Conga Line Friday

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Conga Line Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:34 am

Strap on your favorite fruit headdress (and maybe a colorful apron ;) ), start up some music, and hop in the traditional conga line. Even though some of your day may be payroll, errands or desk day duties, join your village friends for some additional sweeping, swaying, swishing through your house. Cleaning and clearing a lovely path as we go, all together now… …

da da da da.. dee.. DAH!
da da da da.. dee.. DAH!

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:02 am

Hmmmmm...that's weird! I came into the village, read Harriet's post, then checked a couple of other things before posting. One of the things I checked was the link to the Carmen Miranda video that was posted. When I came back, I refreshed the page, and noticed the link was gone! :? I must join in the Conga line this morning...even if for only a few minutes. Just let me add a few fresh grapes to my headdress, and I'll get going. :lol:

- put away clean dishes
- upstairs critter care
- swipe bathroom
- downstairs critter care
- take out trash
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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:03 am

And let's not forget.................................

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Lilac » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:33 am

Good morning Harriet, bittersweet and all who follow!


Today we go to the lawyer to write up the contract. Then I will be at dd2 helping her pack. She found out yesterday that they may be closing the 10th. They are hiring a local mover to move furniture, appliances and most of the boxes. He doesn't work weekends and has an appt. the 11th, so that is why we may be moving boxes, too. Yesterday afternoon we packed up the large walk-in storage closet. It has shelves on 3 sides. If she hasn't already cleaned it, I want to clean it before I start moving things in there. Let me tell you, packing with a 2 year old that thinks she is "helping" and a 6 month old that crawls and messes with everything is a challenge. Dd2 is already questioning her sanity at even thinking they should move. She said she even told her dh that they could cancel their contract and he told her that they had already told everyone they were moving, so they are moving. She told me that if she ever mentions moving again, that I am to tell her dh that he needs to get her counseling. This will be her 14th residence, since she married her first dh 16+ years ago. 3 of those places she lived 3 1/2 years, 3 years and 2+ years. I have only missed out on a few of those moves. I have always said that I don't mind helping other people move, but I hate to move. Dd2 keeps saying she will help me pack. Yikes! With the 2 little ones, she can help me most by not helping!

Once dd2 family is moved out, we plan on painting the ceilings. They are a light gray or light beige and we are painting them white. The house doesn't have as many windows as we have and so it is darker. I like light. Then we are having the carpet cleaning company clean all the ductwork and then clean the carpets. We are doing all that before we move in. Then we are having a new front door put in, plus french doors instead of the sliding door into the sunroom. We also plan to replace all interior doors with white sculptured ones. Dfriends new house has the white doors with dark trim and it looks great. We thought it would brighten and update this house.

Guess I better quit babbling and get a bath.....

I hope that each of you have a great day!

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:52 am

I am so glad to be home today, but need to get a move on! Yesterday at work I was able to finish up with the payroll tax returns that needed to be finished and I was "released" for a day off and vacation.

I have a long li&t going and need to hop to it. I slept in with ddogs, who are going to miss us!

First round:
-order meds on phone
-call cleaning lady to tell her we'll be away next week
-start a load of delicates that will need to travel
-clear kitchen counters
-empty dishwasher

I really, really need to be on track today, so I'm going to set the Pomodoro timer. It's 25 minutes on and 5 off....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:00 am

Well, so much for being on top of things!! :cry: I very nicely put a post-it next to my computer to remind me that TOMORROW (OCT 21) is Okay's birthday. Well, I thought I was ahead of the game but I see I'm a day behind myself and that actually TODAY is the 21st! :roll: So Happy Birthday, TODAY, Okay!

Almost impressed with myself this morning. Have all my morning dailies done, picked up, swept, dishes done, s2s, meds, breakfast and so on. Think perhaps I'll tackle the front cupboards under the TV hutch when I get back this afternoon.

Went to get new tires on yesterday and dfriend met me outside, very apologetic. Seems when he went to bring out my tires (and be ahead) he realized that not only had the provider not sent my tires but several other orders as well. So I'm going back this morning to get them on. He called last night and said they had arrived.

Went to a nearby hotel yesterday to buy gift certificates for a weekend and use of their indoor waterpark for 2 DS's families for Christmas. They don't have their certificates yet and I also found out I won't be able to get them online. They took my phone number to call if they should come in this next week. Otherwise I'm sure I'll figure out something. Think I have a backup plan.

DD is getting quite anxious for us to get down there. DGD is scheduled to be released on November 14th.

The only 2 families near us are leaving today and then it will be very quiet and dark on this side. Dcampowner did tell dh yesterday that now their plan is to drain the rec hall on Sunday. So that should leave very little to be done on Monday morning and then we'll be gone (Oct 31st).

Guess I better go say good-bye so I can get on the road shortly for tires. BBL
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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:23 am

taking the little almost all done but didn't get kitchen counters wiped up...

This round will continue with some trip related things, some routines.

-clean out the car
-check on sunscreen supplies
-bring down laundry and reboot
-write three temple thank you notes
-send out an email to re board meeting cancelled next week

Going again...
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:37 am

-:¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:-•*-:¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:- • - Happy OKay Day!!*•-:¦:-•:*'''''*:•-:¦:-

I'm sorry, bittersweet! I did post this paragraph at first, but then deleted it, saying to myself, "Oh, they don't want to see that clip again!" :oops:

A refresher on Friday Conga moves. Attitude is everything. Notice in the middle the demonstration of reaching low surfaces, and at the end the proper exit of a room after cleaning.

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby BookSaver » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:43 am

Good morning, villagers ~

<Deleted rant about the water heater that has still not arrived.>

Happy birthday, Okay!

I started my conga early, and am ready for a break. Will cuop and bbiab.

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Lilac » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:49 am

Harriet, so glad that you posted the video link. I had never seen it before.

Luckily, I called dd2 awhile ago and they weren't up. No school today for inservice. No matter how late I leave to meet them at the lawyers office. I will still be there before she is. Drives me crazy. Dd1 is always super early to everything. Those 2 are so different.

BookSaver, you have been beyond patient on the hot water heater. Rant away if you need to.

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