Health and Fitness April, 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:29 am

I had a walk yesterday in the wind.
Today my bs is up drat guess I need to think about ex. asap.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:36 pm

Enjoy your exercise, Nancy.

Dove, I read recently that a few push ups will do the same, for those among us who don't mind push ups! I like the free "hoedowns" video on the TTapp site, which takes 3 mins. Dd12 will hop up and run around the outside of the house, but then she is on another plane of fitness existence from me! LOL

Mornings chat - Here is my multi-faceted morning quandary.

I'd really like to take the experts' advice of exercising then having a protein breakfast all within the recommended hour after awakening.

Problems with this:
I am to take the thyroid pill in the morning 1/2 hour before any food.
The very same experts say we absolutely need fruit.
I love fruit, but can only have it as the first meal of the day or it will upset my stomach.

So, even if I have the thyroid pill waiting by the bedside with water, I couldn't do everything. But I do think I could have exercise days and "off" days and do exercise/protein breakfast half the time and fruit half the time. In my 50th year, when I was so fit, I was exercising 3 days a week for about 40 mins, but I've got to have some "wake-up and not be stiff" time. Maybe I could exercise 4 days a week for 30 minutes, still make the hour deadline for protein, and just forgo fruit those days.

So if all these things line up, we get to the new overriding problem, that my ddad awakens at a different time each morning and wants to begin his day, which requires input from me (breakfast, pills). He will often get up well before dd or HRH. I just can NOT exercise if there is the possibility my ddad's nearby. That is non-negotiable. So living area is out. The only other option is the upstairs area which is directly over my ddad's bed, but I am thinking he really might not hear. Kinda weird to be changing into and out of shorts up there, but I would try it. Also I'm wondering just how early am I talking about in order to be sure to get it all done before he needs me? 5:30 alarm?

Talk about fitness taking a commitment. :?

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Lynlee » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:41 pm

Harriet - I hear you that you are restricted by needing to care for your DF. could you split the difference and have 30min between each? or you need the fruit absolutely to have its own digestive time. or have eggs mid morning and a lighter lunch? I think you need to just trial variations and see how it goes/ what suits you.

I take thyroid meds too first thing. Some days I do some exercise then - today dog woke me (needing a walk now hes always on leash otd). then I like a drink with little vinegar, slim slice of papaya, and my seed cereal. I try to put some time between all of these but the reality is its difficult, and exercise and a long delay til sustainance is not good for me. The reality is that often the drink and papaya are close together and the cereal is 10 min later - the time it takes to cook - not the hr suggested in my bk.
(book suggests an acidic drink on rising, a 30-60 min walk, breakfast - prefered option is (1 cup berries) fruit and (1 cup) yoghurt, and handful nuts. theres mid morning/afternoon snacks, a suggestion of fresh juice (1/2 cup grapefruit or pineapple ) with calcium and brewers yeast an hr b4 lunch as well as same or vegetable juice b4 dinner.
I find it all impossible. and just try to eat / drink whats good for me as I can. How to get enough water separate from meal times I have no idea.
today it is 2hrs since Tmeds and I'm yet to have anything. Need to do that now.
my reality is tmeds
drink papaya sometimes
seed cereal with cup of milk
lunch - sometimes lately its late and becomes main meal
afternoon snack - unless its lunch dinner combo
evening meal followed by cup of carob milk as dessert
I need cease and desist the chocolate. Yes a definate yes to causing migraine. as did the cocoa powder I used to add to milk.

I'm thinking it will be drink , papaya, eggs in swift succession for bfst today. I really need the water now. theres yoga in less than an hr. Maybe I'll have the pawpaw later..
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:27 pm

Did may walk this morning it was rather breezy but not as bad as some days.
Bs was back down later on in the day.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:57 pm

Got my walk in today yea for that!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Harriet » Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:49 pm

It took all the smarts and luck I could come up with to get in 15 mins of exercise and still have finished making and eating a veggie omelet within 1 hr of awakening at 6 am. I barely made it. The things I don't think these experts are thinking through : you can't just hop out of bed and start exercise without any prior movement to prevent injury, without time enough to become alert for correct form, without water and proper potty break, without getting into the right shoes, clothes. These things take more than just a few minutes. Also, protein breakfasts don't fall into one's hand unless one has a chef - it takes time to prepare them.

And of all things, another guest, Tim Ferriss, said, "30 grams of protein within ONE HALF HOUR of awakening" so if HE is exercising before eating, that is slightly amusing. I guess not, or he must have a chef.

btw, I had 2 eggs in a veggie omelet with a little cheese and milk equaling 15 grams protein, and really was full - getting 30 grams would have made me uncomfortably full, I think, but I'll read his opinions further. I will say that I was not hungry for at least 3 hours. I can't make a protein smoothie that early because it would awaken others with the noise. I suppose having deviled eggs already prepared in the fridge would speed me up, but this begins to seem silly.

dd12 saw the more recent Jack LaLanne infomercial with 13-14-year-old boys (so cute) saying they love juicing, and she immediately brought our juicer back out onto the countertop and put carrots and apples on the grocery list. :lol: I'll add kale and parsley and beets and see how serious she is. ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:53 am

Harriet boiled eggs can be prepped ahead of time.
I've made up smoothies and frozen them ahead also.

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:51 pm

Thanks Lynlee and Nancy for the ideas! HRH was keeping hard-boiled eggs in a bowl for a while but has stopped - I'll ask him if he wants to start that up again with me. Yes, Lynlee, getting enough water while spacing it from meals is another challenge. Also I sometimes forget to take my regular multi-vitamin because it has iron and zinc, which are supposed to be spaced 4 hours away from thyroid pill, so I don't take it along with others at breakfast. Goodness, I'm complicated lately!! LOL "spacey" LOL

For several days I've gotten in 15 mins of exercise in the mornings.

I washed in cool soapy water all the removable parts of my old Champion juicer (very, very old! from dd31's young childhood days, so I'd say a quarter of a century!) and they are draining. Have probably not used it for a year. As the manual describes could happen, the cutter had become vapor locked and it took both dd and I using the recommended screwdrivers to wedge it off. Tomorrow I'll grease the cylinder with Crisco as they suggest and we'll try some apple/carrot/kale/celery juice. Neglected to buy parsley for this "recipe" at the store, but thinking the celery will make a good substitution. I have a feeling she will be disappointed with the clean-up work. I learned a long time ago that if you didn't want stained parts you cleaned right away, and let the fresh juice wait until things were draining!!!

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Re: Health and Fitness April, 2011

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:12 pm

Sigh! I don't have any Crisco!!! And company knocked at the door while my frozen fruits were waiting for me to make a smoothie this morning, and I forgot them long enough to have to put them back in the fridge instead, so they'll need to be used soon. And I have no reason other than the Crisco to make a store trip, which is SO typical for me! :roll: :lol: The best-laid plans!!!

Lunch today was spinich and field peas.

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