A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:21 pm

hope your side feels better d harriet!
I am sure that not wearing a bra makes your side feel better. It may be a weird feeling but I am sure your side thanks you for that.
yay on figuring out on your sewing puzzle.

well done on the exercise cards!

made a lunch of left overs: leftover grilled tomatoes, left over grilled onions, left over grilled peppers, left over pasta and added a bit of cream and goat cheese and thyme. really good.

next: do zone work
Swiffer duster dining room, front room, family room, powder room, front hall, kitchen, laundry room, 3 season room, and basement.
vacuumed basement
went through freezer in basement- dejunked and listed what I have down there.
wiped big mirror on the one side of the basement - dd's were Irish dancers and used to practice in front of it... it makes the basement look bigger
dusted the walls and everything in the basement again.
dh is cutting down the boxes from last week.

one white elephant is done for next Christmas.
I am thinking of getting one nice gift...a Claddagh door knocker - not the real expensive one.


go through freezer in the kitchen :D
vacuum first floor :D including 3 season room :D
dh did his laundry :D
vacuumed the dryer lint thingy. :D
dusted the top of the washer and dryer.
I should wash the fronts of the washer and dryer and part of the wall but I am tired.
I did wash all the Dog marks from the windows. :D

dogs want to play with their duck but I am tired.
I should't have had 2 cookies - now I feel stuffed - the yucky slow kind of stuffed.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:32 pm

Still out. HRH saw a little cake in store bakery and bought for dd44, since she didn't have any dessert for bday yet. Took that to her. Then dtepson flagged us down to show HRH the tractor he's working on for a friend.

That's a well planned lineup, LadyM. So far this year I haven't gotten back to chronometer but it would probably be helpful. Right now sticking to very simple choices.

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:47 pm

Yesterday I wrote down some small "one bite" things I need to do. Everything has been feeling so overwhelming lately that perhaps this will help. When I went upstairs on Saturday to try to organize some of my stamping cardstock, I realized the file folders I bought at Staples (because I didn't want to wait for Amazon to deliver the ones I ordered?) were so heavy duty that they would take a lot of room in the drawer. Seems like whatever I try to do, there's a reason why it's not the right time or right thing.

Our temps are moderating - it's 23 degrees but also feels like 23 - little or no wind. I need to get rolling. Ddog needs a walk, I need to s2s and I have body work this a.m. at 11:30.

I'm thawing chicken - will make a chicken parmesan and green veggie, maybe butternut or acorn squash. We also have leftover pork chop and meat loaf in the refrigerator so there's leftovers for tomorrow night when dh bowls.


This sat here awhile.

And sat here some more. I've been out to the body work and then treated myself to a latte. My energy was great earlier, may have slipped away while relaxing.

Aches and pains in the village! I know the cold weather doesn't help either.
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:09 pm

how nice your dh got a cake for your dd! so sweet and thoughtful d harriet!!!

your dinner sounds nice d twins. Sometimes things are just overwhelming and sometimes things just don't work out. You can only do baby steps and that good enough!!! The day will still move forward and that doesn't mean it has to be perfect. One baby step is a step! Is there anything you can let go of today or tomorrow. If you were out of town then it wouldn't matter so does the things you are worrying about really needs doing?
If you look back over the week- were those things really important to do?

stay warm d twins!

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:18 pm

Lunch was tenderized beef steak, mashed potatoes and salad. I started cooking with the intention of chicken frying the steak but changed my mind and made a simple panko crust.

