On Task Thursday PWYC

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:04 pm

It's official - I don't want to do anything but play with the dogs, exercise and what ever my little heart desires.

LOL! What a bad influence you are.

I went off on a tangent and purged the photos from yesterday's batch that I don't recognize. Dcousin J looked at most of them also. I'm keeping some, but it doesn't make sense to put unidentified photos upstairs to keep.

I'll leave for workout in 40 min. After that I'll
-go to bank
-go to HOA post office
-drop off donation books at library next door to P.O.

not in this order but that's the plan. And right now I'm doing what I want, which is one or two generations of the DAR application I need to mail.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:08 pm

It is a grey rainy day did not want to do anything today but I did.
Got the bed made yea!
Made out a list.
Grooming for face done.

Went out in the rain to the plant cage and pull out the planters in storage that I wanted out.
Found one wood basket with heart shaped ends and slats I'd forgotten about so I"ll be deciding what color to paint
and try working on it next time I get the painting urge. Paint & pray helps when I am upset.
Dgoggo went with me she did not want to go out either but she did.
Had some food.

Sun came out at one point.
Last of the three tables is drying and I've moved it back to the spot it goes to cure before I start using it again.
Got the last load of laundry in the dryer folded the other load.
Washed my bowl after having soup for my dinner.
Got out some paint for my next project deciding now.
Been writing that is helpful.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 15, 2024 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:45 pm

Worried about this impending storm all morning. The split second I got home from my morning out, it started to snow. Came into the house and told dh I needed to put my car into the garage. We moved car, truck, ATV and snowblower around to get car far enough into the garage so we could get ATV in front of my car and riding snowblower behind my car. Truck is on driveway. We also brought a wheelbarrow full of wood into the house in case we want or need a fire.

Garage and truck are locked up. Soda and bread and butter have been brought into the house.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:00 pm

Stay safe, Cathy!

Twins' and blessed: it's a circle. There's a progression of good influence and at a certain point it reaches the progression of bad influence attracting it from the other direction. That meeting point is a confluence and people reaching it all want to play with puppies. It's very popular.

I'm so sorry Twins' Dad still doesn't feel well.
Hoping blessed's dh is better and cheerful.

helia, thank you so much for the updates. Congratulations on your ds' wedding. I believe we at least knew he was planning to marry. So nice to hear your dds will be roommates in the new house - hope you get to see it soon. Oops, sorry your dh has something going on with his foot. How wonderful he is working with butterflies - my dmother would be so pleased to think someone is trying to help/understand all that's going on with them. A lot depends upon them. What a disappointment to hear that there are those who wanted you to lie or withhold truth under oath so that things might be hidden or turn out the way they wanted. The "end justifying the means" is a terrible moral trap. It is beneath the dignity of citizens. and certainly church family members.

Somebody totally dropped a community ball today. Our county and our fire pros in this area neglected to inform anyone that there was a "controlled burn" on a nearby road this morning. There was much alarm all around us. HRH ended up driving out to make sure homes that were completely engulfed in smoke from our view were actually okay and not the source. Dd44 called 911 at one point. She was told that she did the right thing calling, but many calls had been coming in as the wind shifted. We always expect a phone call to all landlines at least, to warn when this happens, plus social media will carry formal announcements, etc. It was an extremely windy day to do such a thing and the huge drifts of smoke were bothering people all over.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:04 pm

I’m sitting at the oil change place and I’m about to fall asleep!
Already went to post office and drug store.

When I get home, I will need to help dh with his meds, pack for College Town tomorrow, and go to dgd’s play.
I need to finish vacuuming, also.

Waving to all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:50 pm

Did some knitting.
It is raining it has been off and on.
I got the steps in for the first half of my day.

Got the laundry sorted & going.
Figured out the guard for the painting project knob protector yea! Got a pattern going for it.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:07 pm

I am home and I am tired. The A/C on my car isn't working for one thing. The outside temp of 70 is very comfortable outside the car, but when parked for awhile it warms up uncomfortably and wouldn't cool down. Spent a lot of time sitting in drive-through at bank - forgot that many get paid on 15th. Got to drugstore where I needed something sweet to keep up my strength, then bank, library, and grocery.

