Wintry Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:08 pm

I will put my list here.

exercise stretch and cardio

15 minutes:
laundry room
kitchen again,
family room
powder room
garage 5 minutes
3 season room 5 minutes
basement 5 minutes
powder room 5 minutes
front room 5 minutes
dining room 5 to 15 minutes
upstairs hall bathroom 5 to 15 minutes
bedroom 2
dh bathroom go through things in cabinet that has to be thrown away or donated.
front hall 3 minutes
upstairs hall 3 minutes
outside 5 to 15 minutes but being careful to not fall. at least try 8-)
what's for dinner.

paperwork remember to pay bills Feb 2nd.
don't spend money if you can help it.

tomorrow chair yoga class - I am trying it bc my ankles are still a problem.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:46 pm

Well th cold for my part of FL has finally reached here, but to me its not really cold. Highs for today is 55* and people around here are complaining. I on the other hand am quite enjoying our little burst of cold :D:

Went to my class this morning and then did my routines. For the most part I am following my planner and like the results. Sweetie has decided to participate in a car show here this Saturday. Nice surprise as he hasn't done that in several years. He hired a young fellow to detail his car and is very impressed with his work.

I went to my DAR luncheon yesterday and was able to hand in all my information so my sponsor can submit my application. I have enjoyed all the research I've had to do and learned many interesting facts about my family along the way.

Here's just one: My son's father's family is from Knoxville, TN and in doing research for his side of the family discovered that his 10X grand father from his dad's side and his 10X grandfather from his mother's side, that would be me, were friends. My ancestor grand father was Silas Crispin, first cousin to William Penn...Their mothers were sisters. This I've know for many years. Seems like my son's ancestor grand father on his dad's side and his ancestor grandfather, Silas Crispin, along with William Penn, were friends in England and sailed together on the same boat at the same time to what is now Philadelphia. Proving of course, once again fact is stranger that fiction.

I think I already told you that my 9x generation grand father founded the town next to mine where I grew up and that the property where my brother lives was once owned by our 9x generation grand father. I lived for over 15 years never knowing that my 9x generation grandfather was the founder of the town and that he was buried in a cemetery less than five miles of my home. Must have past that cemetery more times than I can count never know I had any connection to any of this.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:02 pm

I've been nearly weepy today too, between a frozen pipe, malfunctioning smoke alarm, super anxious dog and vet visit, chasing the recycling truck, and getting the car de-iced to drive.

The vet visit was stressful for both of us. Millie was stressed before she got there because of the smoke alarm and they had to manhandle her again this year. She had to be muzzled for part of the visit. Vet suggests prozac - I told him how she barks and gets wound up at other dogs and pulls when we start our walks. So we'll try it. I also have the trazadone for fireworks. We stopped at Dunkin' on the way home and I got latte and she got a pup cup, so hoping that left her with a good memory of going out.

AND when I got home, the shower was running, so it's thawed!

AND I think the smoke detector is okay now! Before I left I had googled and I needed to take the battery out, press the test button for 15 seconds (Millie loved that :shock: ) and then put battery back it. So that seems to have taken care of it.

Now to get the dog to come in the house again. I need to lure her in with the offer of a walk but I'm just not ready yet.

Dh is out this evening. I may just vegetate.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:19 pm

CI / 1:15 it is 35* F. ice has melted off the deck steps I scraped the main walking part there. Yea!
Had a yummy lunch!

2 p m CI
I have clean & dry hair now yea!

3 p m CI ~
Sleeting looks like snow but you can hear it.
I got the truck started and ran a bit.

I am not as tired as I was yesterday yea!
Saw a pheasant in the backyard missed that pic. oh well.
Have my step count up to my goal for this point of the day did some steps to the basement and in place too.
I did watch just 20 min. of a movie. Not in the mood for a movie today I suppose.

Had dinner.
Played with the dog.
Still working on my steps.
To the last of it now oh yes I can do this.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:45 pm

Our frozen pipe has thawed without any issues. I am grateful.

I washed my hair and took a much appreciated (and needed) bath.

My SHE cards stack is now about 1/4th the amount I started with this morning. I don't have a goal to finish everything, but it feels good to make such progress.

I have 30 minutes before starting to cook for tonight.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:58 pm

I am so happy for you d lady!!!
also yay on progress!

worked in a couple rooms
cleaned out some stuff out of dh's bathroom
I can see how much repair and cleaning work needs to be done.
time to flip flop laundry
did some monthly cleaning in the upstairs hall bathroom.

what will be the next right thing for me so that I feel like I am staying on task.
dog training
read chapter two of my book "an almost impossible thing, the radical lies of Britains pioneer women gardener"
laundry - continue flip flopping
and finish 15 minute dance.
continue on chapter A of garden class.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:51 pm

a bit done in 3 season room, basement, front hall, upstairs hall,
more laundry flip flopped
my 15 minute dances in some rooms are done as well.

