Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

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Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:39 am

What is a simple definition of soliloquy?

Soliloquy (from the Latin solus “alone” and loqui “to speak”) at its most basic level refers to the act of talking to oneself, and more specifically denotes the solo utterance of an actor in a drama.

Talking to ourselves helps focus, clarify, and motivates us. How many of us miss having a child in the grocery cart so we don't look like we are talking to ourselves as we wander the aisles of a grocery store?

As we slide from 2023 to 2024, if you were on stage, giving a speech to move the story line onwards, what is the emotions your soliloquy would convey to your audience?

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:59 am

I don't have much time for a soliloquy but I was interested that when I went looking for an S word to go in today's title I was drawn to

Stormy, squall, scary, struggling, and a whole slew of negative words.

Which would have already set off warning bells if I wasn't already well aware that I'm swamped these days with negative emotions.

Yesterday, I had hoped to quickly finish off the service for today but instead it took hours. In the middle of that, dd came over with the kids to be with dh on his birthday and he was as patient as he could be. (BTW, Lucylee and LadyM, dgs now has an audible tick, but the hair chewing seems to have disappeared.)

And then, just as I was turning off the computer to go to bed (at 10:30, not too bad a time), I checked email and discovered 6 emails relating to today's service and all mean changes to the flow of the service. I'm hand writing those in and intend to be at church really early to get the changes into the heads of the AV guys. I'm flexible (and two of the emails were to assure the person backing out on me, that I hadn't expected their help at all.)

All this meant I had a rough night's sleep of worry. I've been up for 90 minutes now and need to head into the shower and then eat something other than Christmas cookies.

Anyway, I'm terribly nervous about today's service. Partly because I'm using the sermon to inform the congregation that there will be consultations with them this year as worship changes are made and we hire a new church musician. And then I went out of my wheelhouse (being on the worship and personnel committees the first bit I could announce) and said that all committees have been asked to send in their calendars for the year (true) so that communication and coordination can be improved. For instance, I assumed there was no Sunday School today and thus I had to be prepared for kids not leaving the sanctuary (I am.) But apparently the Sunday School staff weren't sure I knew that and thus were trying to cover things off until they came down with Covid and let me know late on Saturday that no adult would be there to take the kids.

After service we come home and pack, then drive 3 hours to visit dd's godparents for New Year's Eve (our tradition which I agreed to do despite having so much on this week including this big service that may be a complete flop.)

Anyway, I appear to be riding the wave of my 2023 theme of being overwhelmed into 2024. I can't see any block of time in the first 3 weeks of January to just breathe and rest and recover. A day here or there (when I should be doing all the things I am not doing because I'm so busy) but no chance to sit and plan anything beyond crises management.

Here ends my soliloquy. Stay tuned in 2024 to see if I will rise like a phoenix or simply crash and burn.

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:37 am

Good morning

Kathryn - Thank you for opening SHE village this morning. I hope your busy day goes as smoothly as possible and has many good memories made.

We are still in Christmas break for 2 more days. As many regular activities are reduced as possible. Instead of having 5 church events today we have 2 events.

LucyLee - the pastor we celebrated his 50th year of service yesterday has spent 40+ of those years here in our church. He was lead pastor for most of those years until about 10 years ago he mentored a young pastor while he stepped down from being lead pastor and took a role as pastoring the elders. That young pastor took another position a couple years ago and we have a different main pastor now. The pastor we celebrated yesterday is still involved in our church but has started driving 20 miles to preach in a small town church that doesn't have a pastor. IMHO there is a distinct difference in being a preacher and being a pastor. We don't have great preachers who are great speakers, but we do have fantastic pastors who are 10/10 on establishing and maintaining individual relationships and mentoring. I do love our pastors as they have greatly influenced me and others in a good way.
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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:36 am

Had to look up what that Soliloquy word ment. LOL!
Busy summer fall was regrouping & writing.
Spring garden prep.

I am still declutttering found more items in the storage room to deal with on a shelf I'd missed. Oh well not so much but I am amazed at how long this is taking especially to dig out the other two bedrooms.

