Write it Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Write it Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:51 pm

Printed DD12 Math scores for February. There is a trend that I don't understand. The scores on her papers are either excellent or flunked. Her test scores are all excellent. This makes me think that she is intentionally not turning in her papers (aka receiving zero score) or only doing partial (score in the 30-50's). Why? Where oh where is that child raising instructional manual???

Update on DD12 math scores. She explained what happened and how it had been resolved. She struggled with understanding some new algebra concepts and PROCRASTINATED on doing the problems because she didn't feel like she could do them perfectly. She understands them now and is confident in math again. She knows she has options if she doesn't understand or struggles - I will find her a tutor, mentor, and other resources anytime she needs them.

DS15 had an unusual mouthy attitude toward me for the past several days. I don't allow disrespect, so each mouthy episode was immediately responded to but it kept happened over and over. It came to a head today with me telling him to load up in vehicle because I was done putting in effort without appreciation. I informed him that I was going to make my life easier by enrolling him in public school. DS15 did an immediate attitude pivot and begged crying pleading with me to give him another chance. After some discussion I agreed to continue homeschooling him. Where oh where is that child raising instructional manual???

DS15 has ripped or stained every pair of jeans he has. I couldn't find any jeans in the city today so I came home and ordered some. DS15 doesn't care if his jeans are ripped and seems to actually enjoy wearing the torn jeans. However he goes on a mission trip in a couple weeks, and I REALLY don't want him going in ripped jeans. Pick you battles....this is one that I'm picking.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Write it Wednesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:01 pm

I went out for lunch with a friend.

I made dh some Caribbean rice and I also cooked up the last 3 "hot" sausages to go with it. He was very happy with his "Hot and spicy" meal.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Write it Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:38 pm

AT & T lady did say (after I asked!) they would give me $20 credit for the week with no internet. And we’ll be at College Town Fri-Sat so always have to share when we’re there anyway.

I shared a meme on FB recently that said: My mama didn’t raise a quitter… but she sure did raise a procrastinator.”
DS responded: “Don’t feel bad; mine did too.”

I feel like I’ve been mad for 3 days. Supper has been disappointing the last several nights… I had a bunch of ironing to do last night… had to take Dgd to batting practice, pouring down rain, people had been complaining on their group chat, coach said cages were covered. Then at 3 minutes till time, he cancelled practice! Just as Dgd and I started to the batting cages! Ds was more upset than we were. He said, what does this guy think — that we all live at the park???
I was taking Dgd bc ds and ddil were needed to pick up ddil’s mother at the airport. She had surgery in Atlanta last week.
I need an attitude adjustment.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Write it Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:14 pm

I cooked today made a big pizza for dinner. I will have some for later.
Had the stuff here and needed to use it up.
Glad for that task being done it is in the oven now.
Dishes I will do after dinner. X
Showered ready for bed now.
Had a good talk with dd.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Write it Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:05 am

I've enjoyed reading here today and have had thoughts, but I have had a day "In The Zone".

Have sewed all day. I just kept feeling like I was doing well and solving problems. Found several stopping places but it's constantly raining anyway, and HRH encouraged me to continue so I'd have accomplishment. Tobias had to come get me several times, patting my leg to bring me back to earth. I'm still not sure I myself had lunch. Oh, wait, HRH made me a sandwich.

Tomorrow, sadly, will be different. Oh well. Already knew I wanted to visit colorist. Some of HRH's extended family wants to come between 2 and 3. So, well before that I need to visit colorist, so hair is dry and finished. And that can't be before 9:30 because we have a 9:00 delivery that we'll have to take care of well. Kinda hate having such a structured day after such a free one. I may pout.

Happy for you on your finish, Nancy. :D

Mystery, isn't it frustrating to have a bunch of wisdom packed neatly into a post and lose it! :?

Dd25 floated home in a ~~~ cloud of love ~~~ from her date night and talked a long time about how happy she is. They are finally starting to let themselves believe the house closing is really going to happen.

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