I called dh and suggested we forget about eating out tonight. I'll make omelets for us. I am tired, his mouth still hurts and at my workout, the trainer indicated that he's not back to strength, regardless of what he doesn't say. (He has A for trainer once a week, I rarely have her. He has K his other workout, and I often have K, at least once a week, sometimes twice. She's my favorite.)

I need to put away groceries and walk the ddog now. I'm already at 9800 steps.

Dh wants to get away by 2 p.m. tomorrow.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby helia » Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:01 pm

So wild that you need your car AC, Twins. We had snow this morning, though it has been an unusually mild winter for us overall. I'm not complaining!
Hmm... that sounds a bit dangerous and unsettling to citizens in the community, Harriet. Thank you for your kind sentiments! The church and trial thing is actually quite complex, as these things are. People didn't say they were upset that I testified; rather they labelled me immoral for holding an "I don't know" stance after the trial. Yes, I agree there wasn't enough evidence at the trial to convict him, but there seems to be a lot of smoke, and the trial revealed more, including what sounds like lies from the man himself. Plus my experiences with him (yes, plural) + the experiences of several others (none ended up in the trial) are still a factor for the few of us who are stuck in "I don't know" land, which include all the pastors (so we're in good company). Another lie: my testimony has been changed from truth to a version that is not true and which makes him look less bad. This new tamer version spread around the church within days after the trial. The truth is that he did in fact break church policy when he was in the bathroom with the girls. I'm still a little salty. LOL! But I'm trying to let it go!
I hope to get back into knitting, Nancy! I got some books of patterns for Christmas.
Ah, you still travel to the ball games at the college town, lucylee! I can't believe dgd is old enough to be in a play!
Did you get a lot of snow, CathyS? We didn't get much. It snowed for about an hour and a half, I'd guess.
My heart rarely desires to exercise, blessed! You sound so happy!

I stayed home all day today, a rare occurrence. I got a lot done! But there was a lot I didn't get done as well. So, which is it? LOL! I DID: get caught up on several things which felt good - all laundry, tidied MBR, took care of Mom's cardiology appointment, dealt with Mom's life insurance statement, finished thank you cards and a sympathy card. I also DID my a.m. routine in its entirety, prepped and taught my class, and updated 1 health app. I DID a lot of communication via texts and phone for: payroll, friends, stuff for Mom. I DIDN'T: get in a walk or any significant exercise, make progress on NY cards, make progress on payroll projects (curriculum dev + exam prep) or on prepping for payroll tomorrow - or cleaning my stovetop which is embarrassingly icky right now. Or catch up on social emails.

Tomorrow is another day!

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:24 pm

Ouch :cry: a pin got me while securing large parts of the sewing project, so I was out for a while bandaging that. A straight pin is not very formidable unless it is hit just right by pads of fingers, thumb, which sure can bleed. By the time I got it under control, I realized I'd missed blood dripping down another finger, so, not heading back to the quilt fabric until tomorrow. Wouldn't be prudent at this time.

Dd wants me to get this part accomplished and all back up on the quilt wall by early Saturday because she wants to bring a photo to the wedding decorator. No pressure.

Evidently, Saturday has become a bigger production, with lunch out together at the Japanese place, then an appt including this lady, me and the mother of the groom at the venue with a venue rep. I guess that's not so intimidating. We'll see.

Tomorrow, HRH has a friend who wants to come visit at 10, then I have a webinar at 2:00. Really want to be at that one with bells on, since I missed the previous one.

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Re: On Task Thursday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:50 pm

I had the car AC on today, too, twins! Same as you — it wasn’t uncomfortable outside but sitting in the sun, the car would heat up quickly!

I did all the stuffi mentioned except vacuuming.

The play was cute, but it is REALLY hard to understand the lines second graders speak on the microphone in a gym.
“Baa baa baa” was in chorus of 5 or 6 “lost” sheep running around and went so quickly that dh missed it.

I think my favorite quilt, double wedding ring pattern, made by my paternal grandmother, has a few blood spots on it. Just proof that she poured her heart into it.
Tomorrow is another day.

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