Thursday's Thread PWYC

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Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:48 am

This is Thursday's thread for posting, the village is open for business today!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:42 am

I started a cough last night that doesn't seem like a usual cough, and I have a sore throat and runny nose that don't feel like allergies. So I'll have to see what develops. It's been a little more than a week since I had the COVID booster. Not sure what to do re: workout today. They are super careful about being sick there. Could be just a cold.

I feel so good about my cardstock refresh yesterday. It looks good. I want to make the time to get everything in that area organized better. I have purged some stuff too. And yesterday I also put the small microwave that we used when we remodeled the kitchen on Facebook Market and got $20 for it. Better than it sitting in the garage. (Dh was home last night and went to the door when the guy picked it up. If I had been alone, I'd let dneighbors know and take the dog to the door with me too.)
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:46 am

The forecast was right and ds reported at 5:50a.m. they were encased in ice there. I was awake and had checked dC's school bus company. Everything is cancelled so that meant she would babysit dgs2.75 for me. I slept in another 1.5 hours after texting with ds.

The FB group reported we couldn't get out of the garage this morning because the ramp was so iced. Someone tried and slid back down. Unfortunately the vehicle also turns as it slid back and so it was sideways on the ramp. The tow truck called couldn't get close enough at first to haul them around because of the danger it would slide down the ramp into the car. I'm guessing all is cleared now, it was around 7:30 a.m. when the posts appeared.

It is almost 10 here and I've just managed to do tea and chocolate so I'll get dressed and moving now.

Twins: I got my never-ending cold 5 days after my Covid booster. I hope it is just a regular cold (over in ~10 days) and not my 5 week long "under the weather but only really sick a few days but suffering from coughing fits" cold.

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:54 am


I got the composting and recycling out to the end of the driveway. There was ice under water on the driveway, so I was slow and careful. It's very foggy here today. Right now it is above freezing.

Dh and I are going to a BBQ place for supper in Niagara Falls. When it first opened one of the waitresses told us it was owned by the Hilton hotel and the reason they built it was to attract the American guests. (Same with the IHOPs.)
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:05 pm

It is foggy here today also.

I was up in the nite made good use of that time and cooked ahead some food I got the other day.
I have the last of it in the oven now I just started the last batch.

So far so good with this other chrome book yea!
Thread is a good topic for me today it's supposed to be my sewing day.
We will see.

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:11 pm

Good morning.

I'm on hour #5 and taking a break before continuing my day. I have completed 30 cards so far today with 47 more waiting in the hourly queues. The day is filled from 6am to 7:30pm. It includes going out of the house 4 separate times which is not a preference of mine but
sometimes it just works out that way. This evening is a trip to the city for DD12 meeting with her counselor. While in the city I will pick up a motorcycle part for DS15 from motorsport place and a prescription for DH from pharmacy. On our way out of the city we will stop and get subway for the kids. I won't get any subs for DH or myself because we don't like eating that late.

I want to make the time to get everything in that area organized better. I have purged some stuff too.

YES! YES! YES! BWTG Twins! You are inspiring me to keep at what seems to be an overwhelming amount of organizing and purging.

I am finding the decision-making part of decluttering getting a tiny bit easier the more I do it. It seems to be a learned skill that I have lost over the years. I am making what seems like ridiculously small progress several times a day. These consistent small wins are starting to add up. This week I have filled another 50 gallon bag with things to be donated to our favorite charity. This morning I realized that I only like wearing one style of hoodie and I don't like to wear flannel shirts. That realization resulted in a decision to get rid of a dozen or more hoodies/shirts from my closet and put them in donation bag. Part of me was trying to talk myself out of doing it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with these clothes so why don't I just keep them? What if I decide in the future that I like wearing this type of clothes? And many more "What if" scenarios were being mentally argued in my head so I could justify keeping them. It is exhausting! I finally convinced myself that on the tiny chance that in the far future I decide that I want to wear these type clothes again then I give myself permission to buy new ones instead of wearing old clothes. Being a hoarder isn't something I want to be but it seems so easy to slide into that mindset. I am having to intentionally take action to stop the tendency.
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:24 pm

Texting with dd. She wants to come home this weekend but doesn't have a working credit card because her purse was stollen. I'm not going to offer my cards, I already offered to help with the airfare and and pick her up in ATL or drop her off - not both. There's a shuttle to the ATL airport that she can use the other way. So I suggested she postpone to next weekend. We don't have anything big happening either weekend. Whoops, she is coming this weekend, and I'll have to pick her up a the ATL airport at 5:30 tomorrow night. :shock:

I told dh this a.m. that I'm not cooking, but I'm also not sure I'm well either. I might nap after the roomba finishes in the our bedroom, about twenty minutes. I texted trainers about skipping today.
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:05 pm

Good day to you! we have fog because of the 37 degree weather and it's affect on the snow. So pretty!

d twins - praying that you feel better and the cough leaves you!
oh no. I am so sorry your dd's purse was stolen!!! Praying the traffic won't be bad tomorrow when going to the Atlanta airport!
yay on your card stock refreshed d twins!!!
I also had a yucky feeling (no sore throat) for a week after my covid/RSV shot.
hope today ends with you feeling good and that you have a great day!

hello d lady! Yay on hour #5!!!!
I am curious - how many people live in your city. After living in Chicago 2 million +, suburbs and then outside a town of 10,000 in Wisconsin (the closet town was 300, I look at cities in different ways.
have a great day

I am finding the decision-making part of decluttering getting a tiny bit easier the more I do it.

hi d Nancy - yay on your chrome working
what ever you do today - may it be wonderful!!!

hi d cathy. happy compost and recycling day. be safe!!! have a great day

hi d Kathryn stay safe as well! have a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:10 pm

I convinced dh that he should not walk down the drive way with all the ice on it... he took my car to get the mail - it's only a 100 feet to the box but he can't do other things until he checks the mail. :D

played with dogs.
had breakfast

I have broccoli and red pepper to use up so I might as well make the pasta thingy with Italian sausage - what is called. I have no idea :D

As I struggled to fall asleep until after 1 then I woke up chipper at 9 am. I do not like waking up at this time but I am rested :D

Cards pulled - ready to do the card shuffle and timer boogie!

I got a tea sample from the republic of tea - it smells wonderful - "get throat aid" but when I read the precautions it said "if pregnant", "consult your doctor" before having the tea... mmm I wonder why It has rooibos leaf, organic: ginger root, licorice root, marshmallow, lemon myrtle leaf, sage leaf, organic lemon flavor - what ever that means and other "natural" flavors and ginger extract. Curious if anyone knows if any of these things would be bad (the natural flavors always throws me)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:34 pm

how many people live in your city.

1k population in our town. The size of our town is 1/2 mile by 1 mile. There are about 400 houses in our town.
100k population in the city we visit most often. It shares boundary with an army base which adds 50k.
1M population in the big city we occasional visit (3-4 times a year)

DS15 pickup has been in the shop for the past 2 months. The mechanic called to say it was ready to be picked up. DS15 is beyond happy.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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