Throwback Thursday

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Re: Throwback Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:28 pm

Snow is piling up ddoggo loves it even after dark!
3" and piling up so snow removal will be an exercise opportunity when it stops. :mrgreen:

Did my dishes.
Dd called She needed an ear then it was better.

I showered that helps too.
Got the driveway deck & patio shoveled before the temps dropped over nite yea
& bonus got my 10,000 steps in too.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Throwback Thursday

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:53 am

LadyM, my dmom makes THE BEST fruit salad for our family gatherings, and she only uses oranges, apples, grapes, pecans, and bananas. I think that's all. She always waits till it's time to serve it to add the banana. She may put a little extra sugar in it. My cousins always asked for it when we all used to get together... and I requested it for my wedding reception.
For Christmas breakfast, she just does oranges and grapefruit sections and maraschino cherries.
In the summer, we might do melon sections instead -- watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew.

Wanted to say hello and glad you're feeling a little better, Kathryn, but I hope you get the itching stopped soon! That drives you crazy! BTDT!
AND I wanted to say, brrrrrr... I am sooo glad I don't have to worry about snow shoes or walking poles! HOWEVER -- I might be wishing I had some by next week!!! They ARE predicting SNOW here Monday/Tuesday... between 1-3". And the temperature may hit single digits Tuesday night!
We cancelled our teacher group meeting Tuesday, and I am hoping we will cancel the church council meeting Monday night.
OTOH, tomorrow, school is cancelled because of the possibility of severe thunderstorms -- rain, temps in the low 60s, and gusting winds up to 90 mph! It's really true, if you don't like the weather around here, just wait 24 hours and it will change. :lol:

Ugh... (((Harriet))) -- the yogurt and the man with the bad attitude.

I'm trying to think of a throwback for the village today, but there's just so much... I think of you ladies a LOT of the time. You've been here for me for so long!!! I think I've been friends with y'all 22 years now! Y'all have seen me through a lot of crises, and so many happy times, too!

For a ta-da, I must say my Christmas decorations are ALMOST all put away. The tree is still standing, with the lights still glowing, and the tree skirt is still under it. But all the decorations except one are put away in the boxes, ready to go to the closet. I told ds I was going to wait to put the tree away till tomorrow -- I want dgd to look for the decoration I just cannot find on the tree! LOL. It's just a little thing that looks like a Christmas gift, wrapped in red plaid paper, not breakable and not especially meaningful or anything, but I figure dgd will enjoy the challenge of looking for it.

We've been to dgs' game tonight, and he has still not scored, but he IS getting more aggressive -- he actually fouled someone tonight! He also got a couple of rebounds, so he's getting a little closer to the action. :lol:

Also made myself nervous tonight...
FIRST -- I asked ds/ddil if they had seen the FB post that dgs' gifted class has an opportunity to go to Disney in May for a physics event. :shock: It's a five-day trip, a parent has to accompany each child, and they have to provide their own transportation. PLUS pay for the parent's ticket and room, and about $350-$400 for the child. But it IS a wonderful opportunity. They get 3-day park hopper passes (for the student) and will take a tour one day that will have some educational value. And they stay in one of the Disney hotels.
I mentioned it to dh and -- y'all can just imagine -- his first response was, "Well, he'll have to quit baseball." I thought how ridiculous; at most he might miss 2-3 games. Shaking my head. It would likely fall right before the county tournament, but other people have missed games before; it's not like he instantly becomes a pariah at the ballpark. Sheesh. It just makes me nervous because I hate for ddil and him to be off on their own that far away.

SECOND -- dgd says she doesn't want to play softball this year, and I know she's going to be mad when dgs starts playing and all she gets to do is sit and watch, plus she doesn't do anything else and I certainly hope she does not get into dance and some of those activities. I don't know about y'all, but I just saw today a picture of a little girl dgs' age, and her dance costume would not be out of place at all in a Las Vegas showplace. It was completely see-through nude colored, with spangles and glitter/embroidery along the top where a bikini top would be, and a little thicker fabric where the bikini bottom would be. Aside from the provocative moves that IMHO are totally inappropriate for elementary age children, these costumes and the $$$ they pay to do this and travel all around for competitions is just beyond me.
----- Now that I've probably offended some of y'all, and certainly branded myself as the prude you all knew I was -----
and I might add, dniece, who is now a doctor, danced from pre-k to college and is no more the worse for it. But her brother told her he wished they wouldn't do some of the dances they did, because HE knew what boys his age were thinking when they watched it.

ANYWAY -- at least ds was able to "talk me down."
First, he said that if ddil wanted to take dgs, that was fine. HE, ds, wasn't going, and no, she did not have to take dgd -- it was DGS' field trip! He wasn't going to miss THAT much baseball if he went, and who knew -- it might rain every day he was gone! Besides, ds said, "So far, dgs has not been on any team that couldn't manage without him for a few games." I told y'all ds was Mr. Spock. He always has the voice of reason for whatever is going on.
Second, ds said he thought dgd WOULD change her mind and say she wanted to play; she's up and down all the time, and I shouldn't worry too much about whatever she says on any given day.

I'm actually enjoying the Chromebook! I still use our desktop for certain things, like tonight to email everyone in the teacher group -- I didn't want to deal with new email here or logging into my a o l email. And I haven't worked on my "novel" anymore since ds showed me an easy way to save (easier, anyway). I haven't had time for that with CHRISTMAS being the zone of the week for the past month. And I think I'd like the Chromebook even better with the external mouse, but OTOH, I'm sitting here in the recliner with it; where would I put the mouse. DH is on the other computer reading his comic strips, and harmony prevails here.
I did work on scrapbooking for about an hour today while talking to ds on the phone with dh. They were discussing football mostly, and I wanted to be in the same room -- it's always hard to tell which one of us ds actually CALLED... so I don't want to leave the conversation like, "Well, this is boring me, so I'm out..."

Speaking of HARMONY --
SUNNY -- what is the news from our dear Harmony??? I do pray she is feeling better and stronger and making good progress.

ALSO -- LADYM -- I just found out I have OneNote on my Microsoft 365 on this Chromebook -- and I think on the desktop, because that's where I set up the Microsoft account to begin with! Now to figure out what to do with it!!! :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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