Health and Fitness, March, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:10 pm

Back from my walk had a granola bar today
as yesterday had a low after my walk that really sapped my strength.

Today I feel energized after wards yea
fighting a lingering cough too but it is improving
just not a quickly as I'd like it to.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Harriet » Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:37 pm

Nancy, it's so good you feel energized.

Harmony, you are skinny-ing. I had also read that "b.h.a." is good for acid reflux, but as you know I discovered papaya enzyme chewables first and had such a good opinion of it that I have stuck with that.

I go to the dr tomorrow. I need to make out a 3x5 of notes to be sure I say the things I want to and ask the things I want to. I don't know what he will say when he finds out I'm farther along in cutting down on Nexium than he thinks. But I doubt he will be surprised. With his blessing, I'll be dumping the stuff, I think. (gradually) I also want to hear him say absolutely that there was nothing to see on the x-ray. He never really said that. He thinks I am eating "low-carb" and that's not exactly right anymore, so I need to update him. He is truly interested in my fight, because he has acid reflux ever since his extreme stress during his wife's scary pregnancy complication, and is on Nexium himself. (He's 10 years younger than me.)

Oh, I'm also interested in their scale's number change and the dates.

Dd11 has made a pie (just Jello Cook and Serve in a graham crust) using the almond milk from the grocery. It is a nice consistency and the slight almond flavor makes the pie seem more special than usual. So she is pleased with her "recipe" and I am pleased that she's getting more variety of nutrition. For anyone trying to cut out dairy, I'd say this is an easy way to have a almost-dairy-free dessert without noticing the difference. Of course, there's still the sugar!

I had updated on dh in PWYC, but wanted to mention that he has kept off the 14 pounds he lost during his terrible bout with the kidney stone. And when we went to the urologist the other day his bp was 126/80 which is much better. He half-seriously half-jokingly attributes the bp improvement to chocolate, which I have been bringing into the house. He read that it was good for bp and starting "helping" me eat it. I told him he had a good bp reading because his wife was sitting beside him.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:47 pm

Resting after my walk now.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Harriet » Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:54 pm

Checked off a proactive medical test - cholesterol screening. Dr says it is my first, and I can only assume he is right, though I certainly thought there had been one in the past. Don't remember any numbers/verdict, though.

I, of course, also requested Vit D. He says just 10 years ago it was quite unheard of to test specifically for D, and now many patients request it - of course, he himself thought of it for HRH, thank goodness.

With his blessing, I am gradually exiting Nexium for good, I hope. A victory.

He noted that being down 7 pounds since seeing him in Nov can only be good for my AR. He says he thinks I am doing fine.

Oh, dd's pie, made last evening, was gone by breakfast - she and her dad both had it for bfast. :roll: So the almond milk must have been quite a good secret ingredient (I guess her dad still has no idea it wasn't dairy).

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:13 pm

I'm back from a shortened walk.
It's great to see all the spring bloom.
My walk helps to lift my spirits which have been sagging this week.
Still coughing just a wee bit and this helps with that too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:35 pm

Today I'm focusing more on doing 20 min. ex. after each meal.
Feel good after carbs. in cereal I had at breakfast today w/out milk.
Not sure if it's that or just focusing on a better 'tude.

On a PBS special on Diabetes for type 2's I think more than type 1.
I did learn to try rye and/or pumpernickel bread instead of whole wheat
so I'm hoping that will be a positive change.
I'm not so sure about the no meat part.
He did say eat oat meal but that spikes my bs # so will had to see.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:49 pm

A question to those understanting about bs levels.
I have been v hypoglycemic in long ago yrs past.

just took bs rdg at 3.4
It was an extended fast from last night (say 9.30-10pm) til 1.30pm.
so I'm eating now.

thats lower than any test I've done sine I've been occassionally checking. (prev 4.6 was lowest after gym - felt clammy/shakes nausea)
last night inc vege chips (cheating) that contained 10.2% sugars inc actual sugar.

Any thoughts?
wising I had a general doc who I thought understood about this.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Harriet » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:19 am

Well, shoot, I just lost a long post about why I found this article interesting and I'm too tired to recreate it now, so here is the link for what it's worth.

Are Stress, Worry and Anxiety Signs of Adrenal Imbalance?

Lynlee, I don't think that's on a scale I've ever learned to interpret. Maybe we have a different scale in US, so your friends on this board won't be much help? When HRH was taking his blood sugar readings, the numbers we would get were like "90" "110" "100". So I don't think your readings are on a scale I will be able to understand and help with? For instance, my recent reading at doctor's after a no-breakfast morning was "87" I think. A high reading for someone with high blood sugar might be 200.

editing to say I found this

Australia/US Blood Sugar Conversion Chart

Maybe this will help others understand your question, Lynlee. I am not an expert, but only know that when the number is low you likely need to eat... ... not very helpful, am I? Perhaps others are wiser.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Lynlee » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:26 am

thanx for the link Harriet.
Low in old test was 1.6
fasting used be 3.
highest when i was eating sweets last yr was 9.? Sry - not bothered to look in my record book.
In the old 30yr+ days ago I used have what I called "dead sleeps" which took a long time to wake/able to move so about 4-5 hrs in all. Those were linked to out of control mind negativity.

I think I need sort this inc eating whats good for me. I'll talk to pdoc. gpdoc is dismissive without existing proof before doing any tests. grr hiss.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2010

Postby Indiana » Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:57 am

Lynlee until you see your doctor I think you have figured out you can't go so many hours without eating.

Based on the conversion chart Harriet ordered your bg was only in the 60's. That is low.

There are many reasons for low bg. There are also things you can do to maintain you level. Try to eat something every few hours. Have a snack in between meals and between dinner and bed. Your snack at night doesn't have to be a substantial one. A little protein and starch is all you need based on your dietary restrictions.

It can be a little cheese and crackers. A plain sandwich with turkey or chicken. Graham crackers and milk.

Also carry something with you. Something portable with 30 carbs. 15 carbs is enough to bring your bg up. That equals 8 ounces of milk.

Keep taking your bg too.

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