Thursday's Thread PWYC

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:31 pm

you must have needed to nap d Nancy!
glad you were able to fix the mistake in the knitting!
yay on your progress!

I didn't exercise or stretch today and I know I will regret it tomorrow - I usually get stiff.

I am trying to do exercises that I will use in the garden
going on floor and getting up
carrying things
stretching forward etc.
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:32 pm

I spoke to dd younger again - then dd older called dd younger and they decided to have a nice chat. it's hard to imagine what it is like to have a sister. I am glad they can talk to each other. (as long as one doesn't tell the other what to do) :D
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:01 pm

I was wondering how many hours you try to focus, LadyM... so it's about 13 1/2? Whew... do you really keep going all that whole time with some "main" focus for the time?
Boy... I can't possibly keep up that kind of energy.
Today, I'll say Hour 1, since it's embarrassing what time we get up here... but
Hour 1 -- breakfast, Bible, exercise, s2
This took up half of Hour 2
Hour 2 1/2 -- went to town, got the mail, went to bank, etc. I don't think this took 30 minutes.
Hour 3 -- checked on some websites re: bills, worked on church minutes, adding in comments from council president's email, talked to ds on phone
Hour 4 -- church minutes
Hour 5 -- heated up some chili, ate supper, finished those notes, emailed to president
Hour 6 -- scrolled on internet some, watching the news on tv with dh

See? I can't get much done at all. Granted, the minutes normally take about 30 minutes. This was an unusual meeting, as we're getting prepared for disaffiliation. As someone said at the meeting, it's like we're shooting at a moving target, but at least we're getting our ducks in a row. The council president told me our notes are always in good order, but to be especially sure I dotted my i's and crossed my t's this time.

I need to reconcile the bank statement, which arrived today, and I have on my "list" to dust the house. We are also headed to dgs' ballgame in about an hour.

Y'all -- dgs is going to his first school football meeting tomorrow! This makes me nervous for him. He's excited, and my first cousin's son will be his coach... but ooohhh... he's never played youth league football and playing for the school seems like such a big step. DS didn't start till the spring of his 7th grade, but now they start "junior varsity" ball at 7th grade. He didn't even go out for the 7th grade basketball team; it's VERY competitive from what we've heard and realistically, dgs wouldn't have a chance... and it may be the same in baseball. Both of those sports have limited numbers on the teams. Football rarely ever cuts anyone -- people cut themselves if they're not tough enough. That's what I worry about -- DGS is not very aggressive and macho or anything like that... but OTOH, neither was ds, and he played for five years. Never a big star player, but he enjoyed it.

Good for you on making progress, Nancy. I'm doing all my walking indoors right now. We've had rain ever since the ice stopped, but mainly, I'm just trying to do my time before I get s2s for the day.

Woo hoo, blessed -- cleaning walls can be exhausting! I'm so glad your dmom has an elevator again! And oh my goodness -- your dd was left in a MINE??? Sounds like she has been in some pretty scary situations. Is this for photography?
Sweet potato adventure sounds kinda like my New Year's excitement with the ham!

My town is about 3000 people. Next Town is about 58,000. Big City where dh sees the heart doctor is about 235,000. I don't feel TOO unsafe there, but I'm glad dh is having his surgery in Next Town. Next Town is where all our chain department stores are located and most of the restaurants, although we have McDonalds, BK, some other hamburger places, the main pizza places, etc, here. But clothing stores -- nope -- there are a few boutique type shops here, but the one that caters to my age group is very expensive, and I don't shop much anyway. NOTHING for men's clothes here in Tiny Town, except Wmart.
OTOH, I love living in a small town. Next Town is a nice town, and I would feel safe in 90% of the areas there, but I'd rather live here in Tiny Town.

Blessed, don't take offense at this -- when my parents first married, my dad was working in Chicago... living with some relatives on the South Side. Dmom said he wanted her to come up there with him. It was one of the times my dmom just put her foot down and said no, she was not leaving. She was really nervous about living up there, at 16 years of age, away from everyone she knew. Ha -- if she'd given in, we might be neighbors now! Of course, I would never have met dh, right? I think my dad was kinda glad she did refuse. He was never much for a big city either.

BBL -- gotta go to ballgame

AND -- gotta figure out how to get my other computer -- Windows 11 (HP) back to what it was before I put the sunset picture up for the screen saver. When I changed it, the taskbar on aol went white, and Now all my files and background stuff show up in white on black. I need it to be the other, black print on white. Nothing I do seems to work. Husband is not happy.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:20 pm

I’m supposed to be picking dd up tomorrow at the ATL airport but may have to nook the shuttle for her. I am wheezing slightly tonight. I will check in w doc in the a.m.
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:47 pm

I was wondering how many hours you try to focus, LadyM
.. do you really keep going all that whole time with some "main" focus for the time?

