PWYC Monday

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PWYC Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:29 am

No inspiration for me, just stuff to do!

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Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:48 am

Good Morning!

I'm up and going. 36 SHE cards completed. Being in a quiet environment makes a HUGE difference in my ability to focus.

My plan for today -
** Weather = 37/26F 11-20mph Cloudy
** Project of the Day = 2020 Tax info to CPA
** Fun, satisfying, feels good = The anticipation of surprising CPA friend. He has done our taxes for about 3 decades and he has zero expectations for me to show up this early. He usually calls me near the end of filing time to get me motivated and I take my info to him about 3 minutes before the deadline or asking him to file an extension.
** Life Skill taught = Embrace the Grind. This is week #6 of 2nd semester. One third done. Nothing exciting ....Just get 'er done.
** On the menu today = Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
** On the schedule today =
    -- Homeschool
    -- Epic Charter school
    -- 3pm DH and my time (walk)
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:12 am

Hi from the frozen tundra! It "feels like" - 10 F. AKA - 21 C! Yes, those are both minus signs. It isn't windy, so I guess that's a good thing. Brrr...

Dh had a call from a guy needing something later today, so I think it's an oil change.

Very disappointed at the score of that football game when I woke up this morning. I was hoping Mahones and company would turn things around.

Supper tonight is liver and onions with mashed potatoes and leftover cabbage. The leftover cabbage doesn't really go with L&O, does it. I think I need to add gravy to the list of what we are having because I think it needs gravy.

Paperwork. There is stuff in each pile that needs to go into file folders, so I will be doing that today. I have nothing else to do because I did the pots from supper before I went to bed last night and I did a lot of laundry over the past 3 days, including almost every blanket we've been using. I also finally washed all of the blankets that Missy used to sleep on from different spots in the house. These 2 kittens tend to pee on anything resembling a towel or blanket or if it's something on the floor, like the towel dh puts down to step on after he's done in the shower.

Harmony none of the paperwork I'm sorting has to do with the business. That is in a file box all on it's own.
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:40 am


Today is horse day for me! I am wearing my sun screen shirt for the first time and am anxious to see how it works. It will be 76* today and the shirt is long sleeved. Am wondering how cool it will be.

I’ve already had four spots show up on my arm and chest I am watching. I have band aids on them to keep them out of the sun. Most likely I will need to have them check so will call to make an appointment. I’ve been dealing with this sort of thing for well over 15 years so know what to look for.

I had fun making my paper puppet yesterday. Haven’t done much artsy things in a while and will include this paper dog puppet in my Valentine envelope when mail it to my gd tomorrow. Wish we were closer so we could do this kind of stuff together.

Need to start thinking about my sun flowers and how to set up my garden. This year I am growing white and pink ones and am excited to see how they will grow. Need to get the grown ready this weekend and then watch the extended weather. Last year I ran into torrential rains that almost washed everything away. Need to avoid that if possible. Will get my daily workout carrying those heavy soil bags from my suv to the gardens.

Need to get my lunch and stuff ready for today and make my breakfast. Waving to y’all
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:55 am

I was up at 7:30ish.

I've been able to take Monday and Tuesday for genealogy in recent weeks. I love it. I realized yesterday that I am actually getting somewhere with the case study. I have a lot of footnotes to write and I have revisions to do but I think I've covered all the territory I need to.

Today I need to get to the vet's office to p/u dog meds. I have a couple of other errands I might do while I'm out but they can wait until Wed also.

This week I also need to get back with walking. I fell off the days I had the tummy issues, and just let it go last week.

And I took off before posting this. I've s2s-ed and dried my hair and walked the dog. I have a guy coming at 10 for a quote on a replacement window at our breakfast table. It's a big one, and this is the second time it's clouded up. I think we need to look at moisture in that wall also.

Just saw a meme for crafters: When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all week!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:29 am

Cathy - I can't imagine that cold of weather!

Our big city weather person just tweeted "We are now below freezing. Most likely opportunity to climb above freezing won't occur again until around Feb 19." He didn't include info in this tweet about the moisture. We have sleet falling now. #WinterWeather

This weather isn't helping with my developing habit of walking every day with DH. I have zero desire to walk on icy roads. We don't have sidewalks so I feel like a target for a sliding vehicle. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. I'm giving myself a pass during this cold spell and will refocus on establishing that walking habit when it isn't icy.

School is underway. The kids are doing good.

I spent over 30 minutes on phone with DBro. He mentioned maybe getting a c19 vaccine shot so I got online while we were talking to see if any were available nearby. I was a bit shocked how many appointments are available. Basically any day between 9 - 5pm. I told DBro to pick a time and date and I'll make his appointment online for him.
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby MysteryWoman » Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:39 am

Lolligagging as usual. I’ve really got to start showering before bed; I just can’t seem to pry myself into the shower in the mornings any more. Don’t know why. Once I’m in there, it takes me maybe 10 minutes, depending on if I wash my hair. It could just be winter; the bed is warm, and the air is not. And once I’ve pried myself out of bed, the shower means taking off my nice, warm nightgown. Add that to my fantasy house: some form of additional heat for the bathroom.

We are not as cold as Cathy; the temperature was 13 last I looked. LadyM, I think staying off the icy roads is wise, not just because of the worries of vehicles sliding but simply because YOU might slip and fall.

So I still need to do... everything! Except take my thyroid. I did that a while ago, so if I ever s2s, I can eat right away. My stomach has convinced me: my nightgown is not warm enough for our cold kitchen, so I need to get dressed for the day before I make breakfast, and my hair needs washing, so shower it is.
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:51 am

I have been up since five-ish.
Journaling & planning done.
Snow melted off the roiads here that is the good news.
Got the trash dumped.
Found a cookbook from famous cafe's & eateries in my kindle.
A devo Bible & dictionary and novels galore.
My reader on my tablet from the library ovee drive I think is much easier to use. But the kindle is way lighter and much more portable.!

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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:17 pm

Nancy - Your making good progress in finding what works best for you. I like overdrive too.

I just can’t seem to pry myself into the shower in the mornings

Mystery - me too! I started holding my coffee hostage until I get my personal AM cards done. Every morning I hurry through the AM cards so I can have that cup of coffee. #WhatEverWorks

While waiting on the kids to finish their current assignment, I'm looking at all the free excel templates. I feel like a kid with my nose pressed to the Candy Story window staring at all the possibilities.

DBro has an appointment for his first c19 shot at 1:30 today.
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Re: PWYC Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:57 pm

Mystery that's why I shower at night. I can crawl under the duvet and snuggle into my pillows.

Started looking through 2014 files and there was a lot of stuff that needed to be moved to another file box. Now 2014 looks almost empty. I'm sure I'll find more stuff when I check the 2015 file. It's huge. More than 2 inches thick. :shock:
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