In the Workshop on Wednesday

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In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:25 am

What will you be doing in your Homemaker's Workshop today to insure cheer for the season?

From your direction, will we hear hammering, or perhaps train whistles, bells, music boxes being tuned?

Do you have all your helpers and elves briefed on their errands and chores?

Are the loyal livestock stocked up on their kibble, ready to be your guide whenever you're ready?

What needs to happen today when the Homemaker in your Workshop lays a finger aside of her nose?

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:56 am


There isn't anything going on in the workshop other than paperwork being sorted. Music is playing softly in the background. The sun is shining outside but there is very little wind. There are 3 1/2 leaf bags full of burnables, so I need to get one of the elves to tend to that. (Looking in the mirror)

Tonight is a supper that some of you might wish to skip. Liver and onions and mashed potatoes and gravy with green peas.

All gifts have been given, so that part of the workshop is closed for another year.

Only one third of the livestock is currently inside at the time.
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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:35 am

Good morning

I am looking forward to a calm & drama free day that flows from one thing to another. ***adjusting my rose-colored glasses**

I delivered clean hair DD12 to school this morning while she happily chatted the whole way. She only has 10 hours of school left in 2023. Today is the hardest one for her. She has 6 hours of school with 4 classes having semester test. She gets out of school at 2pm. Tomorrow, she has 4 hours of school with only one semester test. She gets out of school at noon. The countdown to Christmas break has begun!

I am very thankful for DS15 many mentors that he can reach out to when he is emotionally off kilter. The way each one of them respond is so different but all of them are supportive. Most are comforting and supportive with kindness. One of them bluntly told him - "Get your big girl panties on and get on with life. There are 72 million other girls out there so get over this one. There is no dallying. Get busy. Call me in an hour and tell me what you are doing" Strangely enough it was that mentor that broke DS15 out of his bubble of pain and got him going.

Tonight is the yearly caroling. We will have two pickups pulling 40' flat trailers loaded with people going to about a dozen homes in town. At each stop everyone will hop off the trailers and gather in the front yard to sing 3 songs then hop back on the trailer and go to the next house. At the same time there will be a van load of people going miles outside of our tiny town to sing to several homes. Everyone will gather back at church and drink hot chocolate and eat hot dogs. DH and I will be preparing/serving the drinks and food.
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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:02 am

What fun caroling, LadyM! And what a day you had yesterday - I feel for you, and hoping today is drama free.

We were at friends' last night. Fun evening with bourbon tasting, appetizers, dinner (tsimmes, latkes, salad) and desserts. The host couple and the other two couples have campers and camp some together, one of those were our besties way back even before we had kids. And now their kids have kids. So it was a nice evening - we left at 10:30 - but others were staying later. We were both pretty worn out.

Today is rest. I'd like to go to the plant nursery for pansies but I should call first to be sure they have them. I have absolutely nothing on my calendar for today and it feels glorious.

Someone sent dh a smoked turkey, which he cut up this morning and we'll have some for our supper with a veggie. Quick and easy. I need to check with dfriends A and V about their party/open house tomorrow night, last night of Hanukkah, for timing and whether it's supper or apps.

I'm almost afraid I'm going to fritter today away because it's so glorious having nothing on the calendar.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:19 am

Dh and I need to go to a grocery store to get some flour, as I am all out after making that fried chicken the other day. I also need to go to the only grocery store in town that has ritz crackers that have 8 sleeves (?) of the crackers. These have a lot less breakage than the regular boxes of ritz crackers. We also need to stop at our new pharmacy to show them what meds dh is on currently. I did a bit of paperwork this morning. I have also mopped the middles of all of the floors because they were not clean. Dishwasher is currently doing it's thing and I did the large pot I used last night.

LadyM we finally got rid of a closet door that had a fist sized dent in it from son of previous owner who was just coming out of his teens before they sold this house to us. Replacing the door was so far down the list of things that needed fixing that we just never got around to it.

Hugs to all who need them.
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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:17 pm

a good morning to all of you west coast to east coast, north and south.
I wish you all a good day and night!

I love the beginning d harriet! it's always a joy to see you!

I still love the idea of being a homemaker and a gardener! I love the idea of bringing cheer to my loved ones and spreading it when I am meeting other people I don't even know. What a nice start d harriet!

hello d cathy
yes, I am so sorry, but I am not a liver and onion fan but I wish you a wonderful dinner!!!

hello d lady! no drama for mama day to you!
I love my rose colored glasses myself and I hope today is a Rose and unfilled glasses type of day
I am praying for your ds - grateful for you his parents, for his mentors and his work ethic to pull him through this difficult time. Everything seems bigger when one is young.
enjoy your caroling.

hello d twins! I am so glad you had fun yesterday.
enjoy your rest!

have a great day everyone!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:21 pm

I have a "l*st" for today.
Wednesday is my bill day.
yesterday my brother took care of things for mom and took her out to dinner. it was wonderful - mom had a great time.
He even sent me a picture to show mom at dinner. (smiles all the way)

I will call mom in a minute - go over and make sure she has breakfast and her meds -- brother found all her meds that I had given her in a lines on the counter. She took them out of her pill box. I wonder if there is a good pill timer that only opens at a certain time but knowing my d mom's abilities she would figure out how to open them all. She is super handy.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:09 pm

The dog and I walked two laps around the circle. It's a really nice morning, several walkers out. It almost feels like a spring morning.

I need to put some leftovers in the freezer. We have leftover brisket and two latkes from the temple dinner, and chili from Sunday, and grilled chicken from Monday. I would have put the whole turkey in the freezer and used some of what we have already for supper tonight. But dh wants the turkey.

I'm figuring out what I can take tomorrow night "a favorite holiday dish" to dfriends A and V open house. Maybe dh will let me take turkey?

My tummy is a little off this morning. I think it best not to set off to garden center right now. Ddog is on screened porch, I think I'll go upstairs.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:02 pm

LM I have a hole that was patched here from teen boy dson I think did that and I learned how not to do it! LOL!
Hoping yours gets a skill on doing that better than I did! LOL!

I slept in till 6:30 it was frosty still is a bit in the shade sun is out now. 8-)
Writer Wed.
I need to put on pants pop lol! it is ten.
when I write I really do not care if I'm in pjs or not.
Thinking like hitch or scott fitzgerald only w/ out smokes & booze! For insp.
I will do a card today do not have to mail it how ever will tell the kids they can come get it.

Told dd I would luv her to drive me around & see lights and maybe KFC.
Time will tell.

I grabbed a few more random old soft back journals 2 they had awesome notes in there when I was doing really well.
So I am using those to help me get inspired one is Bible study with great verses for my prayer project.

I need a meal plan.
*poof to pop* done,
next -> bfast. had brunch
take vits. not yet.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: In the Workshop on Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:40 pm

dressed s2s :D
animals fed by dh :D
dh turned dw on :D
meds taken :D
stopped at mom's and gave her meds - which she is not happy about - gave her her Alsatian stinky cheese, good bread, onions - oh my gosh it's dangerous! limburger cheese has nothing on Alsatian cheese's smell :shock: Mom loved every moment!

Made reservations for a new restaurant in town for when dd's are home and mom is still home. (27th)

spoke to dd younger :D dd older has a work holiday party today

time for put away in 3 season room

I will grab mom at 3:30 I need her to get out once a day.

hi d twins and d Nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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