Make up your Mind Monday

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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:16 pm

is it music/art?

DS15 is attending a Music Studio where he has a choice of instruments and/or vocal instruction. in previous years DS15 has taken a year of piano lessons, 2 years of drums, a year of band and now he is doing guitar lessons. I suspect once his school requirements are met, he will never play again. He doesn't have a passion for playing musical instruments and just does what is required. Thankfully he does it with a good attitude and seems to enjoy playing while he is fulling the requirement. The moment he has finished the bare minimum time of practice he doesn't linger and keep playing more than required.

I have cooked all the planned dishes and have them ready to eat. I realized that we have no fruit salad ready to eat so I will be making a bowl of that after I take a break.

Fact of life with teenagers in the house. A gallon of milk will disappear within 4 hours of bringing it into the house. If I want to have milk for a recipe I need to remove that amount of milk from the carton and put a sign on the that container "Do not drink this!"
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:56 pm

I didn't realize that kids were able to pick how the fulfill requirements in music and art. I love that! Your ds does have a very very good attitude! I look back on dd Youngers schooling and now I know that homeschooling or the religious school she ended up going to would have been a good fit! She always asked me to homeschool her and I didn't think I had the ability. I am so so happy your d son has you and your dh and all the people that support him.
If I could do it all over again then I would follow your lead.

yay on cooking!
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:57 pm

alright - I am struggling moving forward but did put all the can goods
Now what is needed - there is now stuff on the floor from cleaning out the cabinets - pick up and toss, sweep, vacuum, and wash floor in kitchen is needed next.
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:09 pm

Hi! What is that shining thing in the sky that hurts to look at? Oh, it's the SUN!! Hey, stranger, long time, no see!!

We are having spaghetti and meatballs for supper.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:26 pm

I piddled a bit, then napped and have walked the dog two laps. I feel sad, unmotivated right now. Of course, I'm been just feeling unmotivated. Until the middle of January, I'd been writing down my OMM On My Mind list for each week and either transferring to a longer term list or getting it done in part. I've not been doing that the last two weeks and I'm just drifting around.

OMM this week (I'm trying...)
-get with A re: dogsitting for dMillie this spring
-bank for cemetery
-bank for HOA
-HOA accounting, send out statments to those who haven't paid, f/s stmt for 12/31/2023
-cemetery f/s to cemetery board
-what else?

Cathy, I had that bright thing in my eyes this a.m. while driving, quite a surprise. It's out now here.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:07 pm

The continual shock and awe statements on news and some social media are starting to affect me. I need to take a break from them. I'm not sure how long I can resist the urge. Maybe I should limit myself to a number of minutes a day? I'm not sure how to accomplish this but I feel it would be a benefit to me.
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby MysteryWoman » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:12 pm

Good afternoon! I have an unfinished post from Saturday that I will spare you most of. The bulk of it was that I got scammed Friday night (by the time the alarm bells went off that something was fishy, the information was already out of my mouth). I called the REAL bank just as soon as I'd hung up with the scammers, but there was already damage done. We spent a chunk of Saturday dealing with the aftermath. Spent a bit of today, too, getting direct deposit and bill pay set up with the new account.

I should have some work files ready for me soon, but apparently not just yet, and my friend/boss whom I was supposed to meet with is having computer troubles now, so no meeting today, so that's it for payroll.

(((Rose))) So glad the migraine has passed. (Or has it just passed enough that you can be with us?) I hope that you and blessed and her DD younger and any other migraine sufferers stay headache-free. It sounds like heaven having all those kids around -- it also sounds like hell. I am finding that my introvert self does like having people around, but not all the time.

I didn't realize your DD was heading back so soon, Twins. Guess she just needed enough time around people who love her to face the next steps on her own.

I probably need to pick DC up soon; they said after 4, but I haven't heard from them recently and don't want to go there and wait. Apparently the only choices of notifications for her messages are "too distracting to be used" and "too subtle to be noticed." :roll:
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:19 pm

Hello again - I broke my ADHD moment without a timer!
swept the kitchen floor and it still needs work :shock:
played with dogs out front and I was able to get the back gate open - dog mines were every where on the brick path - Yuck - I still have to go out there and pick it up but not today. Dogs are so happy.
did a bit of garbage bingo in the garage

Flip flopped laundry

I have been feeling stuffed without having a food reason behind it. I think I will end up just cutting up some veggies - get some good hummus and having broth for dinner.

dh is no longer wheezing since he has used the humidifier - what a blessing!
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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:25 pm

After Lunch CI ~ I too had to quit watching so much news esp. on the wars.
Walk is done and I have met exercise goal for today.
Dd called we had a good talk.
I cooked up soup and things I planned for a healthy lunch.

Re- on line shock & awe I pulled back from the widows group it helped me to not be
reading about their grief so much.
Less is good on some things.

Turned down an invite to Bible study meeting at a cafe' it was already having 9 people so that was a good amount of folks.
The right choice on Sun. for me the family brunch did not happen after all yea!
I can barely keep up with my chores etc. as it is.

Mended a sheet. Done.
Two loads of laundry are next up one to fold. Done.
One to put in the dryer. Done.
Fold & put away last load Done.
I swept this morning mop with be on a diff. day I need to rest my hip a bit.

Charging up my phone.
Did some crochet on hot pad earlier.
Pick up back yard after the ddoggo.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Make up your Mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:01 pm

hi d mystery!!! good afternoon
I am so so sorry you were scammed! it happens so fast!
I hope it works out!!!

hi d Nancy: yay on meeting your exercise goal and how nice that you and your dd had a good talk!

d lady - I would turn on something positive. It's not putting your head in the sand but it will help you do what is needed for you and your d family.

d twins (((I am sorry you are feeling sad,)) I am sure worrying about your dd - to know she is okay - it's hard when they aren't happy or they feel stressed - it's because you are such a good mother!!!! praying for good things for your dd and you sweet twins!
hi d cathy ooooo sun!!!! wow that is great! I can feel the warmth and the light all the way over here.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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