Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:59 pm

I'm making progress but I cannot even describe how sss lll ooo www it it...

I went to the post office, paid the phone bill, and went to the bank.
I got cards ready for dgrands and ds/ddil.
I have washed a small load of laundry -- realized while ironing last night that two of dh's pants had stains that needed to be treated. I don't know if they will come out after ironing :!: or not... but I tried. I wish I had not ironed them, but it is what it is.
I have s/s the two baths we use. I should check on bath #3, but I actually have the water cut off in that toilet and no one ever uses it. I am just waiting for the floor to fall in around dh's shower, but gosh... if he can stand it, I guess I can. It's been this way for a long while.
I also sent the teacher group email for our meeting next week.
I also took a nap for a little while. I was still reading my e-library book at 5:00 a.m. :!: because dh would NOT stop talking. He was sooo nervous about being in the hospital. He is just terrified that they will find something wrong -- bp, potassium problems, etc -- and want to keep him longer than the expected one night.

I still need to
[ ] change sheets on our bed
[ ] do that load of laundry
[ ] vacuum main area of the house
[ ] dust main area of the house
[ ] pick up dgrands for church tonight and deliver their Valentines
[ ] go to church
[ ] take dgrands home

I also have not done my daily devotional reading and I have not exercised. I am still feeling a lot of tiredness (maybe related to flu, maybe related to the sleep schedule we keep around here???) and having a lot of sinus trouble.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:09 pm

Dear helia, have you checked the joys and concerns? Much to read there at least skim through I believe June and Nov. I am only on phone and can't post a lot. Hugs, hugs

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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:33 pm

Waving madly to helia! Some changes here and sad news. Dee, and her dh, passed away in June of 2023. He had congestive heart failure and Dee had a heart attack and followed him by a few days. And Harmony had a stroke around the first of November and hasn't been able to get back. Kathryn is around but posting more irregularly - she has been under stress with church issues, and Mystery checks in every day or two.

Congrats on the marriage of your ds!

I am just running through, need to get our supper started!

I'm making progress but I cannot even describe how sss lll ooo www it it...
This is me Lucylee.
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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:40 pm

The 2nd coat of paint on the top of the side table is dry and looks good yea!
Waving to Helia.

I cooked up my shrimp and then cleaned up after dishes are done and most of the dishes are put away now.
I swept earlier.

Quick ci before bed
Got the top of 3rd side table painted with the 1st coat of paint hoping it dries enough to put the 2nd coat on
in the morning. Then I will be done with those in the liv. room.
There are knobs to paint in the spare room on a desk not sure when I'll do that.
Have a good nite everyone.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:06 pm

I got all the food and drinks ready to serve and then left to come home. My ear has been giving me fits and making me unstable on my feet. I just needed to sit down for a bit.

Which meal is it?

Baked potato bar and/or loaded nachos
We have two types of meat - pulled pork and/or chopped ham. Then about a dozen types of toppings.
Once all the food is ready, we are blessed with a great crew of volunteers that have worked together enough to know exactly what is needed. We don't even have to ask and there is someone covering all the serving and cleanup needs. If anything, we end up with too many hands and we bump into each other. I am honored to be a part of such a kind and well-organized group.

Last week I started using one of the two vacuums after the tables and chairs were put away. One of the men came and told me that was his job. He wants to help but doesn't know what to do. However, he knows how to use a vacuum. I didn't argue and gladly handed the vacuum to him. LOL

Helia - it is sooooooo good to see your CI. I think about you often and wonder how your family are doing.
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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby helia » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:05 pm

Thanks Harriet. I went back and looked at the Joys and Concerns months that you recommended. And, oh, I'm so so sorry and so sad to hear about Dee and her Dh and Harmony. It feels a bit like a couple gut punches. I knew Dee's dh was struggling.

I do wonder how all of you are doing from time to time.

Thats a lot of people to cook for, LadyM.
It sounds like you've been productive today, Nancy.
Did you get snow, CathyS? We might get some tomorrow, but not much.
Hello Twins! I take it you have a dog again. I remember one (or 2?) of them passing away.
lucylee, I feel like my productivity is always s-l-o-w too.

