Thursday PWYC

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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:03 pm

I think that's true, Cathy. There's always the fear now of getting sick and quarantined at home. Of course, we forget how easy it is to order online and have it delivered, but I know a lot of older people aren't savvy about doing that. The Jewish Federation here had a program early on where they helped facilitate online ordering for those who weren't comfortable with it. And I try to keep our pantry and freezer well stocked.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:44 pm

I'm home from Sam's. They were well stocked with most everything. The freezer section had a few frozen breakfast-type foods missing but otherwise, I didn't notice any empty shelves. I did a restock (>$400) of our pantry and freezer. This is to return to our normal level of items on hand.

It has been months since I physically did all our shopping. Typically I order online and have it delivered to the vehicle. LetMeTellYa.....that is a wonderful service. I didn't use it today because I wanted to have the experience of normal shopping. I wanted to look at the clothes and pick a few things up for the kids. It has been so long since I leisurely pushed a shopping cart up and down the aisles. I thought it sounded like a good idea. Now that I've experienced it again, I'm not so enthused about doing it again any time soon. My buggy was loaded from the bottom to the top and took some muscles to push and turn corners. I will have no problem returning to the online order and curb pickup.

Next up - check the kids' school work and see if they finished their assignments while I was gone.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:01 pm

Dd called we had a good talk.
I have walked the dog.
Only two weeks until day lite savings begins.
Our big box store here does not deliver groc. only pick up in the parking lot. I have never used that feature.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:40 pm

Right now I have dh to do all the shopping for me. That will end in 4 weeks. He leaves 4 weeks from Saturday. Now I can say where did the winter go? Of course he's really only down here for 4 1/2 months or so. Me? I'm closer to 7 months. DD and I have done some online/pickup shopping at W mart. Imagine I'll do more of that as I become comfortable with it. We do need to go to Sam's in the next 2 or 3 days for just a few things. I really like their ground beef and I need some to make spaghetti sauce for the time DS-R/family are here. DD hopefully will have time to decide on meals Saturday morning. She has hockey tonight, she & dh have to leave for Orlando around 4 for a game there tomorrow and she's back to Tampa Saturday night. Sunday she and DS-R/family are going to the beach Sunday morning until some time Monday. Know DS wants to take us all to H arry's Seafood downtown. But the jury's still out on whether I can actually make myself go. Feel awful to be a wet blanket.

I've been spending a great deal of the afternoon trying to get our taxes from 2019 to print out. First had to get them to download. While that printed I put up 4 weeks of dh's meds and that took over an hour. Kept thinking there was an awful lot printing out and began to wonder if I'd hit it twice. Evidently it printed out every work sheet possible. I have at least more than a 1/3 ream of paper printed -both sides. Sure I don't need most of it. I'm sure our taxes from last year are still up north. Now I'm wondering why I even took them home with me last year. At least I spent my time (and then some) on getting our taxes done!

Have to get dh's papers around for his vaccine tomorrow. He and dsonil went over to dbil's to pick up a 2 piece hutch to take to an old teacher friend of dd's. Dh said his DB was getting ready to go get their vaccine. DB said, "I guess they think we're some (race inserted here :evil: ) to keep us waiting so long. Said they've waited 10 weeks. I know it's not been that long. Wish I'd written down when he told us dsisil's care giver got them appointments. I'd say maybe 4 or 5 weeks ago. Of course I only made dh's yesterday for tomorrow! :lol: Dh just happened to mention first that "sometimes my db is so prejudiced." Thank goodness dh is not, though I remember his dMom being that way. He is very often so negative and believes anything he hears on TV, mostly slanted news. Very much 'gloom & doom'. DD mentions from time to time how much his coming to visit (which was pretty often) terrorized them (dks). Don't think our younger two remembered it so much because they moved to FL in '81. Shelley was born in '68 & our youngest son in '71. Don't think they came as much when DS-A was younger as they were pretty busy with dnephew who finally passed away from cancer.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:01 pm

We have had supper. Korean style BBQ short ribs. They are thinner than regular short ribs, with most of them being 1/2 inch thick, if that. They cook very quickly, so by the time the rice was done, so was the meat. I have gotten into the (gasp) habit of clearing the table after supper every night so the 2 kittens don't get up on the table and get into anything that they shouldn't. Dishwasher is ready to get turned on, but I want to turn on the washing machine first. Adding that the washing machine is now going.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:28 pm

Ds came by and "fixed" the TV, which didn't work for dh last night. It was a loose wire, probably from them shaking the house yesterday. :lol:

Dfriend M and I walked a lap and had a glass of wine in the sunshine and contemplated the new screened porch.

And dh is going after barbeque for dinner instead of us grilling.

Life is good!
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:54 pm

I’ve have t done much today because I just felt off. Think I’m working on a sinus infection because I have all the signs.

During all this time I never did any store pickups. I’ve been physically doing all my grocery, Walmart and Costco in person. Same with other stores. However I have used Amazon a lot as well.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:23 pm

There was stuff in the dryer, which is now away. Washer got emptied to refill the dryer which is going now. Dishwasher is also going. Dh and I shared a navel orange and I washed the cutting board. There is a dish in the sink and the bowl from the jelly is soaking.

