Waiting Room Monday PWYC

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Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:29 am

with Lucylee and friends. I'm setting up our little virtual waiting room with savory and sweet pastries and fruit, coffee, juice, hot chocolate, and some of Harriet's Sassy water to enjoy. Fresh flowers on the table, and some interesting magazines to keep our minds occupied. Soft background music plays in the background I provided to-go cups for beverages if you're on the run, today.

Stop in and tell us what you're doing, and support Lucylee and her dh and family. As a side note, my neighbor M is having knee replacement surgery this morning too. A little prayer for her will be appreciated!
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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:59 am

Good morning!

Twins - Thank you for organizing the virtual waiting room this morning. I am keeping LucyLee DH and Twins neighbor in my thoughts and prayers today.

My day is off to a good start.

Hour #1 - 7 cards completed. During my walk outside watching the sunrise I started the firepit burning. It was full of small twigs and dried plant stems. I used a handful of straw to start the fire and it quickly grew to 15' tall flames. Since I didn't have any wood logs in the fire it quickly burned itself out. There was zero wind, so it was very pretty burning straight upward.

Hour #2 - 15 cards completed. Inspired by the music I was listening to = I don't want to go through the motions. I want to passionately live each hour of my life. When I came back home from taking DD12 to school I noticed the warm temperatures have started the grass growing. The grass is now over ankle tall in some places. Decision discussed with DH that it is time to start weekly mowing.
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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:24 am

What a lovely Waiting Room table set for us, even flowers. Thank you, Twins'.

I'm guessing the operation was scheduled quite early for ((lucylee's dh)). Thinking of them on a difficult morning. Best recuperation wishes.

Yes, Sassy Water has been pretty to see these days and I'm delighted to share that, lol. Cold outside (well, cool), so looking at floating lemon slices and mint leaves in a pitcher is smile-making.

Twins', I'm sure you have M and your walks together on your mind this morning, with high hopes that you and Millie will be back walking with M and her dog soon. The medical pros do amazing things with joint replacements these days. Best wishes.
Twins', how are you feeling and how is dh? Many symptoms for him yet? I hope you continue without testing positive.

LadyM, it seems like no time since we were hearing about your very cold weather there. Dstepson raked away leaves from a bed yesterday, without realizing that what I was thinking was that he was just letting sun in without anything planted there yet, so I wondered if weed seeds were going to get a start I didn't want.

Today I have some prep work to do for tax preparer.
Hope to be sewing quite a bit.
Laundry load of towels, if dd25 gathered them like she said... .. hmmm

I skint my knee. Haven't said that in a month of Sundays, lol. Have contrived a bandage out of 3 wide flexible-fabric bandaids at angles, and with some sticky part cut away, and it actually seems fine. But I need to remember to purchase other first aid items of larger size.

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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:36 am

We are very smokey today, just into the unhealthy range. There are a couple of prescribed burns in National Park Service areas near here, and I heard perhaps a wild fire or two yesterday? It's been dry lately. Temp is to be into high fifties and sunny, except for smoke!

Dfriend M's dh decided not to take dRuby to boarding for overnight. I think he decided before he heard there's COVID in my house, but that may have contributed. DH suggested I test again but I'm on the outer edge of being able to take Pavloxid if I choose to. If I've had/am having COVID, it's mild.

I have chicken soup to finish for today. When I came from upstairs to finish it up, dh had just eaten some soup from our refrigerator from Costco, and I think he probably ate about three cups. So I decided that I wasn't finishing chicken soup yesterday, would let it sit in the broth and skim off fat today and finish.

This has been sitting awhile...I'm eating breakfast/brunch, and made an omelet for dh also. Anyone else for one?

Dh sounds terrible still and and is sniveling and hacking. I think Saturday may have been the worst but I'm never sure. I know it hit him hard because he was so sick two weeks ago with the tooth, which still hurts btw. I can't wait to get him back to work!

And report from M's dh that she's out of surgery and headed to recovery room.

Upstairs yesterday I worked on tying a family together. Not my direct ancestor, but another son of my ancestor. I have a lot of research on the family and am writing to see how I feel about proving out the sons. Need a bit more research to do altogether but it feels good.
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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:53 am

*/*/ snow on top & in the mtns all around us, we got rain.
I woke at five. 32* / 47* F.
Have done my Faith planner entries and daily planner too.
Bujo is at my side to do a few more entries.
Maybe changing up my plans for the day.
I have stuff for chicken soup.
s2slippers happened.
I was cold yesterday then realized I had forgotten to turn up the heat during the day.
Waving coffee refill done.
CI / Later ...
Warmed up to 36* Sun is trying to peek out from behind clouds.
Got the soup simmering on the stove this is clean out the fridge soup.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:00 am

prayers being said for d Lucy and your d friend d twins!
thank you for our waiting room - it's beautifully set!
praying for your dh to feel better.
I hope you have a very good day

hi d Harriet how nice of d stepson to work on the bed yesterday!
I hope you have a wonderful day sewing!!!
sorry you hurt your knee!
have a great day

hi d lady
good morning
I am enjoying seeing your hours and your cards! I am trying to use that as well!
have a great day!