Woke up in the night too warm and my bs was way up so I dealt with that and got my qt done, and some planning set up for the new year. Diff notes for a journal new cover from a planner I'm using.

It is nearly day lite and I'm ready for a nap already! But I did something, got the plaque back up by the front door [outside].
Moved a small table out to the deck dusted with the swiffer where it was & under the table.
Now I can put the dresser project there if I decided to.

Waving & wishing everyone a great sanctuary Sunday!

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:11 am

Hoping Kathryn's service this morning goes very well and the sickness in the congregation doesn't impact or create ripples of problems.

I think we are WAY past the days of excusing last-minute emails, though. If the information is important to something like a morning service, then the phone needs to ring, even if it seems a little late.

The soliloquy word is on target but hard to answer and interestingly negative for me. For many community and church parts of our lives here, 2023 was another year in which I wished I could speak, but wasn't wanted, or maybe wish someone would listen and was disappointed. HRH gave up, as well. I see hope in 2024, but not before opportunities for things to get more uncomfortable, relationship even more distant.

We are invited to dstepson's house at 5:00 today for what seems to be a cookout - not sure how that's going to work in winter, but I'm game.

I feel better but the reason is because I gave the day up yesterday and spent much time in bed. I was afraid I wouldn't sleep last night but did sleep, after all. Not a stomach virus, definitely something in a meal, unknown.

As far as the beginning of a new year tomorrow, I'm glad I'll feel well enough to cook traditional foods and do positive things that we can hope will be consistent throughout the new year. (Although I firmly believe any day can be a "first" to have new starts. We do not need calendar permission for good ideas!)

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:09 pm

LucyL. I put my info. in google docs. there is info. on working with Ms you will no longer need the thumb drive.
Mine looks like a grid with dots at the top of the bar, a drop down box triangle shape is google drive and that's where docs are.

I have on my new pink plaid pj pants & light pink slippers.
I had a nap. Yea! Bfast too. Took Rx & it has stopped raining it is still a bit foggy /cloudy however out side now.

Afternoon game day for me

My Menu later today
garden veg cream cheese for dip
Little smokies

stuffing & game hen / Mon.

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:14 pm

the idea of doing soliloquy on stage or in front of any group, makes me completely uncomfortable!

I appreciate those who find the time to head up organizations, teach, act or share a skill in front of others. I am more of an introducer. I think one of my gifts is introducing people to each other. I don't want to be front and center.

I think you will do very well at the service d Kathryn! hope you have fun tonight!!!

hello d lady
I agree there is a difference between a preacher and a pastor!

hello d Nancy
enjoy your day on this beautiful day!

hello d harriet! enjoy your cookout!

hello dear everyone!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:19 pm

found out that the places I had planned to go to are all closed!
so much for getting dh out.

I am giving him a piece of paper and brainstorm with him of things he would like to do this year that I can facilitate. I hope to add it to my planner so that he feels like he is appreciated without becoming his entertainment coordinator.

have a good day everyone

1. play with dogs
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:51 pm

Very wise move, bw2.
I hope to add it to my planner so that he feels like he is appreciated without becoming his entertainment coordinator.
These long weekend days dh basically sits in his chair and plays with his phone or watches TV. I can't help but wonder if this will be how he approaches retirement, and I worry about that.

We had a nice party last night - best thing was that we started around four, so everyone was gone by eight-thirty! Lasagne was excellent, company was excellent, and with the exception of the football game, I think it went very well. Dh did a bourbon tasting for us that was excellent entertainment in the absence of a football game, lol.

We had plenty of leftover lasagna so a 1/2 pan goes into the freezer and we'll have the other almost 1/2 pan tonight when dfriends A and V come over. We all agreed we're not up for a late night!
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Re: Sunday Soliloquy as we slide into 2024

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:26 pm

The bread maker has 30 more minutes to finish its cycle. I used to make bread every Sunday but have lost that habit. It only takes 5 minutes to add ingredients, so the hands-on time is very little. I love walking into the house after church and being greeted by the smell of freshly baked bread.
Note to self....make a weekly SHE card so I will remember to load bread maker on Sunday.

Cathy - How are you feeling today?
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