Write it down Wednesday PWYC

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Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:01 am

Write down those details, or journal, or work on getting the newsletter out (Kathryn)!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:16 am

Good morning

Twins - Thank you for opening the SHE villiage this morning.

I talked DS15 out of going to the gym at 6am today because I didn't want to commit to that during Christmas break. Instead I will take DS15 to gym after he gets his hair cut this afternoon. It feels a bit like playing tetris getting all the appointments and to-do's to fit into the day. Our calendar remains filled with appointments and commitments even though this is supposed to be a break from normal. Ohs well....

Writing down today's plan -
** 8:30 leave for DH yearly diabetic eye exam in the city.
** After appointment go out to eat at favorite breakfast place.
** Sam's for gas, items on shopping list to restock pantry, items to take tonight and things to put into stockings.
** Back home by noon (hopefully)
** Go to gym with DH
** Get some things done at home. Hopefully I can finish up deep cleaning main refrigerator and start Christmas decorations.
** 4:00 take DS15 to hair cut appointment
** Go to gym just a block away. Exercise while DS15 is doing his workout
** 6pm Christmas play @church. Take sweet & savory finger foods to serve afterwards.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:42 am

LadyM, I so enjoy these days without appointments!

I realized however, that I had erred in agreeing to meet Cemetery committee people at the temple at 11:30 tomorrow with the checks for the two temple employees who help with the cemetery. I am not going through trying to reschedule that through phone messages however. There were three others who agreed they could be there, I'll go by today or earlier tomorrow and leave the checks - under the guise of checking the cemetery mail box - and they can distribute them together. Going to let the others know after I have left the checks there.

A couple of things I'd like to work on today are the garage and getting the pansies into the planters. The garage won't take that long - I need to put things into containers, put containers back on shelves, relocate other things perhaps, and sweep so I don't track debris into the house. I'll also run the roomba again. We'll have a little more than fifty degrees today - more suitable for garage and/or outside.

I've been next door to let ddogs out - the uncrated guy - Charleston, who is older, had peed in the floor. I mopped it up with some of our rags and put them all, with our whites, in the washer with bleach. That needed to be done anyway.

I pulled out (perhaps freezer burned) steak from the freezer and will hopefully marinate and grill tonight and add butternut squash and a green veggie for our dinner. We eat better when I cook.

We made plans last night with A & V to go out for brunch at a fancy place on Sunday a.m. for birthdays for me and dh. And we're going to dfriends M and S for my birthday, Christmas Eve and ds will join us. (Reminds me I need a gift to take for them - I vowed that I'll only gift consumables after seeing their COVID garage sale - and she often sells nice things on Facebook Marketplace too.) We also have plans for dinner on Christmas day with Jewish friends who have December birthdays - one on Christmas Day and another the 27th maybe.

So for today:
-go out and go to the temple
-should I look for a gift for M and S also while out?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:50 am

You are right, I need to write things down.

But first, I need to get dressed.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:21 am

Thanks Twins for the great start this morning.
I was woke up at 5 by the truck down the street so I got busy writing things down in my journals & panner.
As I did my qt.
I fetched laundry out of the dryer and put away some books while I was down stairs the crafting books
are now in the sewing zone Yea!
I folded old cleaning towels to be stored else where still downstairs till I think where maybe my bathroom I can bring em up later. . .

Way to go on your progress gals.
I need to write out the items I need to thaw and take for finger foods.
Bread I made.
One other item I froze.
Cups that go as well and get the tote with handles for that.
Donations go later they do not receive em one day a week that is today.

I'm adding navy & shipping to my prayer list for safe passage wrote it on my prayer list.
Next up the verses for my Jan. prayer planner daily entry I'm getting down from the PDF the church published already.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 20, 2023 12:53 pm

Twins', you go way out of your way to be a good pet sitter! Charleston is a great name. We have an English Bulldog in our extended community named Winston and that is the person he looks like, too. We know him through my youngest grandpuppy.

btw, Tobias has learned to "adjust" HRH's office chair height when he wants attention. While HRH is sitting in it. I heard quite a speech from HRH this morning ( :shock: ) but he was not hurt, just ready to declare war, I think.

Write it down Wednesday makes me remember these "5s", which blessed inspired me to "write" here Sunday night:

By Saturday party:
Bows & Tags! ✔
Finish sunflower hotpad gift for dstepson and dstepdil. Wrap.
One more pickup at printers since he made stickers for me. (tags?) ✔
Hold breath until awaited presents arrive. Wrap. ✔ Progress
Plan our outfits for party - be prepared (red for HRH, smile)

Food by Saturday party:
Find out if grocery nearby has fruits for tray. ✔
If not, try to get dd43 to go with me to distant grocery! (Thurs?) ✔ Planned
Make beautiful fruit tray! (Friday)
Make a baked dessert (Friday)
Give dd25 kitchen space/time to make a casserole.