I have cleaning company coming tomorrow - with the dogs and I the house stays super nice for one day. I still don't think it's worth it unless it's garden season.

tomorrow's hope
cleaners drop off decorative linen
stop by ambrosia's near us and pick up some pastries for my neighbor that lives in my mom's building. get some croissants.
chair yoga is at 9:30 - leave at 9:00
donations if any
maybe drop off my d sis in laws glass pan
I think dh will want to come with.
stop at foodstuffs
stop at three tarts for a sweet for d sis in laws pan.
I don't like leaving the dogs but I know I can't take them with if there is snow or ice.
drive past the beach

wipe spots on walls throughout the house
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:31 pm

I'm so glad you didn't have frozen pipes, LadyM -- I was afraid we did this morning, also. I could hear water running somewhere (sounded like under the floor) and our water pressure was low. After calling the water department, I remembered the faucet on the east side of the house had been too tight to open up for dripping the other night, but I left it as much open as I could. I went outside and checked and yes -- the morning sun had thawed that faucet and water was flowing extremely well, LOL. I turned it back to just a drip, and called the water dept back to tell them I had found the problem here.
Of course, dh said -- and he's right -- it's odd that one faucet would have caused low pressure all over the house. But I suspect with all the other dripping faucets, this was enough to put it over the edge. Water pressure seems fine now.
Twins -- did everything turn out okay with your pipes?

We've been out again -- Wmart again, drug store for dmom,
took stuff to dmom... all with ds driving again.
Roads around here are better -- especially state highways. County roads, like ours and dmom's, are still pretty covered. Looks like snow but it is ICE.
After we got home from all that, since none of us had eaten, we went BACK to town, this time in our Tahoe (which does not have 4-wheel drive) and went to McDonald's at dgd's request. She is spending the night tonight.
McDonald's had NO C02... so cokes, etc, were AWFUL. I should have asked for them to take off the price of our drinks, but the few workers that were there were having a hard enough time.

Blessed, Wow -- you have done a LOT of work, especially for someone who has a cleaning company coming tomorrow! I still need to vacuum the master bedroom & bath, s2s -- yes -- I never did that before leaving the house today. OH -- I did DRESS to SHOES... but with water pressure iffy, I just put on clothes and left when ds got here.
Also should wash another load of laundry... and there are dishes in the sink. I'd kinda like to make cookies tonight, too... but right now I"m feeling pretty much in need of a nap.
DGD also requires a lot more of my time than dgs (although he did talk me into playing school last night.) DGD and I have already played a game of Clue.

Auburn is supposed to be playing basketball in Nashville tonight. Game is apparently still on, but I bet the roads up there are horrible. We'll be watching on tv if the game goes on.
Our schools are already dismissed for tomorrow, and I'll be surprised if they go on Friday.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:30 pm

And yet again the smoke detector started chirping. This time I hit it a few times with compressed air to clean it and blow out any dust or dog hair obscuring its "view." Caused the smoke alarm to go off all over the house from everyone blasted one of them, everywhere. Ddog is terrified and is upstairs in the dark. She had settled down and was enjoying the fire with me before, although hadn't eaten her supper. I may sleep upstairs tonight myself.

I'm feeling at the end of my rope right now. Tomorrow I have a dental appointment for cleaning and a workout, and I just want to pull the covers up and hibernate. I'm seriously feeling low tonight. I hate it that the dog's terrified and I hate it that dh is out tonight and hasn't had to deal with any of this today.

We also have a chance of freezing rain tomorrow night.

While I'm at it, I'm feeling sad tonight because our accountability group is breaking up. We've been together since November 2020. I'm certified, one is accredited, and one is both. The other two are still plugging away. I've felt that I needed to move on, but another group member has vocalized it.
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Re: Wintry Wednesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:30 pm

Exhausting day.

The errands took 3 hours but got done. WM, thrift store #1 didn't take bed frame, thrift store #2 didn't take it, thankfully there was a metal recycler in the area so we dropped it there. Sad that strong, functioning frame was now scrap. it lived 43.5 years with me and probably would have easily lived out my days but I wanted a head and foot board to make the bed look like a grown ups bed, not the bed of someone who couldn't afford a bed when they bought the mattress and box spring. I feel really wasteful.
From there was Costco, Staples for poster printing, then the bulk food store and the car wash.

I had a bagel and cream cheese when we got home and was just thinking about checking email when I remembered I had to bake cookies for tonight so made up a batch of cake mix cookies cuz that was the fastest. There are 3 left now so they were acceptable. I also cooked up a kilogram of bacon, then made myself a scrambled omelet for dinner along with a ton of raw veggies and an orange. We watched one episode of TV, then headed off for the sing-along.

It was a big success.

Now I'm exhausted and having processed the 23 emails I got today, I'm heading to bed.

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