Write it down Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:41 pm

well done d twins!
hi d cathy!

hi d all.
I am going to take a nap. I had all these plans of what I was going to do today but I feel that I need a nap. I have to be okay with it. (right now I am not).
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:51 pm

I'm taking a break to CUOP and update the card status.
7 hourly goals accomplished while completing 74 cards and receiving 7 rewards.
7 hourly goals and rewards remaining today with 62 more cards planned.

Homeschool is done. DS15 struggled with some of the work and lost his confidence. He wanted me to stand next to him as he talked through the problems and came up with the correct answers. He was doing them correctly but needed someone to listen as he talked through the steps of solving the problems.

Today declutter project - A foot tall stack of guitar books was gathered and laid out on the dining room table. We are teaming up for everyone to go through the music material today with the goal of only keeping what we are or plan to use. We have already removed over half the stack to be sent out of our home and hopefully into the hands of someone who can use them.
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:36 pm

Things are progressing here. The challah and lasagna for ds are in the oven and I've assembled the things he asked me to bring to him. I'll leave once they're both done. The lasagna neighbor across the street, I'll take over later and they will bake at supper time. She fell last week and broke her arm - compound fracture and 5 hours of surgery to fix. I'm sure her dh is capable but since I was cooking anyway. And I have two more small lasagnas in the freezer. I'm running the roomba on the kitchen floor too, after changing its filter out.

Now to the garage to load up the glass for recycling and the Goodwill things.
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2024 5:44 pm

Back from errands
Thrifted a better lamp for my desk it is taller and worked better was half off too! Win win!
Store run done food & some crafty supply items I needed to use for my next projects.
Food is put away & I had lunch.
It is cooler today I have not walked ddoggo yet. Done.

I have home work but I am giving myself some time to process info. I heard first.

I did some writing and got a pen pal letter written.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:12 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 07, 2024 6:12 pm

We have two couches in the living room. When I was vacuuming today, I swapped their location after pulling them out to vacuum underneath them. I didn't think much about it until DD12 aka "Ms doesn't like change" arrived home from school. She walked into the house and came to a full stop staring at the change. Her shoulders dropped and she asked "WHY???!" I didn't think how moving furniture would trigger DD12 otherwise I would have discussed and prepared her for the change. We meet with her counselor tomorrow night. I am soooo very thankful to have guidance in how to navigate these types of emotional triggering events.

I haven't prepared all the dishes I wanted to get made today. I've made 4 things but 2 of those weren't on my plan. Ohs well. No one is starving or complaining so it is what it is.
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:33 pm

I feel like this has been a whirlwind day. Got challah and lasagna ready but ds had a work Zoom meeting at 3 so delayed going there. I did a tiny bit of genealogy piddling and then walked the ddog a lap, then took the food across the street and visited a little. She is in good shape to have had a compound fracture and surgery last week, but I know her dh appreciated the meal. After visiting with them, I was late to get food to ds. Visited with him a couple of minutes at his front door - he is such a handsome man - and in traffic took 30 min to get back home.

Here, dh had a neighbor over to help him figure out why the thing that detects obstacles on his car wasn't working. :roll: They had a bourbon and we sent him off with a solo cup for the playground with his toddler.

And finally, here I am.

LadyM, I am so glad you have dd's counselor to confer with on a regular schedule. I am sure it's good for both of you. I talked to dd awhile this a.m. and she's doing a tele-health mental health counselor and she "forgets" to set up her next appointment, so now they won't talk again until next week. :roll: BTW, dd is feeling somewhat better and has several interviews scheduled.

Nancy I love having a good desk lamp. Upstairs I leave mine on all the time to greet me when I'm up there.

Speaking of upstairs, I need some stamp time tomorrow. I only have my workout at two tomorrow, then dinner out tomorrow night with one of dh's coworkers and his wife.
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:03 pm

I have done very little today. I really felt pretty miserable this morning, but I am feeling a little better right now. Still have a sore throat, but it doesn't seem as severe as it was when I first woke up this morning.
I went out and got the mail, and went to Dollar Tree and bought cards for all occasions coming up this month and next. I also got the dgrands' Valentine's Day candy. I still need to get dh a bag of conversation hearts. That's all he ever wants for Valentine's Day.
Then I talked to dmom, dbro, and ddil... and texted with a friend at church to see if she could help ddil with the church supper. She said she'd be glad to.
DDIL came by and got the cookies I had bought for tonight, and she said they'd be fine tonight, so I have stayed home from church.
I then took a nap, then went to the service station down the road here and got supper -- Hunt's Brother's Pizza. Do the rest of y'all have that at service stations in your area? I really like it, plus the convenience was a super plus tonight!
I'm watching Auburn/Alabama basketball right now and we're winning 76-59, so that's great. DH, ds, and dbil have gone to the game. Dh is kinda battling flu symptoms, but so far, it hasn't hit him like it has me.

Y'all, please forgive me and overlook the lack of personal responses here. I'm just kinda wiped out. I'll probably fall asleep again after this game is over.

Hope you all have a great Thursday.
Tomorrow is another day.

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