November Cards 2010

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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:16 am

thank you! I know its just what it is but dd15 and I are finding him having super high expectations lately with little understanding. He can be kind and then very snity plus passive aggressive and expect we should accept it. His patience level is right now very low. I know it will pass but it was so nice to release it here instead of thinking about it all day. thank you for letting me vent a bit. thank you all for being so kind.

dtwins did you give him one of those looks like I do... the "are you kidding" 8-) dh still hasn't figured out that one yet. :lol:
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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:38 am

wellll goood morning!

focus: operation laundry and clean car.
we are seeing the Christmas Carol tonight at the Goodman (yeah)
so I have to get things together for tonight.

other focus: finish getting packages together for Cousins to mail after Thanksgiving.. so have them ready

for dd's/dh find chargers for video camera and their cameras (NOT my jurisdiction :D )

9:11 am did a quick sweep through dd21's room. she will be home today.
more laundry done
more to do.
12:40 I am still on laundry duty and put away. I separated the laundry on my bedroom floor but can see I will not get it all done. I again have lots of laundry. so putting them back into hampers (yes multiple) so that we can grab as we go.
3:58 pm took a short nap because of headache, dh did some laundry and didn't sleep at all today
more laundry put away done
heading out soon

remember: tickets for tonight in purse :D watch I'll forget the purse
money :D
blanket in car, flashlight, cell phones
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:26 am

Waving to blessed and others who wander in here.
Today not sure what's up yet but the kitchen needs some attn.
then ex. card is up.
I need to make out a list for a store run.
Get out mittens and gloves as we are heading in to a cold snap here.

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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:38 am

Good morning Nancy! are you having thanksgiving this week.
I'm going to sil's so I already dropped off beer, and need to make 2 casseroles and dd15 has to make cookies

tomorrow: me doctor important, dh neurologist
today: dd21 wants to take dh/dd15 to a movie so I can just have some fun on my own. yeah.
its funny I worry about dh when I am not with him even if he is doing great. wonder if that feeling will ever go away.
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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:34 am

Turkey dinner will not be here this year dson is having it at his house on the weekend.
So I've not done as much this year in the way of preparations for it.

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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:37 am

sounds like a lot of fun dnancy.

we are going to my sil's house.

8:34 ready to be productive in fun things. I will do laundry during the day though.
lol its 10:05 already and I have done nothing but putzed. dh says he doesn't feel "right" legs aren't getting the blood like usual... mmm going to watch him today.
1:08 where is my day going... we went to the store and got ingrediants for thursdays dishes. also went to walgreens for theraflu. over ate at lunch now time to get back to what I want to do.
4:08 pm where is this day going to? really :roll:
off to work on monthly binder. I have told dh, dd15, dd21 I need their ideas for the family name pull on thanksgiving and I can't wait any longer. (in a nice way)

goal: work on Christmas cards. work on menues for the next two months so I don't have to think much.
work on cleaning binder making new pages from dindiana's focus. get rid of old cards
figure out what I spent the other night.
work on calendar for appointments for next month... give a copy to dd15 and dh
found out dd21 will be home for a month.. yes life is good.

show dh the humidifier broke and water is all over floor
call plumber tomorrow
figure out menu for diet this week
during the week back on oatmeal for breakfast, fish during week for dinner, no carbs at night as it sends me into a eating binge.
don't forget water

hi nancy
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:25 am

Today's goal spiff living room that's turned in to a "nest" of yarn and crafting supplies
put away coats etc.


Re: November Cards 2010

Postby Indiana » Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:21 pm

blessed I found that the feeling doesn't go away since it is a lige threatening illness. It does get less but never goes away.

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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:13 pm

I try not to worry but I can't seem not too. his skin under his chin for the last couple of days is getting bigger (I saw a friend of mine who had thyroid cancer have this and I don't feel any lumps but it definitely is swelling each day).
I know he worries a lot. but as you said dindiana when you are hit with a life threatening illness the worry doesn't go away just because they give you good news. the PET scan should tell us if there is any action any more.
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Re: November Cards 2010

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:33 am

yesterday was a wonderful day of just doing what I wanted to do. very relaxing and very nice.

this morning: I have read what I needed to :D
printed out pages for next years journal based on dindiana's and dharriets focus thread. (monthlies included in those areas to mark of throughout year). :D I will add Christmas from ceo later but will adjust it to my life and circumstances.

call dr. for dh's neck as it is filling with fluids
doctor appointment leave at 9:30
dh has an appointment at 2:00 pm with neurologist
dd15 has culinary club after school for 1/2 an hour
piano 8:00 pm

other: continue writing addressess on front of Christmas card envelopes
A christmas letter? not sure if I will or not.
dd21 is having a ugliest christmas sweater party and I volunteered to make it.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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