I have 14 hours planned (6am to 8pm) Each of those hours have individual cards assigned to that hour. I do my best to complete the assigned cards for that hour. It is like a game to me. I am having fairly good success with this method. I am averaging 13 hours a day successfully.

I do not usually keep going for the entire hour. Once I finish the cards assigned to that hour then I reward myself with doing whatever strikes my fancy for the rest of that hour.

So many of SHE's in this village do things that are far beyond my abilities. What I do is repetitive, which over time makes the tasks quicker and easier.

I had 7 hours out of the house today so I wasn't able to do all the cards for those hours. I'm okay with that. It is 8:40pm now and our house is still busy and noisy with kids. DS15 has a friend here and their constant talk and movement keeps the dogs from settling down.
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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:09 am

I understand, LadyM. Sometimes the best laid plans often go astray.

I am waiting on chat with google chrome now, trying get my taskbar.
Dh says I have too much time on my hands… why am I always wanting to change something?
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday's Thread PWYC

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:07 am

The Microsoft man person helped me out. It may not look EXACTLY like it did, but it's close enough that dh isn't getting eyestrain anymore.
I have made a 2nd promise to dh. (First promise, no more Facebook purchases.) Second promise, no more fiddling with computer settings when there is no reason at all to change anything. :lol:

DGS's team lost again -- by five points this time. They have played this team 3 times. First two times, we lost by 2 points each time. Now, 5. They are definitely the most evenly matched teams in the league.

I like that you allow free time and reward yourself, LadyM. I'd be doing really well to have 14 tasks I could give myself a POTB for each day, but I will be striving to give myself MORE tasks than I'm already doing, by telling myself this is just what I need to do THIS hour... then working on the next hour, etc.

(((Twins))) I do hope you feel better tomorrow, but don't make yourself feel guilty if you have to arrange the shuttle for dd. It's so nice that you have that! I always HATE it when dbro comes in and wants someone to pick him up. It's "only" about an hour to the airport, but when he comes in during Christmas holidays, it's just always stressful to try to get him to and from. This last time, he flew into Nashville, and arrived super-early in the morning, so he didn't consider anything other than renting a car. That was MUCH better for us and dmom!

LOL at the meatball/cookies, blessed! * I hope your throat feels better soon, too!

Kathryn, I may have mentioned this earlier, but as far as keeping the dgrands during our ice storm -- it wasn't really that ds/ddil needed us for childcare, it was just that when there is no school, dgrands AND dh think one of them has to be here. DH is really needing the distraction of the little ones to keep his mind off himself, and they just think they have to get one night each on the weekends. And of course, I do love having them around. DGS is easier than dgd because he will let us sleep late and entertain himself till we want to get up. DGD "has to" sleep in our room, wakes up early, and then she and I move to the other bedroom. She will let me go back to sleep, but it is NOT an unbroken sleep by any means... she wants something to eat, or she's playing her videos too loud, or something... so I'm never as well-rested when she's here. And she wants me to play with her a lot more than dgs. But she's a sweetheart, too, and when she's in a good mood she's super helpful and fun to have around. She just lost her second tooth, so she's missing both her top front teeth right now.

Anyway -- that is terrible about the ramp being icy and blocked by the car!
Sorry you're having ice, too, Cathy. Hope y'all enjoyed your super. That sounds so neat, to live that close to Niagara Falls!

I have been decluttering clothes also, LadyM. I'm trying to do my closet by colors. Tops only, so far, and I still need to do black, green, orange, purple (I don't think I have anything purple). Then I'll do pants and the few skirts and dresses I still have. I have three boxes, slightly smaller than banker's boxes, that are ready to go out, and I've started a bag of things to just toss in the trash. These are tops that are stained or so frayed at the collars that I would be embarrassed to give to charity!
I should suggest to ddil how I'm doing one color at a time. This seems much less overwhelming than when I just started looking at my closet and trying to decide.

Waving to Harriet and anyone else I may have missed!

I know it's late, but I am going to reconcile the checkbook and get the church notes in order. I need to start a separate notebook for the disaffiliation reports -- so far, they have sent about 40 pages of information! I'm glad I'm just the secretary!
Hope you all have a great night!
Tomorrow is another day.

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