Health and Fitness, September 2020

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:20 pm

I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
I ca see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
Sunshiny day!!!

This is my new theme song and describes exactly how I feel. Several days ago I ran across a post from a place that I used to get my vitamin B's shots from. I quite going in late 2018, but I don't know why. It dawned on me that these shots might help me again, so I called and made an appointment to go in.

It is also a doctor directed weight loss facility, but that's not the reason I started with them 8 years ago. My friend had been going there and kept telling how great she was feeling with the B shots, so I decided to give it a try and was very happy with the results.

Of course the program for the shots have changed. In the past the single shot which I took once a week contained Vitamins B-5, B-6, B-12 and Hydroxocbalamin, which supports the vitamin B-12 to increase one's energy. It is all natural and NOT like speed. It also contained a Fat burner which of course was all natural and contained:

Methionine: Liptropic amino acid which can reduce fat and lower cholesterol
Inositol: helps maintain proper energy and nutrient transfer and aids metabolism with in the body
Choline: required to transport and metabolism of fats and cholesterol within the body
L-Carnitine: An antioxidant which helps fight harmful free radicals in the body and helps the body turn fat into energy.

Now they sell the B shot separately from the Fat Burner or you can get the combined shots like I used to do.

So I was just planning to buy the B shots until I really got talking to my PA there. I knew they were going to try and sell me the diet program, but they knew up front I was only interested with the shots. I don't remember how we got around to talking about the fat burners, but I was complaining to my PA that I was having issues with my belly in fat stomach..which I have never had before. Remember except for the virus, I have beenlifting weight and doing strength exercises for years. She asked me when I started noticing the fat building up and sure enough it was AFTER I stopped getting my shots.

What an eye-opener that was for me. Between my Hiatus Hernia and my IBS problems my weight has climbed into my danger zone and regardless of how well I eat, the weight won't drop. She didn't have to say much except, Look at your body before and look at it I signed up for both. I mean what have I got to loose besides money.

I got the shot on Tuesday...Its a little bitty thing and noticed the next day I was feeling better, I also was dressed by 8 and started working around the house. No buzzing from the shot, I just felt better. By yesterday I was up by 7:30 and never sat down for any long periods of time except to write notes and few other things. And I could really begin to feel like the old me. I wanted to make sure this wasn't all in my mind so I asked Sweetie if I seemed different to him...he knew about the shots. He said it was most noticeable with my mood and energy.

In thinking back over all the medical things that have been going on with my body, I don't think I realized how everything was effecting me. I just didn't "feel" for lack of a better word, like the old me.

I don't think I would of believed the power of getting your body back to working compacity if I hadn't experienced it myself. I'm in a world of happiness right now because I'm feeling so much like the old me, and I really didn't realize how much I missed her. The brain fog has dissipated, my energy is feeling good, and I don't miss sitting in my chair all day.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:52 pm

LadyM... I know what you mean about fighting the temptation to eat goodies that other people provide.

Here's several things I do for myself...
When I first started getting serious about my weight, I noticed I tended to nibble on food as I prepared know cooking over the stove and taking a taste here and a taste there.

I don't remember how I started this, but I decided one day to set a small plate next to the stove and where I was preparing foods and instead of nibbling an putting stuff in my mouth, I put it on the plate. Oh MY Goodness!!! I couldn't believer how much this added up.

So I decided I needed to put a barrier between the food I was preparing and my don't laugh at me, but I ended up putting either a carrot or a pencil between my teeth so that I could try to break my nibbling habit. Every time I unconsciously tried to put food in my mouth I physically yelled NO to myself. Over time it worked and I was able to remove the pencil/carrot ...I liked the pencil because it was smaller, but liked the carrot for its taste...and just keep yelling no to myself.

And yes I stopped tasting food as I cook, and still don't. That was a very difficult habit to break, but I figured I had been making the same foods the same way so I KNEW without tasting how it tasted.

Recently, do to my stomach issues, I've been forced to eat food I don't usually eat, like crackers, noodles with butter, peanut putter and breads because they sat well in my stomach, and just like an addict I began eating them even though I didn't need to. All those foods just re-established the taste for my binging foods that I had overcome during the years before. I found myself making excuses as to why I needed them. I was just lying to myself.

I decided I needed to find a way to signal to myself what I was doing when I reached for those foods...I was even getting up in the middle of the night when i knew full well what I was doing. so...

I bought myself a beaded stretch bracelet to put on my right arm...why, because thats the arm I use to reach for the foods, like cookies, with. I made a deal with myself that when I "saw" the bracelet reach for something I again yelled NO to myself. It forces me to think what I am doing. This is not a new strategy to me.

When I was working with kids with behavior issues, I need a way to make my student aware of what he/she was doing before they went through with whatever they were up to. With permission from the parents, the student would place a rubber band around their wrists and snap it while saying no for some of their behaviors. I could give you all the psycho babble as to why it works, but that really isn't important. All that matters is the strategy truly worked and many of my parents continued to use it after their child left me.

