Sept. Cards 2010

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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:22 pm

my computer signal was blocked again this morning.
Yesterday was such a wonderful day. relaxing and filled with peace and family and friends.

dh woke up this morning with his face all puffy. I think the radiation is doing that to him. He usually gets hit with the chemo effects on wednesday and thursday but it finally hit him today... very tired but wants to be out of the house.. the antsies
we went to the wood stove heating place. we are thinking of putting a small wood stove in our 3 season room and it was so much cheaper than I thought... not cheap but cheaper. we came home for lunch and then to long grove and he said he had a good day. (he seems a little off, normal for after chemo)
I bought a thanksgiving decoration (I haven't done that in over 20 years) but it was cute. I normally do not care for thanksgiving decorations.

home for lunch: bean chili/ 1/2 a small potato
I had green beans as a snack
cauliflow,carrots and broccolli snack

acceptance I feel lazy but the work will still be there. I have to work. 4:09 pm I don't want to work and Im not. its terrible
(7:11) nothing else accomplished but eating dinner :?
living with grace trying to be patient in a kind manner

this week christmas week prep: front hall and foyer.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:09 pm

happy Sunday: super headache all last night (woke up with it and took tylonel right away) slept again until 9:15 then had to run dd15 to golf lesson. (inspirational man and good role model for dd15) (10 to 11 am)... dh and I went to butcher shop, bakery for him while she was at lesson. came home and checked cards and did the someday card of putting the pool stuff away, move the paint stuff over where dh could easily reach and took things out of some drawers dh tosses things into. (he then has to buy more. (its okay but to help this will work), helped dd15 with her vocabulary homework.. I have loved words since my dgrandmother would do the word part of readers digest and I would do it to.

spent the day with files. recycling lots of paper, prepared bills that I will do tomorrow, took all afternoon to go through it.
dd's and dh gave me ncis for my bday so I had that on. menu is prepared, cooked meatballs, cooked meat for freezer, I still have filing to do. since dh and I got rid of lots of papers boy it will be easier.
wrote a family member we didn't know about but have a common link from a few generations back.

dh did not do well today or yesterday so hoping he will feel better tomorrow

b: 2 (yes 2) apple donuts dh/dd15 picked up in long grove
l: unwhich just turkey/cheese/veggies
snack: grapes, brussel sprouts later,
diet coke
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:00 pm

I had to ask dh to not work on the dishes while he is not well (I feel bad but it's a cleanliness issue)
He's such a good man and I had to have to ask that of him

still working on paperwork then filing again tomorrow. glad I have started keeping up on things.
sent out bills :D /still need stamps bought and sent out overnight mail :D
dh went to radiation :D
dd15 has a doctor appointment :D need to make appointment for allergist :arrow:
dd15 has piano at 8:00 which means we have to leave at 7:30 at latest.

5:08 pm I am tired from 2 days of non movement... overate - I bought a sandwhich with bread (a no no) and cream soup (a no no) broccolli cheddar. remember to make meals in am.
letting go of how I am feeling and getting to work

>bring papers downstairs to file :D . file :arrow:
write checks in check file :D
add monthly budget items to book :arrow:
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby Indiana » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:08 pm

blessed don't feel bad asking him not to do the dishes. Although I'm sure he would be fine doing them his resistance is low and he needs to be careful.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:21 pm

thank you dindiana.. He has a trac. I think that says a lot. he doesn't understand and I feel bad. On a separate note, today I was driving a little over 35 mph and he opened the door to fix his seatbelt that was stuck in it. (no wonder I keep going gray after my hair dye :lol:
thank you again! your understanding makes me feel much better
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby Indiana » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:57 pm

blessed even more so with a trach to be careful of bugs since the nasal passages aren't filtering.

It sounds like he has chemo brain. It is an affectionate term used for the confusion produced by the chemo. Dh had it off and on in a minor form. Memory was the most impacted.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:29 am

He is so sweet and I and dd15 are very understanding of his way of thinking and delayed reaction after chemo. We smile at the little moments. He felt great for 3 weeks and now it's hitting him again. The only problem we have is that he can't see it. So we have to be extra patient even if we worry. He can't seem to know when he is sick. but Its just another way of learning the new routine and life, but appreciating each moment. Thank you for understanding. :D
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:24 am

Trash day Tues. here.
So I sort of have a pause in my de-cluttering as
the trunk is about full and will have to wait
untill the truck comes to empty the
can and do not want to be so overwhelmed.
I've made excellent progress since this weekend so that is great news!

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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:19 am

smart decison making dnancy. I know I can't declutter any more today as the house looks bad... outside work and paperwork took me away from house work. Of course I was so sad about that :mrgreen:

dh went to radiation :D
took him to dunkin donuts his favorite :D
next is drop him off at chemo :D
then pick him up :D
pick up dd15 :D
piano store as teacher gave her new music to practice :D
pilates (I will walk dog while she is at pilates if okay with dh) :D
ncis 7:00 loved it. hope you enjoy dindiana.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2010

Postby Indiana » Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:18 pm

I'm glad NCIS is starting. I have it set to tape.

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