Mundane Monday

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon May 10, 2021 2:36 pm

Went and did errands. Now I have a hedge trimmer. 8-) I am currently flipping through the user's manual.
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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon May 10, 2021 3:26 pm

Pretty mundane around here... except in my head... my mind is bouncing around on a thousand different things, most of which I have absolutely no control over at all. (J&C) I was up from 4:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. -- playing on my phone trying to get my brain to calm down and let me sleep.

I am s2s but no makeup, have been to town with dh, post office, bank, paid electric bill, and dropped three large bags of aluminum cans at the recycling drop-off place.
Talked to dfriend's daughter on phone and ds/ddil and dbil... * elderly dfriend passed away suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday *
And started a load of laundry.
Ate breakfast and did Bible reading.

DH has gone to pick up dgd at school -- ds/ddil are on an outing with dgs -- and dgd will stay with us and go to dgs' ballgame at 5:30.

promising myself to stay within what we can physically eat instead of having veggies and fruit for 25 people.

(((Blessed))) LOL. You need my dh (Sheldon, remember) making out your grocery list! :lol:

just do the next card. Repeat frequently.

In these situations, I try just to listen and not respond in kind but to step back and look at the bigger picture.

Excellent advice, LadyM.

Don't overthink and just act.

More excellent advice, blessed.

I gain so much from the wisdom of all of you ladies. I mean that sincerely.
I"m just muddling through over here... but I am so glad I have y'all to keep me inspired.

Waving to you ALL!!! I don't want to STILL be sitting at this computer when dh returns, so I'm going to put on my make-up and maybe try on some tops that arrived yesterday (surprisingly on a Sunday!) I really went on a shopping spree and ordered 5 tops, 2 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of sandals for my Mother's Day gift from dh. They are arriving in several different shipments, but all except the sandals came from B elk dept store. Harriet will be familiar with that name.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 10, 2021 3:55 pm

Yes I need ur dh to make my grocery list :D :D :D
I am so sorry about your d friend ❤️ I gain so much you too!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 10, 2021 3:57 pm

Hi d Cathy, d Nancy, d twins, d lady, d mystery, d rose, d everyone -
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon May 10, 2021 4:13 pm

I paid a bill.
Did an errand
Dishes x put em away too!
Swept the patio.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon May 10, 2021 6:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon May 10, 2021 4:33 pm

Went outside and dh was just heading in to get supper ready.

He stuffed the fish with onions and butter and then asked if I could make up a package of stuffing. Hmmm... the only flavor I ever buy is turkey. So I made that and I also put the rest of the asparagus in a foil packet with oil and pepper for him. Now he is sitting beside the BBQ waiting for fish and asparagus to cook. Potato salad is on the table and we both had a taste. There is no salt in it. I will put a bit on mine when we eat.

I did some stitching on the moon part of this cross stitch. Three shades of yellow.
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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon May 10, 2021 4:42 pm

Blessed, a while back our store had no regular packages of carrots. For weeks. Finally I gave in and bought the gigantic package of carrots, thinking I'd use some and cook the rest and put them in the freezer. Guess who didn't do that...guess who threw most of them out yesterday? :roll: You're NOT alone!

LadyM, I'm just thinking about a 14 year old having a BMW convertible. Goodness! Do you think they would adopt me?

All the usual chores done, 1 LOL hanging up; all the watering done. I went to the store because we were out of bread, not one slice in the house even the freezers; and DH wanted a tube of toothpaste. You'd think he could have used one of the dozen small tubes we get from the, he wanted HIS kind. So that is done and I got a couple other things getting low here.

Rode down a few miles to a new nursery / hardware store I'd never checked out. Thought it was the same as a hardware store in town, but this one is big and I read about their off I went. Came home with 3 more of something I planted in a big stretch, and I found another plant I'd been looking for seeds to... and now as this grow I will gather some seeds. I've just put the plant I got yesterday from DD to get it used to being outside a bit. I'll bring it in about an hour later. Likely it's been raised in a hothouse and the heat here is probably going to be too much. I'll see if I can get it hardened up a bit before I plant it outside. I want to enjoy it a bit before I kill it with my brown thumb, anyway.

Cathy, enjoy your hedge clipper. DH insisted on buying one and has used it one time. On a bunch of vines growing in from the adjacent lot...we don't even have tall enough hedges to use one on!

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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 10, 2021 7:01 pm

I was late printing the monthly calendar that hangs on the refrigerator for the family to look at. I'm glad I finally did it because it helps me to see events ahead. DD9 has a birthday party to attend on Saturday so we need to decide on a gift and get it ordered asap.