So...because I didn't want to walk around with a rubber band on my wrist all the time, I came up with the stretch bracelet. Last night I found myself getting up late at night while I was reading and headed for the bread I had made that day...I no sooner got past my bedroom door when I yelled NO to myself and stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and went back to bed.

See there's hope for me after all :D
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:17 am

Hurray for me, I discovered I can read with my kindle while on my glider. I can rest it on the handle bars platform and zoom away. Game changer for me at the moment. Usually I watch tv while I’m on my gazelle, but I love to read so I can glide away at a really good clip and still read.

That being said , I put 5.5 miles on my gazelle yesterday. There was nothing interesting on tv last night so I read while on my glider.

My football game is on today so I’ll watch it on my glider. I’m debating about using my Fitbit, but I’m really not a fan of it. If I want to count steps, I’d rather put my phone in my back pocket and use my pedometer on it.

Stayed on my eating plan..staying under 1000 calories a day and sort of low carbs. I have added just a bit of fruit to my day so we’ll see how that works.

Almost ate some cranberry bread last evening but choose a piece of baked chicken instead. Yeah for me!

One day at a time... sometimes it’s really one hour at a time. I have great respect for recovering addicts!
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:42 pm

IMHO, the knowledge, experience, inspiration, and wisdom shared here are priceless. I just CUOP'd and wanted to pause and give a (((Group Hug))) and say thank you for sharing.

RunKitty - Thank you for sharing about the Brazil nuts. I too ordered some. I gave a quick lesson to the kids about the danger of eating too much of them.

I weighed an average brazil nut and it weighed 3grams. According to the nutrition data that one brazil nut (3g) has 105% of RDA for selenium. We were already getting some selenium so I decided to put us on 1 brazil nut EOD. SHE cards to the rescue to make sure I remember!

I'm adding in a potato bar to our weekly menu. We have consistently seen our older friends and family have to be admitted to the hospital for IV because their potassium level is so low. In looking at food that is a good source of potassium that DH and the kids will eat, it seems potatoes are a winner. I don't know if eating baked potato once a week will be that helpful in maintain potassium level but it seems to be a small step in the right direction.

I am failing over and over in my eating plan. My weight continues to zoom up. I am not being successful with any eating plan. Except maybe the see food one.

DGS23 is continuing to do the food plan we did together a couple years ago and having great success in maintaining his weight. After I quit doing it he has added many restrictions. He is thriving with it but i don't think I would do well (long term) on so rigid eating plan.

I've done almost all the diets and ways of eating out there and they all work short term for me. But I can't seem to stay with them.

I'm not trying to be a whiner. Just admitting that I'm failing at this moment.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:04 pm

LadyM...the see food diet is my favorite, but it sure does get me in trouble :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:19 pm

I did the rest of my walk this afternoon I did several shorter walks.

Sun. I walked a regular walk in the mirning and did a session on the stst bike and three trips to the basement. Plus walking around the yard for steps, and watering.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:29 am

I did not meet my 49K step goal for the week ended yesterday. I think I'm probably feeling scattered, with the need to also do PT exercises at home. Also, weather has been so rainy it's been hard to get out. Got rained on this a.m. trying to walk the dog.

Keeping 49K step modest step goal and building the habit of doing PT exercises daily is my goal this week.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:31 am

Twins..yay for doing your PT exercises. They are really important for you at the moment!

I met my first weight goal this morning. Been staying on my eating program with no slips. My goal is to loose 20 lbs, but I’m just trying to stay focused on It one day at a time. I have a wedding to attend in three weeks and that is helping me stay focused. I think I can met my goal by T-day.

Each day presents its challenges. What’s been a great help is the pre-made salads I found and been buying from Wally World. I could make my own, but this is a great treat to myself, and they cost less than $3. I just grab one and eat and I don’t even have to think about it. The salads run from 270-320 calories each, depending on the contents and include their own salad dressings. No muss, no fuss.

I did 3.1 miles on my gazelle yesterday.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:49 pm

****Cheering****** for those making consistent improvements in their health.

I mentally picked myself up and dusted off my failures and started again today. My first problem is I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I just know what I've got to quit doing (overeating). I don't know which WOE I'm going to do but I do know that I need to limit my daily food intake. Continuing to do the see-food diet is not healthy or wise.

Today I had a bunless cheeseburger and a big green salad with fixings for lunch which came to almost 1000 calories for that one meal. So that meant that today I'm doing OMAD (one meal a day). That's as much decision that my mind can handle. Right now i'm hungry and cranky. I'll figure out tomorrow when I get to it.
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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2020

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:39 am

Stayed on my eating plan
Gazelle 2.2 miles
Up .4 lbs
64oz water

Now the hard work begins . Stay focus, one day at a time, don’t let scale fluxes derail me. Keep doing what I’m doing...keep my eyes on the goal.
Live Boldly, Take Risks, No Regrets...Jilliam Michaels

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