I haven't ignored your questions about Trent but he is a unique person to try to describe. We have known each other for over 60 years and our families have been friends for generations. Trent is just Trent. He is a retired pharmacist who had his own store, has raised and been around cattle all his life, serves as an elder, rides a motorcycle for fun, married for 50ish years and has multiple kids/grandkids. He is a type a personality that is used to making things happen, stubborn as all get out but will listen. Trent knows DH is responsive to all requests for help. Sometimes Trent takes advantage of that. Last week Trent wanted DH to marry a couple. I was astounded by that foolishness and immediately put a stop to DH participating in it. The couple didn't care, they just wanted someone to sign their marriage certificate. DH is not an ordained or licensed pastor. Trent is almost like family......just gotta love him or we might be tempted to do harm to him. :lol:

The ice is starting to melt. Every couple of minutes you can hear the sounds as the ice comes off the trees/houses and drops to the ground.
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:25 pm

CI I was up just past mid - nite suff on my mind an new wrinkle w/ extended family.
Stayed up a while and did my qt then back to bed till my Rx alarm went off.
Had a low b/c for unknown reason could be the following...
Not up to as much today sinus issue.
Showered and back to pj's today.
Doing better now.

In my butterfly room with the small heater on for warmth.
I'm pretending it is Sun. a rest day.

Take care those of you with core muscle issues consider a house keeper or opting out of granny duty to heal up.
From someone who's been there with that type issue in the fall.

Did the dishes and put them away had one meal. My schedule is off today calling it brunch.
Exercise option vacuum bedroom maybe butterfly room later on today...

Foggy day today. F. 44* / 34* today's temp. range.

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:42 pm

I like that: Trent is just Trent! my brother is like your dh! he says yes to request from others; anywhere from building a floor/wall/barn/, fixing any machinery, drive across the country to look at a car, any farm work, etc.
your dh is a good man. Yes our friends become family!!! I want my brother to say no, sometimes, but I don't think he has it in him. When you are a helper; you are a helper.

We used to say about some people "we could throw" name- "out the window and we would be the first person to catch them"

hi d Nancy!

I hope that the wrinkle with extended family irons out.
hope your bs goes up to normal - I don't like that feeling - feel better.
I pray the rest makes you feel wonderful!

hi d twins what a good idea to write down bite sized steps that you can choose from.

d harriet - I think its so cool that HRH was invited to look at tractor that your d step son is working . very cool!

time to finish going through the bag of freezer stuff to make sure it's all garbage- done :D
went through upstairs freezer :D
now to create an inventory list for the front of the fridge for us.
I found 4 containers of ice cream that only had wee bits in each containers... they always leave a little bit. I take it back - I now found 7 very light weight ice cream quarts. :shock:
dd Youngers fresh dog food is now gone - Her dog - being a true Florida dog - loves fish -but it smells. ( it's easier on his digestion). He gets hit with dietary problems especially if d mom feeds him on the side - she always says she didn't do it but it is there on video :lol: She must have been a little stinker when she was a child! a spit fire!

I spoiled myself with an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. it took the edge of my crankiness off :D :lol:
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:12 pm

I froze a bag of oatmeal cookies - they are gone!!! mmmmm Unless my memory (or my vision) is playing tricks on me then I will have to solve the case of the missing cookies with dd older. She may have made them for work.

what's looking at me.
dh put my laundry from the dryer on the counter in the kitchen. - it's put away :D
swish and swipe the bathrooms?
work 5 minutes in bedroom

I should work in the garage but children are coming home from school at this time. I don't want the dogs barking.

I should do 15 minutes in the laundry room bc it's a Monday :arrow:

next: I will play find the duck for 5 to 10 times and then I am done.-5 times only :D

im done w heavy housework
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:58 pm

I was surfing reddit and saw this ....
Try to stop looking at other people's lives. Look at your own and improve it just a little at a time. One thing I do is make a list of simple chores. Very simple. Write them down and check them off when completed.

Take a shower, brush your teeth, buy some food, call a family member, wash your clothes. Five things. Be proud when you complete a task! You're right, life CAN be a struggle, but if you do small things that help you every day, you'll feel a little better with every little accomplishment. Then add a new task to the list. Keep going and do something extra for YOU. Not for anyone else. Just you. Buy your favorite snack! Clean the toilet! Throw out some garbage. Keep it simple and then expand with more small things. You can do this.

When you start thinking negatively it snowballs into depression. This is fighting it off with productive self care. Take care of you. Be proud of caring for yourself.

I copied it to my daily journal because it is a reminder that I need to frequently read.
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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:41 pm

thank you for sharing this d lady!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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