Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:00 pm

CI :crock pot is done. I have meat out cooling had some broth added half water with it. The ddoggo got a bit too.
She is back in from barking with the neighbor dogs.
It is raining here I think I'll do the rest of my activity on the stat bike or maybe the gazelle.
Towels are in the dryer.
I cleared off half of of the stuff on the spare bed glad for that progress yea!
I did get dressed at some point so that is good probably mid-morning when I went out to check the mail box.
Kitchen is not too bad.
I have done some journaling it's my writing day.
My watch quit but I found another one that was still working it's big and spins on my wrist but tells the date and time
however those are both wrong. Too small to see very well anyway.
Front yard snow is nearly all gone now except where I shoveled & piled it up.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:49 pm

I studied for two hours - I am being reintroduced to the different part of the cells and synthesis. (it's part of the botany part of the course). I will say that my eyes didn't glaze over :lol: Right now I am relearning about plant cells but had view a video on cell parts and synthesis. it's fun but time consuming.
I am happy my ADHD didn't kick in. I remember reading things and suddenly *poof* it was out of my brain.

D lady I don't know how you teach school lessons to your kiddos to know. amazing!

waving to you d Nancy and d twins and all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:04 pm

I feel the day has been well-spent.

Tasks associated with dd support including phone calls and trip to bank.

My file folders for cardstock look wonderfully well organized and consistent. Still need to deal with basic colors. I went ahead and got 2022 and 2023 paid
bills labeled and moved to garage. Still need to dump the bills, etc. from the oldest file I found in the garage but I brought those in.

I hung out with dfriend M and her dh and had some socialization.

Steak and baked sweet pot in oven and I made salad. Our supper soon.

I can't complain.

(LOL, a funny about my almost compulsive dh. Last year when I emptied old paid bills into shred box he noticed, and asked why I was shedding them. "Because they from 2017 and I don't think we need them anymore." He can be so oblivious.)

Good for you bw2, learning new things! I love it! (I need to watch some recent webinars too.)

trip back to bank in afternoon?
2 p.m. workout
eat dinner out
need to post HOA checks?
what is at the top of my to-dos? I need a mix of things that are tasks, and things that are joys such as nice file folders and labels.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:53 pm

A thumbs-up and BIG validation to all learning new things, however formally or informally, and to all counseling with others, which is a form of learning, actually.

I begin the webinars on the How (not) to Age course/book Friday. That will be weekly for a month by Zoom. I cannot possibly "keep up" because I haven't put in the time to read all the hundreds of pages yet. Still, I can add the webinar info as I read. I don't want to lose the opportunity just because I won't be the brightest bulb in the pack on a given day. Wonder and surprise are also valid learning.

I have joined in with an "Intentional Friendship" counseling through the church prayer meeting group by Zoom. I was matched with a seminary student and we both have advice for the other. I benefit because of that education, and on the other hand can offer benefit because of long experience, I guess.

After a poor night's sleep, I do feel a little better today.
Ramblin', there is a bruised-rib quality to this, yes. Hoping you feel better.

"the term "domestic housewife" implies that there are feral housewives, and now I have a goal"

Although I think I've seen this before, it didn't come into focus until blessed found it funny, lol.

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:31 pm

Mine was a "Not badly Spent" Wednesday.

Dinner was another trip to the frozen prepared foods on hand instead of actually cooking something. We keep forgetting to start dinner prep way too late so end up doing something that can be heated up. It is the second time in 5 days we ended up with this combination. I need to reactivate my "what's for dinner?" daily alarm to get me thinking about dinner when it is time to prepare the meal, not when it is time to plate the meal!

I did get out for a walk to the store. It was slow but I made it. There was some moisture coming down but I managed with my grippers and my poles. Still, I'm really quite sore now. It didn't help that I had a meeting tonight so I've been sitting on zoom for that.

Dgs is likely cancelled for tomorrow. It looks like it will be an "ice day" and the school buses won't be running. That means that dC will be home from school and she'll babysit dgs. That's a better outcome all around but I'll miss having him. His coming tomorrow did spear me to get some paperwork done so I could put it out of his reach so that is a good thing.

I had 24 emails on Monday about church stuff, more on Tuesday and another 24 today. Sigh.... I'll focus on that and residents' association with my 'extra' day tomorrow.

The ice storm has started here, I can hear it on the window and looking out I see that cars are driving very slowly. I'll hunker down and attempt to go to bed early tonight and reset my sleeping. I've been going to bed way too late lately. Last night I got a mass email out in just 45 minutes but still got to bed at 11:30 because I couldn't get started on it until it was too late.

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:53 pm

good night all :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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