December Declutter and Organization, 2019

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Re: December Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:42 pm

tossed a blanket that dd older had - it's not good enough to give away
she wanted to keep it but I don't have a cover for it and she has another one.
I put all her stuff that I had pulled from her room 2 months ago that she hadn't gone through. it is now in the crawl space
got rid of old wood
got rid of an old rocking chair
a stained children's table without legs
a big plastic bag that I had a wicker bench wrapped in that I gave away in November.
tossing old oil paints of dd's - she hasn't got a clue what she keeps. I am sure they aren't any good and she doesn't have the space for them. I might put it with her stuff under the stairs but I always worry about fires and the lin seed oil.
they won't take this at the donation centre - I wonder if the local art school could use it.

I am taking dd youngers coffee cups and dishes to put away in stairwell in basement. I put her pots and pans down there.
along with all her books

I tossed a broken dog table my grandfather had made - it doesn't have a foot anymore. It was hard but I know the right thing as it can't be repaired.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: December Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:40 am

I'm late posting here but want to document the decluttering done in December.

Mostly what I did was to prevent bringing extra stuff into my house as DSis and I moved DMom from her apartment to live with DSis. It's surprising how much a person can accumulate even in such a tiny apartment. DMom said to give away as much to family members as they all wanted, and then the rest will go in DSis's annual garage sale in May. I managed to resist all but a few small decorative items that I remember from childhood, and some useful things like an afghan that I've been appreciating now that the weather has turned very cold.

Oh and no one else wanted a very nice lamp so I decided to take it to replace one we have in our front room. Therefore, that will be a 1-in 1-out deal.

I thought long and hard about taking DMom's curio cabinet. I ultimately decided no because it's too large for any of our rooms -- we have a 2-story house but it's cut up into tiny rooms. Also, I don't have very many knickknacks and no fancy dishes, so no need for a whole big display cabinet. As it turns out, older DSis (spending the winter in Texas) wants the cabinet anyway, so that really turned out for the best.

Now that we've finished emptying DMom's apartment, I'm ready to get back to the constant hope of decluttering my own house. Motivation is always high at the beginning of a new year. :)

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Re: December Declutter and Organization, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:02 am

such a smart woman d book - preventing the clutter before it becomes clutter in your home! well done on making decisions!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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