Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

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Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:00 am

Spring is here! The season officially came in last night around 11 p.m. Eastern time, so, although Spring actually began on the 19th, today is the first full day of the new season. Here's a gift article from yesterday: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/ ... l-equinox/

Plans underway, planting underway, bare legs! What does spring mean to you?
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:23 am

We have friends coming over tonight for dinner and bourbon tasting. The house was cleaned on Friday but I need to spiff things up a bit and go to the grocery.

-finish a.m. routine (may leave shower for a bit later, I'm going to wash towels today)
-straighten/clean house porch
---clean porch floor and tables. We still have pollen season to go so doesn't make sense to do a lot of work on the screened porch
-what else?

Won't make the "crossroads of the day" with a.m. routine, but I'm moving. Roomba is going in bedroom.
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:47 am

good morning d twins... happy spring!!!
have a wonderful time with your d friends tonight.

d harriet - I too wonder what will happen for people that sew. The quilt places seem to do well but the fabric places, to me, have less quality fabric than they used to (for the most part). I wonder if we will have to get samples of fabric instead of being able to buy them from a store.

d Lucy - glad you had a nice time

d everyone hello hello
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:54 am

I actually rested for 5 hours yesterday - I think my brain needed it more than my body!

dh wants me to take him to the bank.

happy anti-procrastination day!

I was tickled that I got the apple trees sprayed yesterday!
it's cold again but no wind and lots of sunshine! I am hoping that as the day progresses that the cold won't feel sharp.

have a great day everyone!
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:12 am

Waving ~ Up on time today.
Did my QT & journal stuff.
Got dressed early helps by 8:00 do not fa int from shock!!! LOL! :mrgreen:
Glad I did some in the house anti p. stuff yesterday yea for that it felt great & I needed it.
I have needed extra sleep the past two weeks as well went to be early then was awake in the nite.
Any way I feel okay today so that is something.

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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:16 am

Unfortunately, I've started about 10 different things right now. I need to backtrack and plan better. I'm giving myself a break to regroup and restarting in 10 min to work for 45 min.

-finish kitchen clean up
-process papers I've pulled out
-put away winter things that I pulled out on kitchen counter
-sweep screened porch, vacuum rug (I'd send the roomba but there's a lot of dusty stuff and dead bugs in corners, etc.)

I do not need to wander off.
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:52 am

Smiling to think of Twins' Mom wandering off. I didn't know it, but I've been three-quarter hour-ing with you! Mostly laundry.

Nancy, as far as we know, you are our early-bird! Just let us go on thinking it's your time zone that lets others beat you here!

Volunteer coaching/helping for children - yes, I agree that there's not enough appreciation. Ds has asst-coached baseball some, but he has scheduling problems and also must disappoint by surprise if there are certain fire calls. Dd44 has 2 of her 4 boys in soccer but certainly can't help much with two other boys in tow (her late dh asst-coached, too). Both of their families have seen kindness of volunteers. Only one bad experience with a coach who was very prejudiced against DangerBoy's hearing difficulty and wouldn't talk to him :roll: , but he was the exception who proved the rule that 99 percent of volunteers are positive for the children.

So, spring has sprung. It has been cold here and I have a feeling some buds have been frosted back. Looking out at our cherry tree branches, they look okay - they are a faint pink bud/blossom. I think it's close enough to taller trees to be spared.

Fabric/craft stores - blessed, here quilt shops just don't exist any longer, either. There was one last holdout three (four?) towns away, but they may be gone, too. We lost the local yarn shop but found that a new tiny one came in two towns away - I hope they make it. Big city seems to have only decorator shops - drapery, etc. Quilt-weight cottons are a profitable business online, and some of the "stores" are wholly online. They don't have to have so much physical presence, because there is an industry standard for weight and "quilt shop quality", but matching the color can be a problem, which is why there are so many "lines" now, with every fabric working pretty well with others in the "line". (And so that you would have to buy more from them, lol)

Ordered groceries this a.m. with HRH and we expect that mid-afternoon.

Laundry is finished to put-away.

Called dd44 to get instructions for next week. Their family will be gone all next week (the boys' spring break) helping at her dsisinlaw's household while the Daddy there must travel for work. They need two adults with the training to care for their special needs child, and dd is quite accomplished by now, handling emergency situations a couple times already. So, their visits there are both happy and sobering.

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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:13 pm

I'm coming back through. Kitchen counter clean up included arranging flowers that were awaiting attention. Did not get to porch. In the garage, dh put away my "winter" box and I'll need a step stool to get to it. He just doesn't understand that system. So this time is putting up the winter things and then porch attention. After this round, going to grocery I think.
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:41 pm

I am sorry that quilt shops don't exist where you are anymore! We lost our yarn shop near us bc she retired. There is one but it is pretty far for us.
Quilt shop is in the next town and it's a beauty! I feel lucky they have that here. There are quilt shops in different towns that are not too far.
It's amazing how things have changed!

I am sorry that a coach was allowed if he can't treat all the children fairly.

hoping your cherry tree and all the other budding bushes, trees and plants do okay!

d twins yay on cleaning the kitchen - looks lovely

waving at you d Nancy!

dh and I had fun. I had been seeing a shop for canned goods, fresh eggs, meat etc and I have been wanting to go there. Well, today we made it there. When I got out of the car, I was surrounded by 40 ish chickens clucking away. dh stayed in the car with the dogs. I bought elderberry syrup bc it's just not worth the work for me to can it. I bought fresh eggs, some lettuce from the hoop hot house, and some other things. I may join their CSA as I have struggled in finding one that sticks around. I bought their premade enchiladas and they were delicious; I had one for lunch.

I tried their tallow skin product but now I smell like beef. :lol: - my dogs loved me when I got in the car with them and dh. :lol:
So happy I found a place that has fresh eggs and other things.
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Re: Spring is here! Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:42 pm

I haven't exercised yet :shock: that will be my anti procrastination today.

it's 35 degrees and the wind is picking up again. NOPE - I am done. ;)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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