Basic Weekly Plans

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:14 pm

awesome work d lucy!!! I know she is so so happy for the help!!!!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:44 pm

it's been a struggler of a day!

d special needs kitten is super super needy - she can't seem to rest except in our arms
d old dog - her brain is awesome and happy but her body .... she struggling with walking outside on her own. I know it's time but i feel so guilty bc I would have to drop her off without going in to be with her. she eats great, drinks water well, and every time I come in the room her tail and that beautiful face is so happy to see me.(or anyone else in the house)

I ate 3 cookies :shock:

i transplanted lettuce seedlings :D - i hope they survive ;)
hard to believe i was able to put cucumber seedlings outside for sun for the afternoon
cornbread in oven - we are having dd's veg chilli from 2 weeks ago :D
before the cilantro goes bad i will make chimichuri sauce for freezer :D done

tomorrow make gnocchi out of leftover potatoes - pulled Bolognese from freezer w zucchini provençale left over
took garbage out :D
took recycling out and wiped container :D

long day

what needs doing:
turned on the dw again :D
did the sink again :D
did counters again :D
sweep family room and front hall :arrow:
wash kitchen floor :D
walk :arrow:
put away :arrow:
vacuum front room :arrow:
dust family room - i dont want to :arrow: didn't :D
check bills and checking :D
put veg and herb scrapes in compost :D
take out cornbread from pan so i can wash baking dish :D
vegetarian chilli was so good. :D
i have pineapple pieces for later on for dessert x had more cookies :shock: I'm tossing them as i can't control it :roll:
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:27 am

dinner: crab cakes with avocado salsa
reg small salad

lunch - left over veg chilli - I have a cup left

tomorrow: Gnocchi

today: I woke up thinking ... wow you have a lot left - how can you not get it done and have a beautiful home to wake up to like the remainder of my family; but then I looked at the sunshine and realized it's a new day.

Listing what I can control and what I can't as the day goes on..

not feeling fit - I can walk first thing this morning

i am trying very very hard -
i feel like im swimming against the tide - the positive : dh is working around the house and is no longer depressed - he's no putzing or sitting - he is doing great
kitten had a bad seizure this morning - a whopper
im going to add more meds - 1/2 ml twice a day

dishes washed by hand
emptied dw - refilled it and turned it on - i had emptied the fridge a bit
compost stuff outside
counters bleached
watered and moved seedlings into the sun
dh put pump motor in trash can as they wouldn't take it
they also wouldn't take filter so i have to break it apart and bag it - what a waste of plastic bags
ok next - sweep kitchen floor -
ordered groceries put away
vacuumed front room and dusted
swept family room and dusted
swept front hall
got rid of poop outside and cat litter
laundry flip flopped and put away
made crab cakes with a really good avocado salsa
found out the zucchini in the fridge froze - so it went to compost
clean kitchen after dinner and turned on dw
dh put salt in water softener
tried cutting old large cat litter box in half - couldn't - dh tried first - I will have to order one construction site garbage bag for it. how silly that they won't take it.
dh folded outside cover for flower bed and put it in garage
he put the other pump stuff in plastic bags as the city won't take it unless they are in bags
I took the filter apart and we put it on the side of house for next weeks pick up - dh put it in bags.
I didn't get outside to work - but it was super windy

dh is being stubborn about cherry baby aspirins... he wants what he wants and by hook or by crook - found them online
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:34 pm

I'm so happy to see your accomplishments and smart thinking, blessed. I hope the meds change helps the kitten.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:41 am

thank you dearest Harriet! I wish you a beautiful day! you are a joy!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:18 am

working hard
working on what I can control and what I can't
working on doing little bits - so at least I am not falling backwards
I am also going to break up my work out so that I get the walking in - 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

listing the jobs I don't want to do and get those done first -
change the kittens pads - I know she will not improve in her abilities - as sweet as she is. lots to talk about with family. she is not in pain and is very loving but the work and the needs may be too much for me.
same with old dog. She pees every morning (laying down) as soon as she comes back in the house. Loving yes .... alert yes... limited abilities walking yes - happy yes. lots to think about. I have to wash towels in the am and pm from her. she goes out 7 times a day but her arthritis is hard on her walking. laying down. fantastic. Right now we can't go to the vet - she would be put down without us. lots to think about.

what has to be done next:
empty dw
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:08 am

bw2, I hate to suggest it, but when our dogs needed to be put down, our vet came to our home. If you come to that decision, you might check in with your vet and see if they would make a house call. There are also mobile vets who might make a house call, even in this time of social distancing.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:14 am

i want to but w dh being vulnerable i can't let people in our house
i am trying to figure out something w our vet she knows - dd olde is terrified about corona for me bc I've had pneumonia 3 times - the first time i was in my 30s and it did a lot of damage so i easily have problems w my lungs.
i hate to send her on her own but i am getting to the point where i can't keep up
our vet are not allowing in building visits- they come out to the car and bring them back -
i know this dog loves the vet so i am thinking of doing it this way - she is 15-1/2

i agree w u - she may be happy but it is too much
thank u!!!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:22 am

dishes emptied and put away
vacuumed kitchen floor and family room floor
counters stove sink cleaned
watered plants
took out compost
dog taken care off - washing towels
ordered more dishcloths
and steamer pads
changed animal waters and cleaned bowls
cat litter taken care of
more laundry flip flopped and put away
fed animals again a bit - kitten's metabolism is so fast she needs 3 meals a day and water
next jobs i dont want to do
next change sheets :arrow:
swish and swipe :arrow:
let dog outside again
held kitten again

what i dont mind doing
change kitten pads :arrow:
give kitten bath :arrow:

what i really want to do
fold up yard bedding covers :D
then work outside - :D
worked outside for about 4 hours

feeling overwhelmed again - stressed.
what I can't change today: dog barking to be let in and out and her peeing inside when it happens
I can't do anything about that today so move on

what can i do:
eat lunch
bring old dog in again
go outside and work
come in at 3:00 shower and make gnocchi :arrow:

I ordered dinner in and didn't clean up after 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) oh my gosh I wasn't having any of it.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:06 pm

Tomorrow is another day.

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