Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:50 pm

hi d twins as well!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:16 pm

The hours are quickly rolling past. I'm always astonished how quickly time passes.

DS15 and I had a couple hours of controlled discussion. When we get sideways with each other we remain calm and respectful while expressing our displeasure with what is upsetting us. DH says DS15 and I are just alike. Both of us are headstrong and opinionated. ANYway, we have reached a point to agree to disagree.

THE 4TH DOG is still here. He is currently residing in DS15 side of the shop. DS15 really REALLY wants to keep the dog and has given him a name (Hoss). However, at the same time DS15 is advertising the dog on social media and seeking a home for the dog. DS15 has talked to someone that used to work at a dog rescue organization in a big city and is trying to find a place for the dog there. I am feeling pressure to make it happen FAST because I know that every day the dog remains here he is bonding with everyone and the chance of the dog leaving is reduced.

Homeschool is done.

We are having pizza tonight at church. I'm going to prepare a big green salad to take.
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:23 pm

Can’t help but:) … Hoss… (((LadyM)))

I’m here at the restaurant, waiting on dfriend…
WHY do things like this make me nervous???


Long posts last night in case yall don’t know what I am talking about.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:28 pm

d lady - what a gift you are giving your children - learning how to agree to disagree and to speak and listen to others is a skill that will last a life time!!!
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:31 pm

hi d Lucy!
I totally understand that feeling!

Okay, my ADHD and my worry about the dogs knocking me down again has stopped me from going outside to do the work. Focus!!!! I can do it!
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:59 pm

I am so frustrated with dogs - they wouldn't come to me when a man and his pit bull (on a leash) walked by - I have my dogs on a electric fence line but they were awful. I was so upset bc it made the mans dog ( who was calm at first) start running towards my dogs and it was really strong. I felt so so bad. I finally got the dogs by the collars (thinking about falling mmmm) and they were like horses bucking - I am not used to the older dog being like this. She is so good about recall normally. Oh I was not happy!!! time for leash and recall again training. Every spring this seems to be an issue with the younger dog.I am not happy with them right now.

I got the umbrella that broke down from the table. it was my fault for not bringing it in this fall. I had asked dh to wind it down and he put that off too; but it would not have been a problem if I would have put it away. A big wind came through our area and bent our umbrella in half. It took me quite a bit of time to unscrew the screws and figure out how the umbrella worked to take it apart. It's done!!!

bird seed is shoveled up and other work done in yard.
some garage work is done.
I would love to continue working outside but I have other things to do.

timer on again
bird feeders cleaned and filled.
next sweep up, vacuum and put away
the floors look terrible probably because of the mud outside and the dogs walking through it.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:29 pm

I've had lunch.
Ddoggo walk was a fail some one was target praticing my dog so dislikes that noise came back.
I can relate bw2 have you consider rehome those and getting one smaller dog?
At least mine is just one and 30 ish lbs I can hold her back at this point any way but it is a struggle.
She is mid calf tall in inches. 2nd attempt was good quiet and peaceful not as warm but a good walk
took my walking stick yea! Knee is improving.

Glad I got the chores done, today I listened to a yt on retirement and it was on slowing down.
I appreciate that but I keep getting invites & turning them down, one is tempting but no way I have time
for anything new added in this spring. #1 dgd is getting married and the estate stuff would not be wise to even think I
can do that. I realize that the one person maybe two have a deep need for more social stuff and thinks I do too.
Maybe it is them just trying to fill a class or activity could be manipulation. People & $ the ongoing needs it seems in many churches.
Actually I think it's great being here in this place and head space.
I've longed for a time like this when I can run the show with out argument at home!
I think I'm in my bliss. :mrgreen:

Some F word for Feb. Fitness came to might.
Fighting it through as well.
Feisty ....
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:50 pm

I'm home again. It was a very well attended funeral; she was well loved and connected to half the older community here. Dh and I went to the cemetery too. I stopped at the grocery on the way home, we're nearly out of milk for coffee.

The washer didn't spin the water out of the load I ran this a.m., it's soppy wet still. I took a beach towel and out and trying just a quick wash and spin to see what happens. The soppy beach towel is in the dryer, but it's really wet. I really, really, really, hope I don't have to "call the man." (It sounds like it's spinning now. The towel probably got the load off balance and it wouldn't spin it out.)
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:11 pm

feeling a little cranky - dogs are annoying me - I know they need a walk or extra play. Also feeling full
my house: - I see dirt and it sees me - :shock: 8-) dog/people dirt!!!

I spoke to mom and she was very chipper and happy to talk o me. it's so nice. She would have been out the door bored when she was younger. it's really nice that she likes to spend time with me now.

time to do 1 hour of study - I could put it off but I would like to get it done. 4:46pm timer on.
I also need and want to do exercise and stretching.
I want to do a room by room put away as the cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow - I know I should let them go until summer.

I found that one of my iron chairs on the patio finally broke because of rust (seat on one side). I know it doesn't owe me anything - it was my moms many many years ago but it had a beautiful design on it. I can't fix it as it literally folded away from the back.

I will decide if I want to keep the other one or not.

timer on:
one hour of learning

signed up for the Chicago botanic garden classes: so excited - I hope my ADHD doesn't kick in and I forget.
Central regional symposium Saturday 8 am to 3 pm.
weekend designer for beginners Feb. 6 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:29 pm

d twins welcome home again
I am sorry for the loss of such a sweet woman! She sounds like she touched so many people.
a soppy mess is not fun! praying the machine works again

hi d Nancy
sorry you have someone doing target practice near you. my eldest dog doesn't mind gun fire as I had her near woods with hunters but my youngest - freaks out!!!
I am so happy your knee is improving!!!
I think it is bc she is your grand daughter that they want to invite you!
it's wonderful that you feel the bliss of being at home!

I too enjoy my time at home! I don't care for getting all dressed up - take me on a walk, go on a boat or give me time outdoors - I am a happy camper.
My youngest is a people person and activity person! She thrives on it - she still needs quiet after the excitement to chill out but finds so much joy in having time with people. My dd older is like me - she needs the quiet times to continue on her path.

Thank you for thinking of me!
I do love my dogs and if dd younger moves back here and lives nearby then she said she would take on their fitness outside the area.
I actually would like to move further out into a smaller house with more land - my brother has an electric fence that is 15 acres around for his dog to stay in and it works really well. I would only do 5 acres as we have coyotes always near by.

Our dogs are about 65 pds. and one girl is mid thigh to bottom of hip high - one is above the knee to mid thigh. The yard in back is big enough for a lot of running but the front is right next to the street. I think the dogs just can't be in the front and they need a good reminder in recall.

I am sure having the ankles is stopping me from walking them like I used to. I miss the woods and the trails.

oh well time for the timer - one hour - geesh it's already 4:30 pm. how is that possible
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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