Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:10 pm

home again jiggity jig
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Re: my list of things I need to do or remember

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 3:36 pm

buy wood for fireplace
more white lights check

list from everybody
d mom book
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans November 23rd week

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:52 am

as the pwyc hasn't opened yet I thought I would start here

my goal today is believing in myself

my other goal for the next year - purpose - without children and caretaking (glad caretaking is gone) I found I am needing to do good in the world without being part of a large women organization - I don't need or want control. I just want to be able to help outside my family and home.
I have always taken time to learn new things yearly but that seemed a bit empty for me this year. I love the excitement of learning but that wasn't there this year.

I also know that my physical abilities in the home have changed. I was doing so great but having d pup changed my time and then getting sick reduced my health. older age also takes a bite out of that physical ability.

also looking to make some income. Not sure how I will do it as we have the puppy - but I will figure something out.

I have cards that I haven't touched in 2 days. (the regular part of life stuff) they need to be done.

check for dh - water guy

cards not done:
dog and cat p**p
get ideas from girls - I need to order today - wednesday
vacuum first floor
rinse floors
make banana bread
wash bathroom buckets
swish and swipe - nothing great in bathrooms - I have been making this into a big job in my head

train heel for d pup. cursory

extra: vacuum and dust dd youngers room
clean the middle part of my car - toss anything that needs tossing.

stop by bank to find out how to get dd older on my checking account -
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:27 am

lost the whole day yesterday - I went to outpatient place - I don't have pneumonia but ribs are sore - inflammation in muscles from coughing.
came home and fell asleep - bummer.

it's has to be okay - it is what it is - trying to not put myself down for that.
(it's a bad habit)

it's snowing
woke at 6 but haven't taken d dog out yet. so off to s2s and winter jacket - ta ta
dropped d obnoxious dog at dog care place - oh my goodness she is being awful there - they have video - I will have to take her to the woods before dropping her off - get her back on track with the day care time and swimming time. They have had to put her in a crate a couple times and she is barking like crazy.

spoke to d mom - d brother - he doesn't want dd coming home for Christmas on a plane - I will see. She is heartbroken but decided that it is better for dh and I that she stays in Florida.

goal surface chaos taken care of

This is not a contest, this is life.
from Holiday grand plans re: making gifts etc. makes a lot of sense

goal this week: inventory christmas decorations. I have an idea of what I want to do decorating wise.

time: 10:30ish
1:48 pm ordered new inhaler
dishes counters stove sink done
put away done

taking health break
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:52 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:47 am

take care of yourself first, bw2! Glad it's not pneumonia, tho.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:10 pm

thank you d twins! see you soon
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans November 29 - December, 2020

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:09 am

“Today, whatever is good for your soul, do that.”

trying to remember this!

Still sick but trying hard to get my body going and have a routine for the dog - i am not gong to pressure myself with set routines on the house this week. I will use my card file but not pull them all at once and overwhelm my brain. taking the Christmas decorating pressure off of me as well - looking to be creative.

dog schedule
- am long woods walk and that type of training, I have missed going to different spots. puppy adventures - retrieve work
-crate time short
outside yard let out
elimination walk and training for heel/stay - in front of house
crate time short
outside yard let out
neighbourhood walk before dinner - cursory training, comfort training - brush, nails, teeth, ears stand training, wearing orange vest
evening dd older turn

Time to go back to impulse control work for her and behaviour eraser work

Sunday: 29 self care day including my laundry and put away, creative day - put my car in the garage so that during the week I can clean it.
Monday: 30 bills this week and papers that need to be taken care of. phone calls - call vet - bump on hind leg of d dog, and nails
Tuesday: 1 woods, drop of dog at day care, home blessing, dog training at 5:30 leave at 5:00
Wednesday 2: home blessing
Thursday: 3 dog at day care: Christmas work - cards, wrap presents as they come in, put ornaments in front room
Friday: 4 Car and purse day.
saturday: remainder of lights
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:15 am

working on my gratefulness (be in the moment). I am sure being sick and being a complete empty nester and being behind in the house painting and care/decorating/things breaking and falling apart - has affected me.

Goal: being intentional on saying thank you for the good and the bad so that I get back in the habit - I feel so much grace and happiness when I am grateful during my day. It has always been a natural part of me but not right now - I have to make being grateful a habit in my day until I am back to it being natural again.

Look for hope during the day! Where there is hope there is gratefulness and light. Where there is gratefulness and light there is joy and happiness.

"you are judging your circumstances right now and how you are judging them is affecting how you feel. What can help while we are judging is to appreciate what we still have. How can we find our happiness right now: gratitudes" being grateful for the good and "some has to be the problems and the struggles. It's not always going to be this way. It erodes your peace. We have to anchor back to the hope, trust and joy. Be present in today." (minimal mom sisters).

So this morning I am going to list the good and the struggles - find gratefulness for both.

Sunday: move rest of the christmas boxes upstairs, menu plan, garden shop
Monday: new microwave put in
tuesday: dh's eye dr appointment - dog at day care
Wednesday dog nail appointment
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:35 am

laundry started
breakfast and meds taken
ordered the things I missed from store yesterday.
I am going to start reading Gordon Ramsey's book
on my aunt Franny for way too long.

take dog for walk is next. -not natural yet but working at it: grateful: I have a car I can drive, I live near woods so that I can walk the dog away from city traffic. Was able to have breakfast. Have meds for my illness - even though still sick.

oranges dried in oven yesterday - I want to cut the cinnamon sticks to add to garland - stop by garden shop for pine boughs
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:48 am

today is Monday: Microwave is put in - :D
depending on health:
put away (has been a problem)
wash blankets - sheets - wash whites :D and put away
change discover payment for this month :D
water plants :D
kitchen zone pull cards for week :arrow:
Christmas decorating and then put away boxes - some :D
Christmas: put greener around house. :arrow:
open fake christmas tree :arrow:
put lights up in back room :arrow:
dinner chicken, red wine, mushrooms, shallots, chicken stock.
send mom's ornament out :arrow:
pull bills and write down spending - no more :D

get back to dailies:
self care - s2s :D
walk dog in am and pm and training in between :arrow: some training
dog and cat stuff - I have been remiss :shock: ;)
clean around laundry machine :arrow:
swish and swipe powder room (I have been remiss) , swipe top of counter and sink :D
vacuum first floor (thinking of getting a roomba type thing for the dining room and front hall. :arrow:
empty dw dh :D
fill dw :D
counters :D
microwave wipe :arrow:
toss any old food :arrow:
clean sink tonight
pull fruit to eat today - apple - pear
pull veg to eat today
rinse kitchen floor surfacent :arrow:
wipe table :D

dining room: vacuum - wipe table :arrow:

bedrooms: put away and make beds :arrow:

pull cloths for next day

journal: prayers,

Dog lessons -

read after getting ready for bed

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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