. :D
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:43 am

I have decided that I am at a point where I have to redefine my life - I am happy in marriage, family etc. but I lost me after years of care taking, babysitting, home, before that work, etc. I don't know how to get back (yet) to whom I was before. I used to think it was selfish of me to leave everyone during the day to do gym care, personal care - how silly.

I can't go back to work yet - aunt is at the end of January, mom comes back in May.

I have to figure out what is me - now.
Self improvement for sure as my body (lol) needs work.
I have to figure out things (not just fill the time).

I don't just want to be an animal care person now.

I know to be a better wife, better mom, better daughter/family member I have to be balanced with me. I just don't know what me is - it's not sad as much a new adventure. I have always been over busy caring for others. a couple years ago I did things to challenge myself - boating, learning etc. I got caught up again with caring for others. problem is - I am trying to figure out - do I want to be busy - not that as much as having a purpose.

I have always had goals...but now I have to have goals for my care and purpose. I have to find my purpose and joy. I don't want to fill it with fluff. mmmm lots to think about. I know that my depression was part of this. going through the motions has never been my thing.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:29 pm

I can see what is causing me not to get things done... consistency... I need to be back on the BWP and morning and especially evening routines.
that's my goal this week.

cancel dd younger off any cards - she doesn't use them any more for emergencies
check checking account (every day this week - ten minutes a day)
gym sign up for trainer
stop by woods
break up heavy cleaning day....dusting, glass ware
Kitchen floor
mail d aunts present for her great grand daughter

contractor coming over
go to weight watchers
bathrooms including floors
stop by woods
check decluttering

Wednesday: dining room floor wash
Anti procrastination day
bill day - check cc's

Thursday: work on dd youngers room - maybe start stripping paper.
stop by library - renew card
maybe visit d sis in law.

Friday aunts house.. put on her cleanser for her surgery, check her stuff she is packing,
dinner out with dh/inlaws in chicago so fun.

Monday: d aunts surgery.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:43 am

I am trying really hard to stick to some of my BWP - so today I will try to do errands.

Tomorrow I have to be at aunts house.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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