February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

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February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:42 pm

Love and Home.

Here in the "Love Month" we might take a moment to think of the loving care we bestow on our homes. Not just the practical things but the attitude we have toward making our homes a benefit to ourselves (because we love ourselves) and to others (because we love others - our "own" and our neighbor).

Is there really love in tackling a cluttered bathroom, for instance? I mean, really? Maybe so, if we bring that PineSol, scrubbers, wipes, sprays or whatever arms we have taken up in battle, and (possibly sighing) catch on that we do this because we are protecting from bacteria, germs and any other baddies that might threaten. If we catch on that we're providing a safety-conscious, clear floor and easily-reached toiletries without the confusion of a cluttery counter or out-of-date meds. If we look into that (now clearly reflecting) mirror and decide that the declutter-er looking back at us is loved, and also pretty terrific for loving others.

How do you want to use your home to offer and display love this February? How will your decluttering cut through the confusion or obstacles and clear the way?

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:10 pm

It was a joy to read all the successes last month - what was that, 6 pages? Cool.

blessed, we hope you will have technology restored and get back to us. Also, that you will post on along even when the big 2021 push for your "indoors" yields to the summer months that beckon you to your "outdoors". Lynlee has a outdoor thread going.

I have some reasons to be pensive lately and went back to hoarding programs on tv a little. I think some of my safety-conscious and bacteria-conscious thoughts written above had to do with that. It (seeing accumulation and the results without vigilance) does help me with a jolt ⚡ out of pensiveness and into some practical work, you know? HRH continues to say he can't snack when we watch those programs (smile).

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:37 pm

I do not celebrate Valentines Day.
Yep it is a jolt at times to see visual examples of clutter at home or on TV.
I had to toss a couple of full bins of stuff I had shredded last night.
Of course then there were the shredder "crumbs" to clean up afterwards also.
Sigh of relief at getting those out of the dining room aka the "staging area".
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Feb 24, 2021 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:52 pm

A couple old stash-and-dashes were gone through today. A lot of dd's old sketches, schoolwork were present. Found a couple things of some value. One tall-kitchen trash bag to toss.

Was going to toss a chair, but dd41 wants it. It's been the week of broken items - managed to corral all the splinters from a bowl and from glass in a frame. There's another glass pane broken and staying together right now, but I must wait on dd22 because her friend's art is in that frame. So sorry.

Last seven years of our statements, invoices, etc., are in matching repurposed blue swiffer-wet containers, each with the date on the end (paper with scotch tape over it so I can change it easily). Not perfect, but it looks neat on a shelf. We literally never go back to these, though. Sigh.

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:14 pm

I've been going around the office/quilting room from the door. One wall done today - several hours. Does that sound sad to ya'll? I wouldn't be surprised. One tall kitchen garbage bag to toss.

Tossing things like an ink cartridge for the printer, which I've already tried and written on the outside of the box "new but leaves a mark". I was saving just in case we ran out. :roll: A folder that works but is badly warped. Old garden plans. Parts of dd's abandoned or already-turned-in projects.

Things organized - 8 x 11 papers in colors. All dd's greeting cards we'd had printed, and a count of how many are left, envelopes, etc.

Found - package of beads I'd bought at hobby store and promptly lost. More church letterhead for the new treasurer, but just a small amount. Tempting to toss rather than confuse him.

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:15 pm

Helpful in general - I found a Pinterest site that inspires me and I go look at it often to keep me focused on how I'd like future house decor to look, and also how I'd like quilts to be displayed/stored, fabric to be put away. Some cabinet ideas for both showing and hiding.

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Re: February 2021 Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:24 pm

M. Bed room Zone Focus :

I had sorted out short sleeved tee shirts to make room for the long sleeve ones
got short sl. Ones put away and in a drawer.

Picked up laundry and it i s ready to go to the basement to sort and start in a bit.
Big sigh of relief just little 10 min. Tasks got me out of feeling stuck & not so overwhelmed.

I tossed something "I might need someday." They went out in the trash yea for that as well every little bit helps.
Dsis and I were comparing notes on all the stuff left behind when someone passes everything is what they leave.

So it iis a deeper level of letting go as I come up on the 1 yr. Ann. And h. Bday in Mar. Bday type stuff reminders coupons

Mail :Coming in the mail dealt with another one today, these are almost daily this past week.
One more call made a new store with an opening h. got a flyer so I called them, trying to get his name off and mine on it.
The gal said it might have been from a mailing list. Took a bit of sleuthing but at least I got to talk to a human.
2nd call today on mailers. After a year still getting stuff.

"Found" the crafting table in the sewing room yea for progress!
Decluttered / tossed fabric scraps on the folding crafting table and the freed up a laundry basket.

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