hi d Nancy - your area sounds beautiful!
s2slippers sounds great!
waving at you too!
have a great day

have a great day everyone!

oh I have a pulse omitter - his oxygen was at 99% at the dr. - I am beginning to think it's the inflammation of his trachea - last year he had a trac bc his breathing tube swelled shut - the radiation scarring after his tumor has made his breathing tube small. Breathing through his mouth has made this area irritated, dry and I think swollen. When he is standing he sounds a touch better.

today he is a bit better again. He actually worked on his computer for a bit this morning - that's huge bc he has sat in the front room for two weeks straight. He actually smiled this morning. I can't hear his rough breathing/wheezing in other parts of the house anymore. keeping my fingers crossed.

thank you so much for your kindness!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:14 pm

It is an easy homeschool day today. Having a willing student makes all the difference. The assignments are already decided and put on DS15 calendar so it is just a matter of monitoring and helping when he needs further explanation and/or discussion. I added two new curriculums today. He had a little push-back on that but accepted it after I showed him the benefits of doing these. It is music studio day so that means travel and making sure he has cash to pay for the lesson.
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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:24 pm

Thanks so much for the goodies in the waiting room... just wait till y'all hear what happened.
(((Hugs))) and prayers for your neighbor, Twins. Maybe they will enjoy the treats.

WE, OTOH, had an interesting morning.
I want to preface this by saying, last night, while dh was tossing and turning, doing everything except sleeping, I literally prayed, "Lord, just SURPRISE HIM with how well this turns out."

We arrive at the hospital bright dark and early... 5:15. They take him back to pre-op pretty quickly, get him into his gown, start an IV, go over all his medications, send the anesthesiologist in to talk to us... and we're waiting on the surgeon to come in and talk to us.
NURSE comes in, says, "I am so sorry... Dr. H has had an emergency and he cannot do the surgery today. All we can do is discharge you and send you home. You'll have to call his office when they open at 8:00 and reschedule." It turns out, he had fallen and cut his leg, badly, and was unable to stand and do surgery. :!:
DH asked about his partner, was there any chance he could work him in today. No... partner has office appointments today... so...

DH said he felt like a 100 lb weight fell off his shoulders when she told him there was no option to use the partner or anyone else today. He said he has not had any peace about this since Day 1, and this may be a sign to just let it ride for a while; ask the kidney specialist to take a watch and wait approach. He will go back to the kidney specialist in April, and that will be approx. 6 months since the original ultrasound -- maybe a good time to see if this is changing/growing/etc.
I don't know. It may be dangerous to wait... but there is some reason God did NOT let him be operated on today.

Dh is already asleep, probably peacefully for the first time in a while! I think I am going to join him! I've been updating all the people I had texted earlier asking for prayer. I don't know why on earth dh had to go through all this worry for the last two months, but we were very blessed to find out how many people do care about him and maybe we've learned to trust God more. Dh says his faith and trust have always been strong and unwavering, but he still cannot help having these panicky times when dealing with medical procedures. And I guess having a major organ removed is pretty serious; even if the organ is not functioning properly.

Thank you all for your prayers, and continue to pray for dh to make wise decisions, that he can live with, as we proceed with this situation.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:27 pm

Morning…have joined y’all in the waiting room

Been to class and then had to have some blood work again. Always think of Dee when I go for mine. Tech was great and agreed I needed a butterfly needle. I had my MRI’s done last week which requires a larger needle because I had to have dye in mine/

They found I have a small aneurism …between 1-2 mm… in the front of o my brain. My images have been sent to a specialist to review. However there’s not much that can be done because mine is small. Two things that are monitored are my blood pressure and cholesterol.

Been monitoring my BP for a while and it’s fine. However it’s been awhile since I e had my cholesterol has been checked. That what the lab work was for todays. Y’all know I eat pretty healthy… nothing white..bread,rice, pasta, potatoes and very little sugar. I seldom eat fast foods…usually hamburgers without buns and French fries every great once in a while and usually never eat fried food except last week I had a fried fish sandwich

So anyway we’ll see what the test show up.

Meantime I’m just keeping on keeping on.

It’s finally warming up although this morning it was 45*. Should be 75* by this afternoon. I am getting ready to work on my pots and sunflowers today.
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Re: Waiting Room Monday PWYC

Postby Dove » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:37 pm

Just took a seat in the waiting room & there is an update from Lucylee! Oh my goodness, what an unexpected turn of events to have the surgery cancelled. Glad your dh was happy about it, & will pray for good news from appointment in April. Wish you both had not had to go through so much stress. A nap sounds necessary after getting up so early this morning. Sweet dreams to you both...

Twins, glad to read that your dfriend is out of surgery. Prayers for her recovery.

All is well here, just short on time. ~~~ Waving to everyone.

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