Try again Tuesday!

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:19 pm

This is what I love about Harriet's post:
Love normalcy. In fact, ❤️hugging normalcy to pieces❤️ - it's terrific.
I'm right there with you!

Mamogram took a little longer than usual (not the technician, office and waiting room) but I am home safely. I treated myself to a latte with a touch of peppermint syrup and it wasn't even very good. I'm having cheese and crackers and a mandarin orange for a snack/lunch. Breakfast was late but I need something else in my system before my workout at 2. Probably should take a snack too.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:36 pm

I slept in until nearly 8:00 :lol: That never happens to me!
Most of my qt stuff is done one journal I am doing later in the day.
I need to rethink these but I'm getting down important info for a section to add to my planner later.
Could not find a devo. that works so in essence I'm writing my own. :mrgreen:
My sis said she is doing her one from last year again [daily bread].
I did find a Jan one to do again on pdf from our church they do in Jan. on prayer.

I learned via google lots of people cry bc of holiday music.

Got the trash out to the curb and all the leaves I had bagged are now gone! Yea!
I called ins. and took a truck off that dgd has now.
Also called on Rx to pick up later on in the week.
Moved a rolling desk out.
Cleared off that shelf in the basement deciding on a couple more things from it.

Gotta luv having progress so early in the day!

I am considering moving the desk back in the other room have to unload it 1st for my try again
I miss the middle drawer. Done got lots of steps doing that this morning.
Trash is back in from the curb. I fetched the mail too.
Walk x is was brisk & a bit breezy out 44*

