Wednesday Writing

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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Lynlee » Wed May 20, 2020 7:06 pm

Writing Thursday?
It might work.
Make a tada list ?
Twud be great!

tmeds K radio on
d2s bed made
filled fish tank.

Harriet - glad the tide didn't come in and the watercourses overflow as far as you.
I did have a laugh at the gifts lining up, all 'don't belong here, returnable items.
On radio this morning someone reported being out in their tinny in the ocean, and fed their bait pilchards to a dolphin which returned and to give them a (forget the name) fish.

breakfast time.
Its currently not raining, though clouds are happening now and the morning blue sky is gone.
Still have hopes to get to run around of stores hoping for goat milk today.

sink attention
Last edited by Lynlee on Wed May 20, 2020 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 20, 2020 8:10 pm

Conference was good today. The 1 - 2:30 was the best part. One professor talked on the characteristics of a faithful sermon. She told us we can't write a good sermon, only God will put the good in it for the listener if they hear what God intends. But we can strive to write faithful sermons and laid out 8 characteristics a faithful sermon will have.

I grabbed a screenshot of each slid and pasted that into a doc file along with my notes on what she was saying because not everything noteworthy she said was a bullet on the slide (but she never got sidetracked, all excess wisdom was on point.)

Anna Florence Carter 'preached' although it was more a lecture as well. I thought she went a whole hour as well but it was only 30 minutes and a page and a half of written notes (since she was preaching there were no slides.)

The last speaker wasn't of interest to me so didn't get my undivided attention. Then I cooked dinner and had everything ready for the table just at 5 because it is family dinner night. Dh got home 10 minutes before 5 (but his was in the crockpot and I made up rice and a salad for him too.) Ds joined in a few minutes later (he was with dh.)

Dh said he had a very good visit with ds. Ds also went over and visited through the door with dgs today. So he had a very good, family oriented, day.

After dinner dh and I went for a walk and then we brought up all the garden stuff from the car.

I'm waiting for the sun to stop shining on my desk in the living room so I can get back to the taxes. It is pretty bad in the dining room too. I have a load of laundry to hang up so I'll do that while I wait on the sun. The hand dishes are all done and the dishwasher is finished as well.

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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby MysteryWoman » Wed May 20, 2020 8:35 pm

Good evening!

I have not gotten much done today. Got a late start as, when I got up in the wee hours to pee, DC17 came in and asked if we had any bottled water to take a pill with -- they were having cramps and couldn't get back to sleep. Well, they got their water, and I got awakened to the point where I couldn't get back to sleep for quite a while. Ended up sleeping in past 9. Spent a chunk of the day, too, waiting to hear from DC as to when/whether they wanted a ride across town. After their friend's graduation ceremony, she went to the school to have her picture taken on the steps there, so now DC wanted to do the same -- and possibly arrange it to meet up with this friend. Eventually, she allowed as how this was not likely to happen, so I photocopied a recipe that a friend wanted and dropped it in her mailbox. (I was hoping she'd come to the door when I rang the doorbell so we could at least have a wave and a chat through the door, but she was working.) Then off to the store for milk and chocolate -- because if I'm going to risk my life going into a store full of big, bad germs, I'm going to get some chocolate out of it, darn it! ;) Other than that, I've just done a bit of tidying.

Oops -- never hit "submit"!

After dinner, I watched the YouTube video of the tree-planting ceremony for DC's graduating class. The class officers stood in for the entire class, although I presume they'd have been the ones doing the ceremony anyway, with the rest of the class watching on. I mean, how many girls can shovel dirt on a sapling?

Settling in for an evening of TV with the fam. So a "good morning" to lynlee -- I hope you find your goat milk -- and a "good night" to everyone else.
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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Elizabeth » Wed May 20, 2020 9:11 pm

My TaDas for now are: got in a longer walk and, best of all, got access to and caught up on church website emails. Some stuff went back to 2018, fortunately nothing that would cause a crisis. The office thought it was forwarded to me and I thought it was forwarding there. I have not eaten dinner, but spaghetti only takes 10 minutes. I have not started a chair yet, but the email was so much more hanging over my head. My master bathtub is resealed and completely dry. I need to clean it before using it. In fact, I am going to run bleach water through the jets so I can use those. It is partially cleaned, but got dirty again when I had to redo a small section.

Kathryn: God can also work through sermons that are completely ignored. I was in church with DDthen4 and she was being very distracting. Not so much misbehaving, but needing my attention and I had not the vaguest idea what the pastor was saying. I thought to myself, "Why am I even here? I'm not getting anything out of this." A voice to my right said, "Maybe it's time you put something into it." It was so distinct and clear, I looked beside me, but saw no one. Shortly thereafter, I was walking through the sanctuary and overheard the pastor saying to another member, "Well here's someone now, let's ask her!" She was looking for someone to replace her on the trustees committee when she just had too much going on. Three year term on that, then ended up on the missions team. I felt bad when I had to leave the missions team, but then someone was needed for the website and here I am. I suspect God can even work through BAD sermons!

I am going to see if my database process is done and start the next process. Don't worry about me working too hard. Determining if the process has finished is a simple matter of unlocking the computer and pressing F5 in the first query. F5 to the second query window will tell me if I need to start the next process or if it is OBE. Max of 10 minutes to kick that off, then all I need to do is logoff and shut down.

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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Sunny » Wed May 20, 2020 9:49 pm

Hi everyone! I've had a busy day, for a change. My writing was catching up the daily journal in my planner, writing an agenda of important things left to do, and checking off things that are done.

This afternoon ddil asked if I wanted to go with her and dson to pick up summer tires at the tire shop for one of their cars then stop at Target on the way home. It was good to get out of the house and walk around the store. I got a couple of things I needed as well.

Dee, I asked dson's advice about the routes past this area. There are actually two beltways; one around D.C. and the other around Baltimore. He pulled up google maps and from here to the Rochester area is about 7 hours. He said this route is better than I95 to RT 17 etc. He sent the route and link to my phone and I forwarded it to the phone number I had for you from a couple of years ago. Hope you still have the same number! See what your dd thinks about this.

Temperature here is going down to 51* tonight and was almost the same last night. I pulled out my winter PJs and will wear them again tonight.

I had brought back a small box filled with pictures the last time I was in the storage unit. I spent all yesterday afternoon sorting through these and what a walk down Memory Lane! Pictures were dated from the late 1920s to the early 2000s. I have a lot more sorting to do!

Everyone has gone to bed, I think I'll get ready also.
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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 20, 2020 10:29 pm

We spent a bit of time on the balcony chatting with our neighbours below while we waited for the 3 year old one floor below them to change into her ballerina costume and come out and dance for us! It was delightful.

Then dh and I got the taxes done and filed. I still have to tidy up my work area and file the physical papers but the returns are with the government. I had made a mistake which took an hour to work recover from (that's using software, I can't imagine doing it by hand anymore!)

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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Lynlee » Wed May 20, 2020 11:10 pm

The rain has held off so far today.

back from shop. most is pa.
store 1, no gmilk. bought a few things.
store 2 success w gmilk.
between those 2 I bought another 3 easy meals, though 1 will need the rice and veg home cooked.
More cereal to try. I've been trying some different ones.
store 3 gyoghurt
store 4 plants for fish tank. Opps I entered without counting people but I made 'enough'.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Wednesday Writing

Postby Harmony » Wed May 20, 2020 11:30 pm

Twins, I'd called the local agent. Nobody from that office called back today. I guess I'll have to start all over tomorrow. :evil:

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