DS12 is home from work and he immediately started working on school assignments. I'm pleased with his attitude and effort.....although he does have an ulterior motive in his eagerness to do school. He asked if he could return to work once he finishes the school assignments. They are trying to finish up some projects before it rains.

I am well pleased with my effort today. I have exceeded my step goal and my SHE card completion goal, I have almost perfect macro count today. This isn't a normal occurrence so I enjoy the moment when it does happen.
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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon May 10, 2021 8:08 pm

Watching deer under a neighbors trampoline.
The dog alerted us to that.
It was two and now three , expectant does.
Dgd is here.
Swept the driveway.
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Re: Mundane Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon May 10, 2021 9:45 pm

Well, the card said "change sheets" so that's in the process. (Following LadyM's advice, see.) Sheets are in the washer. I have one more load to hang to dry. DGD helped :? me fold some of my t-shirts and socks, and load the dryer. She and I also played "dirty board" (the marble and dice game? It may have other names some places) and we played with the big Lego blocks. She was in such a good mood today.
This is just a sample of our conversation: She is going to have 16 babies, all girls, and keep all her dresses so when her babies are 5, they can wear them. She is also going to be a princess when she grows up, but she will be a nurse like her mommy and her husband will stay home. (I guess someone will have to take care of those 16 babies. I told her she better not expect ME to babysit.)

The ballgame was cancelled. Maybe because of the weather, but it was not raining at the time. It is now, and it is COLD. I think dh turned our heat back on. We were already in the area where the game was supposed to be when ds called with the update. DH and I ate at a local bar-b-que restaurant there, but dgd was adamant, "I not want ANYTHING. Sweet tea ONLY." But... after we ate and started home, she admitted, "I kinda hungry..." and of course, McD's is always her choice. She also was not ready to go home, so she stayed with us till about 7:00 pm and then we took her home.

I also made hair cut appts for dh and myself later this month, and talked to dbil a couple more times.
The funeral for our friend will be Saturday.
This means we will not be accompanying ds to a music event in MS, and dh is very disappointed about that, because we so seldom get to hear him play. OTOH, ds is simply playing bass (not his main instrument) for someone we don't even know, and ds said, "I might not even get to sing a song. I don't know how much he's going to want me to do." So, it's good it's Saturday and we will have Sunday to prepare for our Atlanta trip and rest a little, maybe.
I told dbil I would take care of ordering flowers for all of us tomorrow.

LadyM, my dbro got a BMW when he turned 16. It was used, there was nothing remotely sporty about it, and it was beige-colored -- but it had that BMW logo on it and that was all dbro cared about. I think he traded it finally for another used BMW, but now he is driving some kind of small SUV. He was very much in love with BMW back in the day, though.
This was when I cried, at age 26, with a 4-yr old son, because I didn't get the Camaro I had dreamed of as a teenager. Not one of my finest moments. :oops: My disappointment and feelings of being less important than the boy-child led to my dad buying my dream car for me from my cousin a few years later. By then, although I was sooo excited to get it, I realized that the wanting had been more important than the having, and this was NOT my dream car anymore. So... we live and learn...

Is your grandson allowed to drive legally on his own, or does he have to have a licensed driver with him? Here teenagers get a permit at 15, but a licensed driver must be with them until they get their full license at 16, and I believe they have added some restrictions about the number of non-family members who may be in the car with a 16-year-old. I'm not sure. There were no restrictions 8 years ago when I retired, because my newspaper staff at school regularly left school on paper business with sometimes 4 or 5 teens in a car. It made me nervous then, but I had signed permission slips from all their parents. I am glad I no longer have that responsibility.

Saw one of my newspaper staff editors yesterday when we were eating lunch. She is a nurse practitioner now in Big City, and is getting married this fall. Her mom was one of dgs' teachers last year and dgs was happy to see her also. One of the nice things about small town life, running into people like this on holidays. I hadn't seen her in years.

Ooohhh-- I envy you the wildlife sighting, Nancy! That is so neat!

WTG, LadyM, with your goals today! You too, blessed!

Cathy, your supper sounds good!

Harmony, I have some flower seeds I am thinking of trying to plant in some pots and see if they will grow. (I received them from a charitable group that sends out stuff like this trying to guilt me into giving more money.) NO ONE has a browner thumb than I do! I think I told y'all, when dh and I were discussing having our shrubs pruned this fall, I said, "I wonder if someone could transplant some of dmil's azaleas and my granny's snowball bush here --" and dh interrupted me before I finished the sentence, saying, "NO, someone could not, and if you try, you will probably kill the original bushes too." :roll: I may try it anyway.

I need a good hedge trimmer. And a power washer.

I'm just trying to keep up with Topic Review, so forgive me if I missed something I should have responded to! :oops:
The bed is not going to re-make itself.
Tomorrow is another day.

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