Health and Fitness, May 2020

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Health and Fitness, May 2020

Postby Harriet » Fri May 01, 2020 2:07 pm

This is an unusual and interesting time that may offer us some healthful insights.
What are you thinking? Here's a (very) partial group of questions people seem to consider these days.

Are you more aware of outdoor appeal while the indoors is so emphasized? Will you be getting out and smelling the May flowers
more, because we've had a stay-at-home April? Without knowing how much longer we'll each be sheltering, it's interesting that the UK has advised one outdoor exercise activity per day to be a large part of their plan for appropriate reasons to leave home while the stay-at-home order is in place.

Are you more concerned about your own or your family's resistance to the various bugs and susceptibilities that come our way and cause little or big consequences, from sniffles to sheltering to chronic conditions?

Are you feeling the changes in our social interactions in any particularly healthy or unhealthy ways? The many silly memes and jokes about frustrations with our housemates during this time are (usually) great exaggerations, but we do need to attentively forgive and "give space" to others, and fully expect them to do the same for us. Are the absences of particular individuals or groups giving you clues as to how healthful or unhealthful your relationships have been?

Have you had any attitude adjustments during this time of enforced quietude? (and does it feel like quietude or something else?) Have you come to conclusions about what has been emotionally or physically healthy in your life and what has not? Conclusions about changes in habits or priorities for the future?

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2020

Postby Harmony » Sat May 02, 2020 5:17 pm

24/7 with DH as he healed and we sheltered in place...eliminating his 3 times of social stuff per week....has him talking with me more. Now, you'd think that would be a good thing... but I've gotten used to not having much conversation that I'm a bit annoyed. I'm aware that sounds awful. It would be better if the conversation was on subjects I was interested in... and not stuff that got told over and over. Even riding bikes together he is talking and that is awkward because he's always talking about buying property around us and building another house to sell. There is a lot of building going on in this location and it is driving him crazy that he's not part of all that.

And I've found that for some reason this 24/7 has resulted in a bit of anxiety..and the boredom brings sadness. Knowing others have more challenges than I do then makes me feel guilty for that.

I'm glad this is beginning to get back to normal. I'd hate for it to keep on longer than necessary.

I did start back on a diet. I was disappointed in myself that I didn't do this earlier... but I had great inertia for that... so I'm giving it a shot now. I do not do good with stockpiles of yummy food around the house.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2020

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 02, 2020 10:16 pm

Harriet - excellent points to consider! Thanks for the opening of this thread.

I found a nutritional type course that interests me so I signed up for the 4 weeks of lessons. It is fairly intense with hours of videos, readings, assignments, an active FB group, and weekly Q&A with instructor. I am easily spending over 20 hours a week on the course but it feels worth it because I am interested in learning the material. I am keeping fairly good digital notes as I go through the course so I can do a word search and find the subjects to return to as my memory wanes. I am considering starting a local group but I'm going to put off that decision until I finish the course and the social distances ease some more.

I am logging all foods into cronometer so I am keeping on track with food choices. I am watching the minutes of activity and making sure to get at least the recommended 150 minutes of activity each week. Lately, I've been exceeding 400 minutes of activity a week. However, when I look at my step count it is dismal. I try for 7K a day.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2020

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun May 03, 2020 10:49 am

I'm with Harmony on the
... but I've gotten used to not having much conversation that I'm a bit annoyed.
Some days dh recites his walks: "up the hill then crest line then down to the cul de sac and back and up crestline and down the hill and around the circle and up the alley, then repeat it all..." until I am almost frantic.

I feel way short of walking goal this last week, some days hardly walked beyond taking the dog around a couple of times, so I need to get back on track. Also need to be stretching and doing some weight training of some kind.

My own weight holds steady. Never drops below 160 but OTOH not going up either. I'd like to eat better and get that moving. I had thought that eating out less would help but I can't see it has so far - I've made up for it in other places.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May 2020

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 07, 2020 11:47 am

Today is day #14 of being consistently keto. It has been a struggle but the NSV are showing up and giving me reasons to keep going.

I am going away from putting emphasis on # of steps I get and instead of putting my primary focus on the number of active minutes. I do think steps are important but their number doesn't include other activity. My primary goal is to raise my heart rate for a period of time each day.
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