December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:14 pm

waving to everyone
cheer cheer cheer
yay for you all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:36 pm

Today I did a bit more in the office another desk organizer got cleaned out.
I declawed out more paperwork and shredded some more things too.

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:02 pm

Harriet, I never thought to sort books according to light or dark. I put the same subjects together, like all the cookbooks in a row, DH's auto manuals, etc. and then I sort those by size. Usually, like subjects tend to be the same size. BWTG on your work.

So in an ongoing effort to keep purging stuff DH has begun bringing home :evil: I took a big pet carrier he saw laying somewhere and brought home. I just hate that he's begun doing this and I've asked him please to stop. Anyway, I drove past a thrift shop and donations were all just sitting out on their porch so I added the carrier. I'm sure at some point he will ask what happened to it. He just is annoyed at people throwing away perfectly good stuff.

He did stick an ad in a website and someone came and took away the bike he brought home. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle around here.

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 19, 2021 1:51 pm

I have been donating every week - even if small- Friday I donated 2 rolls of holiday paper (still packaged) as I know my tastes will change next year. Such a relief not to store things I won't use.

what has been great: keeping about 6 books for reading or looking at for fun. minimal on how to - nothing more - my dh has a whole library of books that he rarely looks at but he loves the look of and I am thrilled about it as he keeps to only what fits on the shelves. He used to have books everywhere. Same with his model cars - now he keeps them on shelves in the closet and a few on his book shelves. He also used to have his cars everywhere. it's

My crafts are at 3 - I can create so many ideas for new crafts but I know that if I don't keep it minimal that I will never have time for creativity. my material is nothing except what I am working on. it's been wonderful - I stopped buying more than I could use within a decent time. I wish I would have learned this when I was young.

I have been working on Dana White's container concept for some time now and it has helped me a lot. I have such a low clutter threshold - stuff that I can handle. This was eye opening to me.

it still amazes me on how the clutter or trash creeps up on me and then I feel overwhelmed and out of control.

I want to say how well everyone did this year!!! I am truly so so proud of you!!! It's always a joy to work with you!

d harriet I am sorry your book case didn't move well. good for getting rid of it!!!!
yay on organizing your books!

hi d harmony hi d twins hi d Nancy!

All of you are fantastic
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:32 pm

donated a lovely (expensive) Martha Stewart entertaining for a year.... I have had it for years and rarely opened it as I would never be able to do all the things she had done. It was like new and now it's like new at the donation center.

donated a French cookbook that my girls my dd's gave to mom - she never used it and got rid of it to us shortly after giving it to her.. lol she knows what she wants and I am glad she declutters. I kept it for 10 years and never cooked out of it. Now it's blessing someone else or they will toss it but it is out of our house.

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:40 pm

Wtg everyone on your progress!

I have purged some planner pages and worked on set up for the New Year a bit.
Vom verse of the month in it.

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Re: December 2021, Sort, Tidy, Declutter!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:17 pm

yay d Nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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