I stitched while dh watched the news, Wheel and Jeopardy.

I must say I really like having the lights dimmed after supper. I think it helps us get into "rest" mode even though we both read in bed.
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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:01 pm

I got my papers together and went to the county office. There were hardly any cars in the parking lot and I was wondering what was going on. I haven't been in any county office since at least last year this time. Right about now we were getting ready for DH's ankle surgery and I was housebound with him, then we were in lockdown... so really I wasn't sure just what they needed but I took copies of all the licenses and insurance and gave to the gal to update whatever she needed. In all this time they've moved several offices to different locations and have remodeled the whole place. There is plexiglass everywhere, all the people are in their glass "cages". I may someday have to learn a whole new procedure.

Picked up my Rx and got a few groceries. Gassed up the car. It was crowded; I wondered if they were giving away free gas.

I really really miss going by the library and bringing a stack home. After this year I am tired of working crossword puzzles every evening. I'm missing having a book to read.

Finished my work with the tax packages. Came back and fixed a file where the accountant changed a figure. I must be more careful about hitting the decimal. :roll: At least I know he really looks at everything. I have one more file to figure out but I'm waiting to hear about my ins. audit first...then 2020 will truly be DONE!

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Re: Thursday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:36 pm

Late ci:
Hello to EVERYONE!!!
Another day, another dollar... LOL -- well, more like a BUNCH of dollars... on their way to the IRS. :roll: That was the big thing here today -- accountant called and he had our taxes ready, so we went to Next Town and got that. We've paid more, I guess, but ugh... nobody likes to pay taxes, I'm pretty sure.
But all in all, we had a good day. DH ate at his favorite greasy spoon hamburger place, and I came home and ate at my favorite local drive-in. It's kinda like Sonic, but waaay better, if I might say so. The owners go to church with us and they have been here forever. (I think it WAS a Sonic when they first opened, but it is independently owned now, and has a different name.) However, they are having trouble keeping enough help -- probably Covid-related -- and they have cut their hours back. They close at 5:30 on M-T-W now, and they are closed on Sundays, so we don't eat there nearly enough, since we try to eat at home more.

Any day we don't eat at home is cause for celebration for me though. I know we are healthier, especially dh, if we eat less salty/less fatty stuff at home... but my goodness I get tired of it!
That reminds me, I need to divide and put hamburger meat in the freezer, because that was what we planned to have at home tonight and today is the use by date.

DH, with some help from me ;) , finally finished the towel/underwear laundry and that is all put away. Everything in our house is clean except the clothes on our backs! (All the clothing and bath items, I mean.)
The kitchen, laundry, master bed & bath are also vacuumed, but that is as far as I got tonight. * I used the tube-attachment and vacuumed out the place where the dryer lint screen goes, also. Lots of lint in there, even after cleaning the screen. I'm sure the whole hose going outside could use a good cleaning, but it is almost impossible to get the hose re-attached if it is undone for any reason -- the dryer sits much too close to a built-in cabinet, and a person has to be something of a contortionist to get in there and make sure it's tight. So -- I just hope for the best.
DH has been listening to a softball game on the computer all afternoon, and now he has a basketball game on the tv in the den, so I'm using that as my excuse to stop work. Sooo nice to have that much done, though.

Tomorrow he gets his 2nd Covid shot.

I finished my e-book (local library app) this afternoon also, so now I'm back to my hardcover Christmas present books. For some reason, I seem to read MUCH faster on the phone app than I do with a real book, and this is so surprising to me.

I have never done the grocery pick-up. Once I did a car pick-up for a couple of Christmas presents -- I think they were trying to have everyone do curbside at that point. It was nice, but I do like picking out my own groceries, making my own decisions about what to substitute if necessary.
I know one thing -- I would NOT want to be those people who DO the shopping for all the pick-up orders. I have a hard enough time finding the particular brands dmom wants when I do hers. I can't imagine having to find all the different things everybody asks for.

(((Rose))) -- hope you feel better soon! I love hearing about your horse adventures too. Tell me again, how did these horses come to be at this particular site? Are there lots of wild horses still roaming around the country in different areas? I think there are some on the East Coast as well -- Georgia, North & South Carolina, maybe? I tried to read up on them, but I couldn't find the ones in your (I think) area.

Oh my goodness, Dee, Mr. Dee's dbro sounds so much like my uncle! Negative... negative... negative. I probably have 41 pictures from 41 Christmases (ever since dh & I married) of duncle in the same pose, slumped in a chair with his arms crossed over his chest. It would be funny if he didn't make my aunt so miserable.

Oh -- I am going to cook something good next week, too! Dmom's birthday (76) is Monday, and I am going to cook spaghetti (homemade sauce!) and we'll have supper here for her and ds/family. I have not cooked spaghetti in so long, and I love it. I asked dmom if she wanted to go out or if she'd like for me to do spaghetti, and this was her request.
Tomorrow is another day.

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