Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:52 pm

I stayed home instead of eating pizza with my church family. DH and DD12 have left to eat there. I am doing so good with my eating and am enjoying the results (how I feel and my longer lasting high energy level). I will be leaving for worship service in about 45 minutes.

DS15 is here with 2 friends working on his dirt bike. DS15 took the bike COMPLETELY apart a couple weeks ago and has been working to put it all back together. Last night he and a friend were working on it in the shop until 12:30am because they were so close getting it back together. After they got off work today they started working on the dirt bike again. I just heard it start so i ran to the front door in time to see his friend riding it ridiculously fast (IMHO) while doing a wheelie. Part of me is amazed at the talent while the other part of me wants to check if they have lost every ounce of common sense. I just hope and pray they survive the foolish things they do in their teenage years.
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:29 pm

learning done -
I want to exercise but I worry it will keep me awake all night - I have to put this to morning - otherwise I don't do it.

tomorrow my hope is to clean out the fridge
call the vet to make appointments for the animals
chair yoga at park district I need to start
Thursday is usually errands - I don't wanna - I said it - I don't want to.
vacuum the 3 season room as I dropped bird seed - swept it up but I need to vacuum and then small vacuum
start seed list for this summer.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:30 pm

I was outside picking up after the dog and looking around and found damage on the fence from the dogs
barking clawing and biting at each other mostly playing so I put up a few things to keep them back and mine cannot get so close.
I had stakes and some lattice pieces and cut off ends of four by fours hoping that will help. I gave the kids some pointers on training
their dogs they have 3. Now the dad is out picking up after them and watching so we will see what to do next.
My dog is now on the deck.

I cleaned the corners in the bathroom on hands and knees that helped with getting the kink out of my
lower back. I was just walking around for my back when I found it that fence issue.
I have not been good on doing my get off the floor exercises so I did a few like three tonight.
I need to remember to keep doing these. Might be my Feb. habit.

I did up my dishes they are drying themselves on the counter.
I did better than I thought I would on my Jan. good habit that was doing better on keeping up on the kitchen counters.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:40 pm

I am doing so good with my eating and am enjoying the results (how I feel and my longer lasting high energy level).
d lady wonderful -

your d son reminds me of my brother as a youth with taking things apart and putting them back together!

Part of me is amazed at the talent while the other part of me wants to check if they have lost every ounce of common sense.
this was dd younger as a teen.

I still remember her falling asleep on a water board in Lake Michigan during her break = she thought it was great! :roll: - or when she went swimming in the evening with other girls and boys - on some rocks in Fiji or Australia and not seeing the sign that said no swimming - bull sharks :shock:

d Nancy sorry you found damage on the fence. yay on cleaning your bathroom - glad you got the kink out of your back.

I am tired - hope you all have a great night.

I need to empty the sink and rinse it.
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:39 pm

Hi Kally…
Come play with us. We miss you!
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Re: Well, what do you know... it's the last day of January!

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:19 pm

I'm coming in late again. I don't know if anyone checks in on these late-night posts or not, but I like having this record of events -- kinda like my online journal, I guess. I love to look back and see what was happening a year ago, or two, or five, you know?

Today -- TA-DA!
* Lunch with dfriend went well, as you all knew it would. We enjoyed ourselves, caught up on each other's families and everything, and said of course we will do this again.
* Clean sheets are in the dryer, and after watching basketball game on tv, I will get them back on the bed.
* I went to to the drug store & post office.
* I picked up the dgrands after school, took them to Sonic for a snack, took them home to get their phones, then back to our house.

That's when the day kinda went downhill... I realized dgd had been awfully quiet, and dgs said she was lying in their bed watching YouTube. Well, when I went to check on her, she was sound asleep. I woke her up for church, but after we got in the truck and started to town, she said she was just freezing to death and her throat hurt... so... we called her mommy and mommy agreed it was fine to let them stay home from church tonight.
We went to McDonald's and got supper, but she only ate her apple slices... said the chicken nuggets hurt her throat.
After she got off work, ddil came to get them and dgd had a little bit of fever -- 100/101? I can't remember exactly.
DDIL said she would call the rheumatologist tomorrow and see if they still want to see her, or if they want to re-schedule.
So... she was not at her best when they left, but I'm sure it's something that will blow over quickly. Just hate for her to be sick and miss her last three basketball games. Of course, they still have a county tournament to play.

I asked dgs if they did anything special today and he only mentioned his gifted ed class, which meets on Wednesdays. When I asked what they were doing in there, he said "studying Egypt." No mention of Disney... so... it must be something that is not high on his radar. :?

Part of me is amazed at the talent while the other part of me wants to check if they have lost every ounce of common sense.

I love it! :lol: :lol: :lol: And good for you, LadyM, with the better eating habits. No way I could resist pizza.
AND again -- I just can't say it enough -- I am so impressed by your ds! AND by YOU, being able to keep discussions reasonable and respectful. I'm afraid I yelled too much as a younger parent. DH and I both were very vocal when ds was growing up. To my credit, I will say I always apologized when I knew I was over-reacting... but still, I feel bad for losing my temper too often.

Nancy, I hope the dogs leave your fence alone now that their owners are aware!
I definitely relate to not wanting to be so "social" all the time.
In fact, that's part of my anxiety with dfriend being retired... I don't WANT to have regular lunch dates or go shopping together or anything. When I was whining about my dcousins' failure to include me in all their activities, dmom pointed out: "LUCY -- you turned them down half the time when they DID invite you!" She's right -- it's a lot different now that we are into the fourth generation. When it was just me, my brother, our four first cousins and our uncles and aunts... it was so much easier to get everyone together. Now we've kinda tripled that number, and there are a lot more birthdays and a lot more people to keep up with. Dmom is right; I don't even WANT to do it all, so I should just be relieved that I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.

Blessed, morning exercise is much better for me, also. I skipped it today because I was on a deadline to get to lunch... and of course, I haven't done it yet. Maybe I will get my second wind in a bit.

(((Twins))) I'm sorry about the loss of your dfriend.
And boy... btdt with the washer refusing to spin out. Mine especially will do that if the load is too small. It aggravates me to know end that it has no "small" load setting. I think it is supposed to be smart enough to put the right amount of water in and realize it has a small load -- but if that's the case, why does a load with two items take just as long as a load running over on the same cycle? AND why isn't it smart enough to know to spin out that small load??? (I think getting off balance is a lot of my problem too.)

Cathy, I think you're right -- January did last about 75 days, didn't it? LOL!!!

Hello to Mystery!!! That's neat how you and LadyM are carrying your cards around with you during the day! WTG!

Hello to Kathryn! (((HUGS))) I saw your post about church... so frustrating...

Oh -- hello to Rose -- -- and there's Kally!!! Let us know how you are doing!
Tomorrow is another day.

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