Will be sewing hotpad today and straightening/clearing a lot of creativity stuff.
A "Reds" washing today, mostly for HRH, our in-house Santa's helper!

Will be making a list for my trip out with dd43, although this is the kind of grocery in which you just don't know what you may find, plus they have an entire houseware section. Their current specials "flyer" online doesn't have much that I want except dragonfruit, but if my memory serves, there will be plenty of unusual fruits there.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:37 pm

Mines all written down and I m just following the plan...

Yesterday after readjusting furniture in my living and dinning room area to accomadate the extra leaf in my dining table, I decided to see which Cmas table clothe I wanted to use. EE Gads!!! non of them fit!!! Thats because I've never fully extended my table for Christmas. I do have several that will fit, but none are the holiday. Amazon to the rescue thank goodness. My new Cmas table cloth should be here by Friday. If not I do have a plan B that will work if it doesn't come in time.

In the meantime I changed my laundry day to today. I have cleaned all the bathrooms including showers, and picked up and decluttered 4 of my rooms. Next up is my office where I keep adding and subtracking things. Trying very hard not to do a stash and dash in any of my rooms.

Still sort of left handed, but am able to make headway. Sweetie was a great help yesterday as we moved furniture and dragged rugs around. I have all my recipes printed and ready to go and I am going to use my refrigerator in my lanai to move things out of my kitchen one so I have more room. I am going to cook my turkey breast in my slow cooker..done that for many years. Like it because it frees up my oven so I can cook my sides.

I colored my hair today...wasn't sure I could do it, but was able to use both hands for a while. Just letting it dry naturally so I'm gonna have lion hair.

Sweetie and I have decided we are going to take a mimi vacation for our christmas presents some time during the first two weeks in Jan. I want to go to the Tampa zoo...Its been on my bucket list for a while and the is an elephant rescue ...weird I know...in the same area where I can actually interact with the elephants... by that it means I can help wash and feed them. Beats going to Africa... and then we've decided to go to the Smokeys sometime in late spring. Sweeties never seen them. Also trying to squeeze in a trip back to Mesa to see all of our friends.

Sweeties doctor really is incurring us to do trips great and small as much as we can. He said its really good to stimulate Sweeties brain whenever possible. Works for me. Also made a list of beaches within 1 hour or so that we have never been to before. Many are state parks.

My break is over...I need to do two more loads of laundry plus start working on this office. after that my attention will be in my kitchen. I need to get my sliver and hot plate out and find several more serving bowls. We'll use my big island to eat buffet style which will give us more room at the table.

Waving to yall...Enjoy your day!
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:44 pm

If blessed relocates this post herself, too, that's fine. Worth getting to hear from her twice! But here is what she said in yesterday's thread today.

mom is going out with d brother - my uncle and aunt invited her but my brother doesn't even know if there will be food 8-) - he laughed and said it will be a surprise!

dh just told me that he won't be going to his family's Christmas Eve as covid terrifies him. I don't blame him bc he got covid at Christmas last year. He was in the hospital almost 2 months and he almost died. I will have to make Christmas Day even more special for him. He is going to FaceTime with everyone.
I could stay home but I would like to go.

I hope your day is wonderful
what a good day for a Tuesday PWYC ta dah!!!
d Nancy I am sorry your dd is busy this week.
yay on reclaiming the zone!
d lady those burrito's must be delicious.
oh my - it's like the boy calling wolf. I hope she can see that it wasn't a good thing. Scary! You and your dh are good people!!

what a great idea - ordering the dinner! fantastic.
hello d rose!
you have a very busy day!
I am sorry someone tried using your cc.
good idea about the turkey
so happy the planner is working beautifully
hello d harriet
I was thinking the same about mental capability of d neighbor changing.

I am so sorry that danger boy's present won't come in. praying you find something before the holiday. it is unacceptable that it won't be here. I am sorry.
I am happy that he had a lovely time at other grandmothers christmas. good for him!
teen boys and men are hard to buy for lol. so true!
hello d Kathryn
You have a toys r us? wow all of ours shut down years ago.
you too have been busily shopping! well done on all your work!
hello d twins!

hello d Lucy!

hello d all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:50 pm

I am back from decluttering adventures in the basement. I got items that could be collectable the kids or I passed on & are still here.
So I have been rescued em from a box of papers and got a small box of things out in the shed to go later.
That felt great for my anti p. task this week. I can deliver a load later but not this week.

Worked on my planner page colored a bit.
Painted one rock to paint later too.

I need a plan for my meals today.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:41 pm

I think I'm procrastinating under the guise of watching the Roomba. It's quite entertaining.

I'm going to have lunch and then go to the temple and at least do that. I'll try a couple of places for a gift for M and S while I'm out. Those are the only things that are time-sensitive.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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