Lucy L. I am wondering if you dgd needs the chromebook.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:02 pm

~~~Waving Hello to all~~~

Today we are back to our normal school schedule with some additional items. The first 6 hours of my day went by in a blur of busy.

After I got home from taking DD12 to school, DD47 called crying. Her car had quit, and she asked us to come and help push it off the road. DS15 and I immediately headed to her location only to find her safely at a convenience store parking lot. She was still in tears so I didn't ask how she had arrived there. DS15 and a kind stranger determined DD47 car battery was the problem, so we jumped it to get it started. DD47 went on her way insisting that she didn't need further help. DD47 seems to thrive living her life about one millisecond away from her next disaster.

Homeschool lessons were accomplished without any issues. We are finishing one of the 3 math curriculums, and I will be adding in a new one next week.

LucyLee - If you don't give your password to anyone then I don't think they would put in the effort of accessing your information.

In my previous career I have been trained in high level security to secure servers and configure internet protocols. I was trained in what can be done and how to take steps to prevent it. It is a game of cat and mouse of hackers vs protectors. There will always be someone smart who can find a way if they persist. But it takes time and knowledge to do it. Does anyone care enough to spend the time researching and investigating what we wrote years ago?

DDIL ability to find anything about anyone through the internet astonished me. She has honed her self-taught skills over the years. When we were visiting them last week, I mentioned that I had no clue where DGS28 was or if he was even alive. Within 4 hours DDIL had found DGS28 and provided me with many details of his life. Even if we are not active on social media sites there are still breadcrumbs left in our daily life if someone is motivated to find them.
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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:10 pm

LadyM, that's called having good Google-fu. (My dh believes he has parking-fu because he can always find a good parking spot.)

I am worn out from that workout. I didn't realize I would lose fitness so fast, or perhaps I'm off for some reason but I am whipped. I'm resisting a nap because I want to sleep well tonight, but wow. Trainer (the gal today) is so encouraging and chirpy and congratulated me for getting through it so well. :lol: :lol: :lol: I feel like I'm done for today anyway.

I would have liked to run the errands this afternoon but it was not to be. I was too tired, and the hoodie I had on had a huge bleach stain across the front that I hadn't noticed. It must have been Sunday a.m. when I last washed a load with bleach. (Or maybe on Saturday when I used some bleach bathroom cleaner?) Anyway, I was self-conscious about going into places with it. Which means I'll need to run some errands tomorrow, when I have no reason otherwise to be our of the house. Trying to plan the rest of the week, Thursday I have the mentoring session at 11 (only about 45 min, max) and workout at two, so no block of working time. Friday the dcleaning lady will be here, I should run the Roomba Thursday too. HOA accounting is probably the most urgent task on my list for the week, so I need to work on that tomorrow along with errands. I'm not worrying about getting checks to the bank yet.

Tomorrow's errands are
-post office
-wash car
-potting soil
-wash car?

And working on HOA accounting tomorrow. Between stuff on Thursday perhaps I can finally get pansies into dirt. And I have DAR stuff to finish too. I just ran out of steam yesterday.

I need to get a couple of laps in with the ddog now. She's harassing me.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:27 pm

So, I am trying again with a new (to me) laptop... and I am once again connected via hotspot on phone. I will call AT&T eventually, but right now, I am waiting for the urology scheduler to call with times for dh's "procedure." That's what they call it. DH calls it major SURGERY and it does seem that removing a whole kidney is a bit more than a "procedure." :roll:

Anyway -- I'm getting used to this computer and I'm still aggravated that it doesn't seem to recognize my router or my printer... but I do like the bigger display and keyboard, and SURELY there is SOME WAY to make it hook up with the internet here in my house. Everything else does.

DH is working on taxes, dgs is in his room doing something, and I have all the potholders and most of the dishrags we own in the washer.
Pot holders mostly because I don't remember when they've been washed... dishrags because --->
Last night, I learned that one should NOT try to bake a 20 lb ham in the basically flat roasting pan that comes with the oven.
I also learned * after the fact * that I DO own a large deep roasting pan that would have served the purpose very well, along with a disposable large aluminum pan.
BUT -- nope -- hard-headed Lucy decided she would just forego the baking BAGS she had bought, and put this 20 lb ham in the fairly flat pan, on top of pineapple rings and the juice of one can of pineapple. Then I garnished the whole thing with brown sugar, more pineapple rings, and marishino cherries; and wrapped it tightly (I thought) in aluminum foil. It looked beautiful. It was supposed to cook until 5:30.
At 4:00 pm, as I was getting out of the shower, having washed my hair, shaved my legs, applied lotion to my legs and facial masque to my face... dh says, "You better check on that ham; it smells like it's burning."
WELL... no, the ham was not burning, but the pineapple juice (and fats/water I had not accounted for) had leaked from the foil and there was the biggest mess I have ever seen in my oven floor.
IN MY UNDERWEAR, I proceeded to get the very heavy pan to the counter by the sink and drain off some of the juice.
Now the biggest mess I have ever seen is dripping from the oven door, all the way across the kitchen to the sink, and dh is SURE that the element is about to burn out in the oven.
His first reaction was that we need to throw out that ham, and just outlaw cooking in this kitchen...
I began cleaning this up -- dishtowels, paper towels, wet cloths, etc...
His second reaction was that he just had to get out the house for a while, not because he was mad, but because he had already wanted to get out of the house, feeling claustrophobic, and this crisis was just more than he could take.

I called my mom, who actually offered to come get the ham and finish cooking it at her house, but while talking to her, I discovered my large (deep) roasting pan, and I texted ds to see if his over was in use. No. Bring on the ham.

I get the ham in the pan, get in the truck (because dh had taken the Tahoe) back out of the carport, and THE TRUCK GOES DEAD.
I called ds, who started over to get me... I call dmom, laughing (probably hysterically) because this was just unbelievable.
In the meantime, dh arrives home, reacts amazingly well, tries to start the truck, and IT STARTS.
Call ds, tell him he doesn't have to come to us, we will come to him.

He cooks the ham for another hour and a half, and it is still not completely as hot as directions called for, but we decided to eat it anyway... and wonder of wonders, it was delicious.

By 11:30, ds and dgrands had eaten with us and I had ALL the dishes washed and the floor mopped (3 times). I thought it would NEVER stop feeling sticky. But finally... yes... kitchen is clean and all the kitchen cloths will soon be also.

Now y'all see why I needed to just TRY AGAIN as soon as the 2nd arrived.

I need to take dgs to ball practice now, and then he is going out to eat with us, and we will take some ham to my dmom.
I still have not done my planner for the new year, and I haven't started on hardly any of the routines.
I did exercise first thing when I got up this morning.

Thanks for input re: my paranoia. DS brought this over restored to factory settings, so if I ever have to return it, I will do likewise.
If I can just figure out this internet problem, I'll be in good shape.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:51 pm

Supper is reheating on the stove. I love leftovers because I don't have to create the meal, I just have to reheat it.

I bought a small planner to list meals in for 2024. I need to find it to start listing our meals for the year and some thoughts on future meals. I would like to make some things once a month and others not as frequently as we had been having them.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:52 pm

waving to all!
dh and I started our errand journey only to find many places closed today. I am happy for them but I was definitely surprised.
donations done (dh is holding his bc he doesn't like GW - I don't care for them bc of their policy in paying employees salaries but I would rather get rid of things as I go).
other things done.

now: putting away garlands in a bag I bought.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:18 pm

LucyLee - your New Year Day will be a lasting memory for sure! I'm glad the ham was good after going through that experience.

Mystery - I am intrigued by your homework and progress. BWTG on stepping up to the challenge.

Bookie - It was so good to see your post. I am looking forward to hearing more. You have been missed!

Since I added SHE card for improving something in each room on a daily basis, wouldn't ya know it....Both kids are suddenly interested in making an improvement in their bedrooms each day. I have volunteered to do it for them, but they assure me they can do it by themselves and don't need me helping them. Isn't that sweet of them? :lol:

I have offered DD12 the opportunity to go workout at the gym with us at 5:30pm. She assured me that she will have her exercise accomplished before then. If not, then DD12 will go with us to the gym.

Life is filled with options and opportunities.
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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:54 pm

Forgot that I had a Zoom meeting tonight too. :roll: Sounds like others can make it, so I probably should. I blew off the last meeting two weeks ago. I was so tired that week, kinda like this week. But I should be there.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:44 pm

hello all.

dogs have played
dh brought the dogs in and I had mentioned that they might bring the dead mouse in - he didn't see- and then we had a big ole dead mouse in the house. I tossed it. ;)

dh got a bit perturbed that I put Christmas on the one side of the garage - but I put it there and it will be easier when the company comes to work on the basement. I need to get the rug cleaned as well. dh gave me the cranky crunched face look.

next flip flop laundry
do a little learning
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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