Rambling Catch up -- maybe I've already shared?? We've had several hard things happen over the last 2 years. In brief, I lost my father May 2022; we lost our 2 Labrador retrievers in 2022 and 2023; an elder in our church was accused of assaulting a child, and I was called to testify for the prosecution in the trial in Nov. 2022 bc I witnessed him in the girls bathroom with all the 1st and 2nd grade girls 7 years ago; he was their Sunday School teacher - but should not have been in there with them in that way. People didn't like that I testified to that. He was acquitted in the end - it was a case of he says she says - but the fall out after the trial and how the accused man has been responding ever since is tearing that church apart + other issues feeding each other. . . Two of the pastors just resigned - with no jobs lined up, it is that bad. . . I've been informed that I'm immoral and some women can't be my friends. It has been painful. We left it a year ago and are attending a different church for now. -- BUT our kids are doing well! Dh is doing well, though he has a problem with his foot that is limiting his running, much to his chagrin. National Geographic featured one of his projects in their January edition; he's working with a biology prof in an attempt to track the precise route of migrating Monarchs. He + colleagues created the sensors being used on the butterflies. The article doesn't mention the engineering team or their successes -- but to be fair, Dh asked the journalist not to publish anything specific about the technology bc it hadn't been published or patented (?) yet. I love my job!! I love the people I work with and the students. It's a vibrant place of community and professional flourishing for me. :) Though we left the past church, we continue to attend our wonderful small group there. And I meet weekly with 3 dear friends from that church as well, every Tuesday morning.

Today -- since my last post, I got in my jog and made a simple meal of carne asada, rice, and salad. Dh brought me pink roses and a card. I wrote him a card. He just finished with a payroll zoom meeting.

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Re: Galentine's Day Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:53 am

Helia -- it is so good to hear from you and to hear of the happy things happening -- but my goodness, you've been through it, too. I'm so sorry about the loss of your father and your fur babies... and so sorry you've had to be involved in such an uncomfortable, awkward church situation! That would be such a hard position to have to speak in.

Hope your ear troubles are gone soon, LadyM!

Considering slow progress, I read somewhere recently: All forward progress counts. I'm trying to remind myself of that.

Since my last post --[ ] change sheets on our bed
[x] do that load of laundry (the greasy spots on dh's khakis may be here to stay, but I'm soaking one more time.)
[/] vacuum main area of the house (I got the carpet and rugs in the main area, at least.)
[ ] dust main area of the house
[x] pick up dgrands for church tonight and deliver their Valentines
[x] go to church (Ash Wednesday service and pancake supper.)
[x] take dgrands home
[x] worked on scrapbooks for about an hour, while talking to ds on the phone. He is driving home and won't be in till around 1:00 a.m.

My scrapbooks are -- to use a very loose definition of "scrapbooks" -- a real mix-up of variety. So far, only newspaper pages and ticket stubs and misc, all mixed up together in chronological order, in page protectors. I might have my dentist's letter of closing his practice, and the next page a great-aunt's obituary, and then a program from a show where ds played, then a church bulletin where dgs had a speaking part, and then maybe tickets from the George Strait concert we went to... it's really crazy, but it seems better in this sort of order, rather than just piled in a box.
At SOME point in the future, it would be good to take out all the things that do not pertain to ds's music, and all the things that pertain to family history (obituaries, etc.) and put them in a separate sort of file. I do have a notebook with family tree stuff, and a lot of this belongs in that notebook.

I also put papers in a filebox, which I believe needs hanging files, but so far, I only have file folders. I put dh's medical stuff there, and some more things that kept getting piled on a shelf, and were becoming hard to find. Some of this belongs in the family tree notebook, too -- I have copies of dgrands' birth certificates, because I'm always the one who signs them up for sports, and I have a copy of dmom's birth certificate and her living will, etc... and copies of ddad's death certificate.

But it does make me feel like I am making progress by getting this stuff into notebooks, rather than piled in a big box.

Tomorrow is a full day -- I have to take the SUV for an oil change, go to the drug store, and dgd has her school play.
She is excited about having a "speaking part." She is Sheep #3. She says: "Baa, Baa, Baa." :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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