51 days until spring - PWYC

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51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:36 am

I love winter and want more snow, however, I was reminded that nature and time are still moving forward to spring.

I know I am not alone when feeling that, sometimes, time does not feel like it is moving; that winter is here to stay. The truth is that spring is coming! Winter is temporary and I plan to enjoy it!

Winter is a quiet time for me; a time to take a breath before gardening and summer activities begin. I love the feeling of quiet it brings and how it gives me time to dream and plan.

How can you enjoy and live in this moment and look forward to the time ahead.

What do you love about winter and what do you hope for in spring?

Can you feel spring coming as well! Only 51 days until the first day of spring!

Breath in - and enjoy your day!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:47 am

Blessed - Thank you for opening the village this morning. I love the countdown to spring!

It is a time of the year for me to start the process of planting seeds inside for spring garden. So many seeds and possibilities.

This morning I started using Unicode characters to chain my digital SHE cards together. Besides being decorative it is an easy way to remind me to group tasks together.

Last night was a late night with teenagers here. I am thankful that DS15 has good friends that want to hang out with him. I have to remind myself of that blessing when I am ready to go to bed and the kids are still going strong.

Today is a typical Sunday here. DGS25 has text that he is sick and won't be joining us today.

Next up = set up and start the bread machine
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:06 am


Much to my dismay, I was up mopping all the floors in the middle of the night. I also threw a very wet blanket into the washing machine. After that I couldn't sleep and stayed up to read for a couple of hours. Dh and I had a firm discussion on a few things while I was mopping the floor in the living room last night. He has to stop drinking so much soda before bed. He also has to cut back to one gummie before bed. Two of them makes him sleep too deeply. I wasn't impressed.

Supper tonight will be a cottage roll and I will make perogies to go with it.
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:37 am

d cathy I am so sorry you had to mop up all that water!!!! So frustrating.
Praying your dh heeds your advice so that everyone can sleep better in the night!

D lady - how fun for your d son!!! good for him!
Hope your grandson feels better soon!
I love that your area can start seeds now! I can't until late February or march as our soil/weather can be cold well into may. I usually set May 23 (my mom's birthday) as a true no frost time.

what is a unicode?

Yesterdays dinner out with dh's brothers and sisters with their better halves
dh had an absolute wonderful time - he seems younger to me this morning -I also enjoyed every minute as well!!!
The sisters see each other every Saturday morning but it was really nice that we could all be together.

There isn't anything else new -

My hope today
- is cook for the week, (more or less).
- cut up veggies to eat.
(Sunday is usually soup making day but I will put that off until another day this week.)
I already have an idea of what this week "may" look like. You never know what surprises may pop up 8-)

I hope you have a great day.
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:12 pm

Thank you for starting us, bw2. I've seen memes lately about January being interminable - never ending - this year especially. Between rain and cold weather here, it's felt that way so thank you for the reminder that spring will come. Friday felt almost like spring - warmer air out, daylight, birds calling - but yesterday was rainy/cloudy/foggy all day and today has turned colder and still cloudy.

With dd, we met ds out for breakfast this a.m. She went with him to see his condo, and he'll get her back here or drop her off to see her friend A if that works out.

Dog has been walked.
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Signs of Spring

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:21 pm

Yesterday I saw signs of spring my snow drops are up and blooming just barely but I can see white peeking out from the buds yea!
I've slept well.
Did my qt and had bfast and Rx.
Wearing my new red pj's for the first time that I hemmed recently yea! They are plaid red & black I have a new black tee shirt on and
velveteen hoodie with a sparkly zipper pull tab so fun.
I am not doing food events today turned down a high carb invite dd gave me.
There is a pot luck at the church but emotions are not up to encounters today of how are you ect.

I am taking a rest day.
We had pouring rain this morning it has stopped now.
My back is better had to take a time out from knitting over worked one muscle the other day when I was reknitting
that section. But I did finish a hot pad to complete another set.

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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:22 pm

hi d twins
I think it's easy to think that days won't change - hard days do end, clouds and wet do move on but the days may seem like they are stuck in time. I could smell spring the other day as well - and quick as a wink then winter came back. At least we know the days are moving towards spring time!!!

I will say my dogs acted like spring time was around the corner -just as if they were puppies!!!

I used to love to watch my brothers cows and horses when they felt a spring wind. I loved when the horses sniffed the air! It's like they become youngsters again! I especially loved when they would open the pastures up and the horses when run out to the grass - drop to the ground and roll. The cows would do hops and run in spurts - so much joy in these animals.

d Nancy - you have snow drops already! wonderful that they are peeking through!
pj's look cute!!!
it's good to know that you didn't have the heart to do people time! Sometimes are souls need the quiet and gently move into the day.
glad your back is better!

have a peaceful quiet day!

My next: rewrite a page
poor d dog older bit her tongue bad when running after a hard ball - I knew better not to use it but I did.
She also was behind me when I closed a door and I accidentally hit her in the head with the door! poor thing! The sad look she gave me was pitiful!
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:27 pm

I enjoyed church this morning even though I was with babies, toddlers and an upset 8 year old more than I was with adults. I did get an opportunity to worship with song and listen to part of the sermon, so I was still able to have my own cup filled IYKWIM. As we were driving home from church DH said "I find myself reluctant to leave church because it is so peaceful there".

Lunch was my default Sunday meal. The breadmaker made a loaf of bread and the air fryer cooked frozen chicken nuggets. Add in an easy salad and call it good enough. I used a premade pie crust to create a large cinnamon/sugar/buttery crust dessert.

The sun is shining so brightly through the windows that it hurts my eyes. I consider this to be a good problem to have.

He has to stop drinking so much soda before bed.

I had to put a time limit on myself to stop drinking liquid so I wouldn't frequently waken during the night. With a bit of experimenting I found that it works best for my body to stop liquid at 3pm. If I need something to moisten my mouth after 3pm then I use ice cubes.

what is a unicode?

They are special character symbols that happen when a code is used. For example I add ❤unicode to cards that deal with DH. It is a visual cue for me. I add the chain unicode ⛓️to tie certain tasks together. Habit chaining is explained here. Habit Stacking: Chain Your Activities & Good Habits into Routine (high5test.com)
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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:59 pm

I have lunch soup & 5 soda crackers two pieces of baked chicken to stay on my eating program turned down 1 meal invite & skipped the pot luck.
I was not up to church emotionally today.
I walked after changing to red sweats from my pj's.
I cut back to half of a can of soda at a time helped with bladder leakages.
Caffeine free soda helped as well.

I am back from a medium walk with dear doggo.
My rest day today has not gotten me the steps I needed plus charging my phone up.
The fresh air helped me today it was 51* F. hi. temp today is supposed to be 55* we will see the temp. dropped back to 50* .

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Re: 51 days until spring - PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:08 pm

I wish that it had been water that I was mopping up. I am slowly making my way through washing all the bedding today. There was a blanket in the middle of the night. Then after we were both up for the day, I finally stripped the entire bed and the mattress "protector" is still in the dryer. The smaller pad is in the washer waiting to go in the dryer. The bed sheets are waiting to go into the washer... sigh. Thankfully the duvet didn't get wet.
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