37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:16 pm

hello d lady - I am so glad you were able to have time with your church family.
hope your d kiddos enjoy their super bowl party!

hi d Nancy
how nice that you enjoyed the singing at church!
stay safe in the snow!

I finished my roots study - I never knew so much about roots that I do now 8-) :D

Next is time for me to exercise and then I will play with the dogs -
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:24 pm

So... as if I must have been bored or something...

I made bread in the bread machine.

Then I made a cherry dump cake.

I also cleaned the toilet.

Plus I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.

Then I did some pots and pans.

Plus I washed 4 blankets from the living room and put them all back on the couch and over the arms of the wing chair.

It smells too good in here.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:43 pm

I had a nap, in part because I was just so cold. It's not that cold out, and the house is 68 but my hands have been freezing. The left hand/wrist, sore yesterday, isn't better today. Will check about putting a splint on it tomorrow, don't know if that would hurt or help.

Dh has gone and the house is quiet. I need gather up what we are taking tonight, if indeed we are going, and get myself ready. I had to go to grocery (again) for crackers and strawberries for the charcuterie tray. I hope we can stay long enough to enjoy it!

Ddog is walked.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:38 pm

All quiet here. Ddil was cooking supper tonight and wanted the dgrands home so we’re on our own now. Watching the Super Bowl, watching the Phoenix Open, and probably (me) taking a nap.

Rain has Returned. So glad I got finished at Wmart and got the trash to the road earlier.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:59 pm

All church activities for tonight have been canceled due to the snow. The kids party has been postponed. I'm not sure how that will work. I am guessing they will just rename the party and have it for a different purpose.

The music studio has messaged that DS15 lesson for tomorrow is cancelled.

So far we only have a couple inches of snow but that is enough that everything is cancelled.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:40 pm

I made deviled eggs.
Picked up the back yard and got some of my steps in.
It is quite chilly so will get on the stat bike in a bit and finish up the rest of my steps.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:15 pm

Dd25 is at her future in-laws for supper and to watch the game with them. I enjoyed Reba singing the anthem but that had popped up on youtube from NFL site only. We don't have it on. Players crying, a fly-over, and of course, she was perfect. I guess dd will let us know who won when she gets home.

About spring, I worry that I won't get some plants taken up out of the ground while we can still call it winter weather. Sigh. I need them moved but not killed!

Yesterday was :
Delish meal with young man and dd25 at new-to-me Mexican restaurant
Visit to fun-fun-fun yarn shop with owner so vivacious that we think we're kin
Funeral visitation super social
... I got to chat with almost everyone - congenial.
... unanswered requests for people to speak became awkward (poor widower)
... dd25 went forward to him and spoke so well, just right.
... some regret at not saying things I should have to family, but mostly I did.
--- was given back some gifts - kinda hurt no one wanted them, but...
home again and :
work on the wedding correspondence (I took a cute photo of them)

Felt pretty bad with back ache yesterday but put on happy face.
Today, much, much better - I don't know why.

making out a grocery list now. Really needed. HRH wants to try WMart again but they disappoint me because of the produce they don't carry. I mean, really basic things to my mind. We'll see.

I said I was going to stop him from changing lightbulbs around here but he did it again. He scares me - these fixtures take 3 hands! Completely different thing from the easy ones at other house. The bulb he needed to change had broken off, too. Ugh.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:26 pm

People have back gifts, Harriet? Have I missed something? That sounds kinda… rude. Whatever the circumstances.

We’re at BK drive-thru. It’s our Super Bowl tradition. LOL.

I am so sleepy. Emptied dishwasher but did not wash dishes that were sitting in the sink.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:34 pm

Mostly, lucylee, I felt bad that the DVD made about my late dh after he died was given back - two of the originals that were "burned", actually. This was music ("It's a Wonderful World", although you didn't have to have audio) underlying a montage of photographs of my late dh's life, with nice editing, given as a Christmas gift following in that year. It made sure the family could all see the photos that my late dh had in our household, from his childhood on, of himself, some with family. And a really good outdoor photo of him made into a cover for the DVDs. It was really very complete, because I'd made sure to get copies of his childhood photos early in our marriage. One went to each of his two siblings, one to my dmil, kept one for me. When I looked in the package they had given me yesterday, they'd given back dsisil's copy and my dmil's copy. So now only my dbil's family has a copy besides us. I just would have thought someone in dsisil's family would have wanted to inherit these keepsakes of their uncle. Whatever. We want them. This way, my dd44 and ds38 can each have their own originals, so that's fine.

Other things were gifts that maybe just don't fit into anyone's decor, which is understandable. You don't have to keep every gift your mother received. Some just seemed rather nice and inheritable to me.

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:43 am

So it wasn’t gifts you personally gave to an individual and he/she just pushed it back and said, no thank you. — That’s what I was picturing in my head!
Still — I totally understand your thinking. I would certainly keep anything like this for either of my uncles, and actually, I think my cousins did give me a dvd like this when their dad passed away.
The box of old photos from my grandparents’ house is one of my most treasured possessions. I was so glad when my uncle told me to keep them, when I asked to borrow them so I could scan them.
Some people just aren’t sentimental at all.
Anyway, I’m glad now you have extras for your children!

So, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend won the Super Bowl.
We didn’t really care one way or the other. Dgs was pulling for SF, said “all the boys are, and all the girls are pulling for KC. It’s a battle of the sexes.”
Auburn did have a player on the Chiefs, but he’s injured, and dh and ds were tired of all the Taylor-hype.
I don’t know how I feel about her, actually. Dgd8 is a self-proclaimed Swiftie, LOL!
Some of the commercials were good. Some were… confusing?

I need to wash dishes, take shots, and get my planner set up for the coming week.
Tomorrow is another day.

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